A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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Minutes of 14th Meeting.
Monday, 15th April, 1940.

Present :





Lord Perth

Sir Kenneth Clark

Mr. Kirkpatrick Mr. Peake



29. Relation of Press and Censorship Bureau with Ministry

A draft private notice question and answer were read.

30. Relation of Service Ministries with M.Q.I.

A Meeting between the Ministry and the Military Co-ordinating Committee was reported. It had been agreed at the meeting that the Ministry should have representatives in the Service Ministries who would be able to represent the Ministry of Information's point of view, if necessary, to the Secretary of State or First Lord, in questions relating to the issue of news. We should aim at least two persons for each Ministry; similar arrangements for the headquarters of the Commands might also be required.

31. E Emergency Arrangements

Foreign Office to be approached to agree that Mr. Peake should act as Controller of the Public Relations group for the time. Mr. Peake to make arrangements for adequate manning of the News side of the office by night and at the weekend.

32. Broadcasting by French Speakers

(See No. 25). Now suggested that M. Bret should have the opportunity to comment on the names of French speakers. Deferred for consideration by the B.B.C.

33. Control of the B.B.C.

Reported that the Cabinet had expressed the wish that the B.B.C. should come under Governmental control for the purpose of the issue of news bulletins and talks. The Minutes of the Co-ordinating Committee had originally expressed similar views, but these had been deleted at the Minister's request. Deferred for consideration.

34. North Ireland and Eire

Reported that at a meeting with the Home and Dominion Offices, it had been agreed that the Ministry of Information should explore the possibility of opening up contacts through the Catholic Church and through the French diplomatic and Canadian press representatives.

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