A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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Friday, 27th June, 1941.




Sir Maurice Peterson

Lord Davidson

Sir Kenneth Clark

Mr. Radcliffe

Mr. Bamford

Mr. Gates


Mr. Ryan

Mr. Waddell (Secretary)

1. The minutes of the meeting on the 25th June were taken as read and approved.

2. Anti-Gossip Campaign (See minutes of meeting on 17th June)

Sir Kenneth Clark reported that at the meeting of the Swinton Committee the question had been discussed whether an Anti-Gossip Campaign was necessary; it had been agreed that there was little evidence of careless talk and less evidence that it was put to good use by the enemy. The Committee had accordingly agreed that there was no need for a full dress campaign. He suggested, however, following the meeting of the Planning Committee the previous day that it would be as well to continue for the present the inexpensive propaganda on specialised lines which was already being done. It was agreed that in view of the original request from the War Cabinet this measure of publicity should be maintained.


3. B.B.C. Home News . The D.G. referred to a deputation which had been received by the Parliamentary Secretary from the Institute of Journalists. The suggestion had emerged that a dead-line should be instituted and that the B.B.C. should not be allowed to include in Home News Bulletins items received after that time. It was agreed, however, that items received at the last moment constituted a form of stop press which it would not be in the public interest to prevent the B.B.C. from carrying.



4. Debate on the Ministry . The Minister reported that the Ministry’s problems were to be considered by the Cabinet on Monday and that the debate on the Ministry was being arranged for Thursday.

4. Sir Gerald Campbell. The D.G. reported that Sir Gerald was expected to arrive in this country about July 4th or 5th. The American Division was preparing an agenda for discussion with him; one point might be whether he would broadcast to this country before he left.

5. Facilities for News Reels. Lord Davidson referred to a film compiled by the newsreel companies showing the facilities allowed by the U. S. Government to newsreel companies in America. It was agreed that the Minister might write to the Secretaries of State of the Service Departments and other Ministers who might be interested inviting them to see the film and bring their officials.


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