A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



Note on recent suggestions by Commander Stephen King-Hall.

Asked recently for suggestions as to planning for the “Spiral” Campaign, Commander King-Hall made the following points:-

1. That the first stage should be to bring home to the public the nature of the disease rather than the cure. Inflation, and its effect on every class, should be explained in terms which would appeal to each class - the housewife, workman, professional man etc. These people should be alarmed, the sooner the better.

2. That our liaison with France should run through this motif.

3. That the methods should include:-

(a) Short pamphlets with picture diagrams

(b) Documentary films

(c) Broadcasting. “The Economist in the witness-box”.

4. That at the same time, the sacrifices made by the richer classes should be put in proper perspective; and as a corollary, that the bad effect of certain types of “snob” publications should be counteracted if possible. (Latter point recently made by D.M.I., B.E.F).

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