A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Wednesday, 23rd April. 1941.




Sir Maurice Peterson

Lord Davidson

Sir Kenneth Clark

Mr. Radcliffe

Mr. Bamford

Mr. Gates

Mr. Waddell (Secretary)

1. The minutes of the meeting of the 22nd April were taken as read and approved

2. Propaganda through Jewish Religious Organisations.

Discussion of this item was postponed until the meeting of the Board on Friday, 25th April.

3. Propaganda about Greece.

The D.G. referred to a message received the previous night from the Prime Minister indicating the line that should the taken in Propaganda about operations in Greece. It was understood that Mr. Radcliffe had already received the message and consideration was being given to it.


4. Invasion Pamphlet.

Mr. Bamford said that the Treasury had mentioned to him that the Invasion Pamphlet was being brought before the Cabinet the following day. It was understood that the Press were now showing interest in material concerning invasion and that the Minister had been suitably briefed.


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