A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, October 4th, 1944.


D.D.G. (in the chair)

Parliamentary Secretary

Mr. Grubb

Mr. Royds

Mr. Archibald

General Tripp

Brigadier McGregor

Admiral Carpendale

Mr. Macgregor

Mr. Grisewood

Mr. Hodge

Press Publicity in France and Belgium


Mr. Grubb reported on the distribution of British newspapers and magazines in France and Belgium. The Board took the view that when transport conditions allowed it would be for commercial interests to make arrangements for any large scale distribution.


The first requirement of British publicity was the setting up of a Press Office in Brussels and the strengthening of the one in Paris. Steps were being taken towards this.


The second requirement was an improvement in transport facilities. The Minister had already approached S.H.A.E.F. on this question. An all round improvement could hardly be expected, however, until a regular British Air Service was working. Mr. Grubb and Mr. Archibald undertook to submit a letter for the Minister's signature to the Secretary of State for Air setting out the Ministry's needs in respect of printed matter and films.

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