A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Saturday, 23rd August, 1941.




Mr. Francis Williams

Sir Victor Schuster

Mr. Gates

Mr. Ryan

Mr. Kirkpatrick

Admiral Carpendale

Colonel Heywood

Mr. Easton

Mr. McIver

Mr. Ridsdale

Mr. Waddell (Secretary)

1. The minutes of the meeting on 22nd August were taken as read and approved.

2. The Service Advisers reported on the day's news. The D.G. gave an account of the principal points dealt with by the Prime Minister at the previous day's conference in Downing Street. The Service Advisers and Mr. McIver and Mr. Ridsdale then left the meeting.

3. PHOTOGRAPHS OF PRISONERS OP WAR (see minutes of meeting on 29.7.41 and 12. 8.41)

The D.D.K. reported that he was that morning meeting representatives of the War Office and the Foreign Office in connection with the agreement that had been signified to the Italian Government for stopping publicity about prisoners of war. Mr. Kirkpatrick said that the B.B.C. might at any time want to amplify the lists of names used at present with messages from particular prisoners.

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