A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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Tuesday, 5th August 1941




Mr. Radcliffe

Mr. Bamford

Mr. Gates

Mr. Francis Williams

Lord Hood

Mr. Tree

Mr. Ryan

Mr. Kirkpatrick

Colonel Heywood

General Tripp

Admiral Carpendale

Mr. Ridsdale

Mr. Waddell (Secretary)

1. The D.G. intimated that an office notice would be circulated that day about the appointments of Mr. Radcliffe to act as D.D.G. and of Mr. Francis Williams as Controller of Press and Censorship; the Minister had appointed Mr. Sendall to be his Private Secretary with Mr. Hodge as assistant. Lord Hood was to take charge of arrangements for intake of information.

2. The minutes of the meeting on 1st August were taken as read and approved.


The D.G. explained that it was intended to coordinate the work of the Ministry connected with the treatment of news at meetings of the Executive Board to take place at 10.30 each morning. It was hoped that the Service Advisers would be able to report freely and that the remainder of the meeting would then consider other business.

Admiral Carpendale undertook to enquire whether news about damage to the Scharnhost could be released. He reported that arrangements were being made for a Flying Fortress to fly over London, probably on Thursday, and that the Air Ministry were arranging for a guarded reference to be made to it in the Press. It was suggested that the aircraft might be accompanied by two squadrons of fighters and might also trail a banner to make clear its identity to people on the ground. Admiral Carpendale undertook to enquire whether there would be any objection to this.

The importance of securing information in advance about action to be taken in Iran was emphasised.

The D.G. promised to speak to the Minister about the possibility of securing release of news of “combined operations”.

The Service and Foreign Office Advisers then left the meeting.


The D.G. promised to meet Mr. Radcliffe and Mr. Bamford at 5.15 to discuss questions affecting the Production Divisions and Overseas Publicity.


Mr. Radcliffe agreed to consider how to secure representation of the Ministry of Home Security at the Board whilst reports from the Service Advisers were under consideration.

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