A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

12 13 -2- 14

Friday, 4th April, 1941.





Sir Laurence Peterson

Lord Davidson

Sir Kenneth Clark

Mr. Radcliffe

Mr. Wellington

Mr. Bemford

Mr. Beddington

Mr. Waddell (Secretary)

1. The minutes of the meeting on the 2nd April were taken as read and approved.

2. The D.G. referred to the news which had reached London the previous night about events in North Africa and intimated that the Minister was seeing the Press that morning. He said he would take up with the Minister the question of sending someone to Cairo who had experience of issuing communiqués, etc., in London in order to assist Cairo in presentation of communiqués. He also mentioned that the Minister had been in contact with the Prime Minister about happenings in Greece.


3. Commander Jarrett’s Report

The paper which had been circulated was discussed point by point:

(1) It was agreed that there was a need for a small office to be established in Los Angeles with two representatives of the Ministry, one a man of high standing who could advise the film industry and one with good technical qualifications. As the Ministry's organisation in America was still under consideration it would be necessary to postpone fixing the precise place in the organisation to be held by this Los Angeles establishment.


(ii) It was agreed that Mr. Nathanson should be provided with a small separate office in New York from which he would be able to arrange distribution. It might be well to suggest that the Ministry should pay out of pocket expenses or give him an office allowance; his work would not necessarily have much connection with the film work done in the British Library of Information.

It was agreed that Mr. Bamford should discuss the details of the proposals with the Films Division in the light of the discussion by the Board and that an approach should be prepared to the Treasury. All the proposals would necessarily be subject to reconsideration when the rest of the Ministry's organisation in America could be settled.

4. Broadcasts on Bombed Towns

It was agreed that a paper which had been prepared by Mrs. Adams should be circulated for discussion by the Board at its next meeting, when circulation to R.I.O's would be considered.

Copy on B/


At the Executive Board on April 4th the Board agreed to consider whether the accompanying minute from the Home Intelligence Division could, with slight adaptation, be made into a useful directive for Regional Officers and others who have to do with publicity in blitzed areas.



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