A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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Tuesday, 25th February, 1941


Present :




Sir Maurice Peterson

Lord Davidson

Sir Kenneth Clark

Mr. Radcliffe

Mr. Fraser

Mr. Wellington

Mr. Gates

Mr. Waddell (Secretary)

1. The Minutes of the meeting on the 21st February were taken as read and approved.


Reference was made to a minute from Mr. Fraser to the D.G. in which it was explained that the Paper Control was imposing a 20% cut in paper rations. The newspapers were considering how best they could deal with the situation which would face them in about a month, when the cut would come into effect. It was agreed that the Ministry would have a reasonable answer to malicious criticism in the fact that the Ministry's ration would be cut to the same extent as the rations of other users. The Ministry would at the same time, however, have to avoid encouraging legitimate criticism for misuse of paper stocks and Controllers should cut down the use of paper wherever possible consistent with the efficiency of propaganda.



Reference was made in discussion to the following points:

(1) Subject to the views of Mr. Macadam, who was to be informed of the discussion, Sir Wyndham Deedes’ publication “London's Awake” should be brought to an end.


(2) Mr. Fraser should examine the history of the question of making the Ministry's publications a standard size.

(3) The serious shortage of photographic supplies; manufacturers were suspected of holding up stocks but it was agreed that in any event User Divisions should be invited to exercise strict economy.

(4) The increasing number of publications for the Ministry being prepared and printed abroad.

(5) The papers in German, Italian and possibly Greek, which were under consideration at present, would have such a small circulation that there would be little cause for complaint in the Ministry supporting them.


Sir Kenneth Clark referred to discussion at the Planning Committee when it had been agreed that Mr. Vaughan should prepare in consultation with Mr. Fraser a paper on advertising by the Ministry in periodicals. It was agreed that this question should come before the Policy Committee since the Minister had received a deputation under Lord Southwood on the matter.

Discussion on films at meetings had also arisen at Planning Committee and it was agreed that Sir Kenneth Clark should mention to Mr. Macadam (who had not been present) that this matter was being raised and should consider with him how best to bring it up at a meeting of the Policy Committee. The Parliamentary Secretary felt that the conditions in which a decision had originally been reached to dissociate films from meetings had now altered considerably and that it would be worthwhile to have the question reopened.

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