A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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The suggestion that we should transmit in German on German wave-lengths at a moment when German transmitters are off the air has many times been before us. It has been seriously considered and examined from every point of view. The following are the factors which must be taken into account in coming to a decision on the matter:-

1. In order to be effective the transmissions must take place during darkness hours since they are medium-wave transmissions. Since the R.A.F. raids are generally carried out at night this condition is fulfilable.

2. In order to transmit on German wave-lengths a medium-wave transmitter or system of transmitters fulfilling all security and technical requirements must be made available. We understand that transmitters to carry out this work would have to be made free for about twelve hours before the time of transmission for technical adjustments, etc. We also understand that there is no transmitter lying idle which could be appropriated for this purpose. Departments concerned with home programmes would therefore have to consider sacrificing transmitters engaged on their services.

3. Germany can retaliate; it would be for those concerned with Home Morale to consider whether the possibility of retaliation by German transmitters transmitting in English on B.B.C. home programme wave-lengths is a factor of importance or not. Hitherto the Germans have never attempted to use our wave-lengths to put over material to this country.

4. The risk and sacrifice must be weighed against the value of the propaganda which it is possible to put into Germany by this means. Propaganda by this means at a critical moment, it may be considered, would be of the greatest value; propaganda bearing no message beyond that which present policy and events allow might well not be considered worth the risk and sacrifice.

We have repeatedly discussed this question and the advice of the B.B.C. has tended against any such operation. We understand, however, that this attitude is determined as much by the fact that they have no transmitter available as by anything else.

We understand, however, (though we have not been given so to understand by the B.B.C.) that it would be technically feasible to place a small transmitter in an aircraft operating over Germany which could make a very weak but intelligible signal on the appropriate wave-length. Since the German transmitters would be off the air this weak signal could probably be heard and its message might get home to German listeners searching for their home station; it would be of course a condition of success that such transmissions should begin at the moment when the German station faded out.

Conclusion : To proceed further in the matter, the following steps appear necessary:

(a) The Ministry Departments should consider the above factors, in consultation with Department E.H., and the B.B.C. The Departments concerned will recommend whether transmitters should be sacrificed for immediate use, or for use in emergency, and if so what emergency.

If transmitters are to be released for immediate use;

(b) Department E.H., will make appropriate arrangements with the B.B.C. for their use.

If transmitters are to be released only in emergency;

(c) Department E.H., will work out in conjunction with the B.B.C. a scheme to be applied in the emergency.

At the same time, if it is agreed that there is no fear of retaliation out-weighing the value of such propaganda;

(d) Department E.H., will consult the Air Ministry on the possibility of a bomber aircraft or transport plane being made available for the installation of gear for transmitting from the air over Germany.

If the Air Ministry reply is favourable;

(e) A technical Sub-Committee composed of representatives of Department E.H., and of the B.B.C. Engineering Division and the Air Ministry should report on the technical considerations involved in developing a transmitter for use in aircraft operating over Germany.

There are obviously various ways in which effective propaganda can be put over by this device once it is made possible.

Valentine Williams


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