A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Wednesday 9th April, 1941





Sir Maurice Peterson

Lord Davidson

Sir Kenneth Clark

Mr. Radcliffe

Mr. Bamford

Mr. Gates

Mr. Martin

Mr. Macgregor

Mr. Waddell (Secretary)

1. The minutes of the meeting on 8th April were taken as read and approved. It was agreed that for the time being Establishments Division need not proceed with the preparation of the “brief and factual record” of the Ministry's work referred to in Item 6.

2. Propaganda through Jewish Religious Organisations

Lord Davidson explained that in the past the question of co-operating with Jews in propaganda had been approached on a political basis. He felt and it was agreed, that it might be possible to do useful work using the Jews purely as a religious community. Reference was made to encouragement which Mr. Martin had received to do propaganda through the Jews and it was understood that Mr. Berlin who was attached to the B.P.S. in New York acted as a Jewish Adviser for America. It was agreed that before proceeding further Mr. Martin should ascertain from Mr. Darvall exactly how much Mr. Berlin was doing in New York and that further proposals might then be submitted to the Board on the lines of the suggestions made in Mr. Martin's paper - i.e., appointment of a Jew (probably an orthodox Jew) to the staff of the Religions Division.


3. B.B.C. Propaganda Research Reports


The minute by Lord Hood which had been circulated was discussed.

Mr. Macgregor outlined for the meeting the subject matter of the various reports prepared by the B.B.C. Monitoring Service and Propaganda Research Service. It was agreed that what was important from the point of view 23 - 2 -of the Minister and senior officers was that proper use should be made of the material, whether it was material coming into the country or material going out. Sir Maurice Peterson suggested that for practical purposes the Monitoring Report would generally be adequate for senior officers on what comes in and that the various sections devoted to B.B.C. broadcasts in the Intake Reports would be adequate on what goes out.

The Parliamentary Secretary referred to the extent of overlapping in the various reports and Lord Davidson raised the general question of the need in the Ministry for an Intelligence Department which would distribute material to people primarily concerned with it. It was felt that there was much in the whole question which required further discussion and it was agreed to consider it further the following day; meantime, the D.G. would arrange for the issues to be examined.

4. It was agreed that as there was no business to put before the Policy Committee on the following day a meeting of the Executive Board should be held. One of the matters for discussion would be the allocation of paper to ensure the publication of Sunday papers in Eire.

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