A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


14th May 1940

Mr. Edward Hulton, of “Picture Post”, called on me this evening and asked whether we would be prepared to finance a special supplement of “Picture Post” of 32 pages on the subject of the new Government. He thought it would be an extremely helpful send-off to the Government, and he would himself be prepared to pay the additional cost of printing. The supply of paper would cost about £3,900, and he wanted to know whether we would produce this money. I said I would let him know as soon as possible.

He also mentioned three other matters about which he said he had already been in correspondence with the Ministry.

The first of these is the supply of 300,000 copies of his paper to the United States. There is a firm there who are willing to purchase them. I cannot see what objection there can be to this transaction, nor why it should depend upon our approval.

The second matter was the question of having in each number a section devoted to France. This also seems to me a good suggestion.

The third one was the publication of a monthly French Digest.

I should be grateful if I could have the Ministry's views on all these matters with as little delay as possible.


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