A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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Thursday, 7th August, 1941 .

Present :



Mr. Bamford.

Mr. Francis Williams.

Mr. Gates.

Mr. Macgregor.

Lord Hood.

Mr. Ogilvie

Sir Noel Ashbridge.

Mr. Herbert.

Mr. Waddell (Secretary).

1. The Minutes of the meeting on 31st July were taken as read and approved. Mr. Ogilvie reported that he had written to the Secretary of State for War about protection of B.B.C. transmitters, and Sir Noel Ashbridge reported that a fairly satisfactory meeting had taken place at the Air Ministry about B.B.C. plans for splitting groups of transmitters; if further difficulty arose he would raise the matter.


Mr. Macgregor reported that the position in regard to Gibraltar was satisfactory. A 5-kilowatt transmitter had been requisitioned and would be ready for shipment from this country in about ten days.

Progress in connection with Malta and Gibraltar was held up, partly because reports were awaited on suitable sites and power supply. A question had arisen whether instead of developing in Cyprus it would not be wiser to increase and improve the transmitting equipment in Palestine. The question depended on which audience was considered more important. It was agreed that this would be one of the first points for consideration by the Political Warfare authority when it had been established.

Some discussion arose on the responsibility for control of the programmes to be broadcast from the transmitters, and it was pointed out that Lord Gort did not have trained personnel in Gibraltar and that control could be exercised through the staff, who would have to be supplied from this country. Reference was made to claims for control which might be put in by other propaganda interests in this country. In the case of the Palestine transmitter, if it were established before the one intended for Malta, programmes would be under the ultimate control of the Ministry's Middle Eastern Section, as were existing programmes transmitted from Palestine.


It was agreed that as the time of meeting of the Executive Board had become 10.30 daily, it would be a saving of time if the Policy Committee could amalgamate with the Executive Board on Thursdays and meet at 10.30 when the Minister, Mr. Herbert and representatives of the B.B.C. might be able to attend. Mr. Ogilvie said this would be acceptable to the B.B.C., and the D.G. promised to speak to the Minister about the suggestion.


It was agreed that Mr. Radcliffe should discuss with the Minister the questions of simultaneous release of news in this country and America to newspapers and wireless and of issuing news whilst conversations were still proceeding.

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