A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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Friday, 4th April, 1941

Copy on F280/1

Commander Jarrett’s Report

Film Division proposals supported by American Division .

1. The appointment by arrangement with the Foreign Office of a Consul-General or other official. (Director of Information) in Los Angeles, who will have attached to his staff, a screen-writer or technician (who will be changed every three months) whose duties will be to advise the Hollywood film companies on English stories and conditions.

When approved we have alternative nominations to suggest for this appointment.

Would need an expenditure per annum of approximately $25,000 in addition to about £2,500 sterling.

2. The setting up of an organisation in New York to handle the commercial distribution of all Government films, and generally deal with commercial film matters and film enquiries

would need an expenditure per annum of approximately $12,000 and would necessitate the setting-up of offices in the same building as the British Library (the Library have no free accommodation) for Mr. Nathanson, who has agreed to act as honorary adviser and an assistant and two typists.

3. The distribution of our non-theatrical films through the British Library of Information and International Film Centre.

Requires no further consideration by the Executive Board.

Administration Controller's comment.

1. No doubt it is desirable to provide guidance for the Hollywood Film companies on English stories and conditions. There is, however, already a Consul in Los Angeles and it is suggested that it should be sufficient to provide him with a technical adviser on film matters without duplicating the appointment of a Consul-General or appointing some other official at equivalent status.

It would assist, in dealing with this matter, if Films Division would state the alternative nominations they have in mind for these appointments. A suggested expenditure of $25,000 plus £2,500 sterling seems excessive.

2. It seems desirable, in principle, to set up a small organisation in New York to centralise the commercial distribution of British Government films in the U.S.A. and to deal generally with commercial film matters on our behalf. It appears that Mr. Nathanson cannot handle this matter for us entirely in an honorary capacity, using his existing organisation, because he has no office in New York. It is proposed, therefore, in Commander Jarrett’s report, that a small office should be set up in the Rockefeller Building, consisting of one man and two secretaries to work under Mr. Nathanson. The man will have to understand American distribution and it seems probable, although it is not stated, that Mr. Nathanson will choose someone from his own organisation. The proposed expenditure of $12,000 per annum will require investigation, when some detailed information is available. It will be necessary to discuss with the British Council the use of this organisation for theatrical distribution of British Council films.



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