A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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P. C. 16.
Memorandum by Lord Perth dated 11th April, 1940.

I hope we are broadcasting regularly say once an hour to Norway in Norwegian.

I feel that the Norwegians should be told (1) not to believe Oslo broadcast and announcements, since the station is occupied at present by and under the direction of the Germans; (2) that the King and the Government have decided to go on fighting and that it is the duty of every patriotic Norwegian to enrol; (3) that the German occupying forces are comparatively small and scattered and can easily be worn down since they cannot be supplied, the Allies having command of the sea; (4) that the Allies are coming to your (the Norwegians) help so hold out.

We ought also to broadcast to Norwegian ships telling them to come to Allied Ports.

P. C. 15.

Minute from Mr. Kirkpatrick to Director-General dated 10th April.


Now that Denmark is in German occupation we have no machinery for doing propaganda in that country. On the other hand we retain an interest in Scandinavia as a whole and we possess the personnel accustomed to dealing with Danish conditions. Sir Campbell Stuart has the machinery but neither the experience nor the personnel. I would recommend, therefore, that in regard to Denmark a modus vivendi should be reached with Sir Campbell Stuart whereby his machinery is used but that the text of the propaganda is drawn up in consultation with us and with our consent.


There is no time available for Danish broadcasts. If we wish to inaugurate a regular Danish service we must do so at the expense of some other country. I cannot recommend this for the two following reasons:

(1) The Danes are completely under the German heel and nothing we can say to them will alter this situation. Neutral opinion in other countries can however be moulded to our advantage and it is clear that it would be a mistake to sacrifice broadcasts to neutral countries in favour of broadcasts to Denmark.

(2) Almost all Danes who wish to listen to London can already do so either in Norwegian, which they understand or in German or English which large numbers understand.

At present we are adding a short Danish broadcasts to the tail of the Norwegian broadcasts and I drafted special messages to-day and yesterday for the Danish broadcast. This arrangement however is damaging to the value of the Norwegian broadcasts for which we require the full 15 minutes. I would therefore like sanction to drop the Danish broadcast as from tomorrow, April 11th.

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