A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Wednesday, 21st February, 1945.


D.D.G. (in the chair)

Parliamentary Secretary

Mr. Grubb

Mr. Williams

Mr. Cruikshank

Mr. Royds

Mr. Archibald

Mr. Macgregor

Commander Easton

Brigadier McGregor

Admiral Carpendale

Mr. Hodge

Composition of First Canadian Army

[X/288/21 (Copy on AM/258/56)]

Brigadier McGregor reported that on War Cabinet authority the composition of the First Canadian Army (three-quarters of which were United Kingdom troops) had been given out by 21st Army Group Headquarters and by himself. The result had been disappointing, hardly any correspondents making use of this information. Mr. Cruikshank reported that in the United States B.I.S. alone had made full use of it, and had met with some incredulous queries as to whether the figures were authentic and whether they were an official War Office release. Brigadier McGregor undertook to stress the facts again about the composition of this Army at his meetings with the Press. The matter would also be raised again at to-day's Duty Room Meeting.

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