A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Tuesday, 28th November, 1944.


The D.G.

Parliamentary Secretary

Mr. Grubb

Mr. Williams

Mr. Archibald.

Mr. Hodge.

General Tripp

Brigadier MacGregor

Admiral Carpendale

Mr. Ryan

Mr. Grisewood

The Drift from the Ministry.


The Director General drew attention to the developing danger of a drift from the Ministry of members of the staff who were anxious about their postwar future and had offers of commercial employment given to them.

He said that the principle to be observed was that, so long as the war in Europe lasted, members of the staff who held posts of importance, or posts involving specialist qualifications, would be expected to stay in the Ministry's service. Exceptions should be made only if their superior officers were satisfied that the employment they were going to was of superior national importance to their work in the Ministry and that some alternative arrangement could be made.

Compulsory powers to secure retention of staff in the Ministry's service had not been asked for, and he hoped that Controllers and the Establishment Division would secure by their attitude what had not been provided for by any legal powers.

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