A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
The aim of this Report, Is to present an impartial assessment of public feeling about the war and the war effort. it is not a record of fact , except In so far as public opinion is itself a fact. The public is sometimes ill-informed, prejudiced, or inconsistent. The recording of such feelings without comment implies no endorsement of them.
The public is more prone to criticise than to praise. Good work or efficiency is usually taken for granted. An accurate record of expressed feeling will, therefore, tend to be critical rather than laudatory. Though this Report must inevitably represent mainly articulate opinion, it has been found in practice that the views of the less articulate do not substantially differ, though their range is smaller.
The method of compiling the Report is such that the amount of space devoted to each subject, and the order in which subjects are placed, are roughly indicative of the amount of public interest each is arousing. The omission of a subject from the Report means that it is not a matter of widespread comment.
In assessing the state of public feeling there are no absolutes. Findings can only be comparative. Each issue of this Report must therefore be read as part of a continuous series. Unless the series is seen as a whole, the significance of fluctuations in feeling cannot bo appreciated.
The figures in brackets at the end of each section refer to sources of information, a list of which is given on the next page. The weekly reports from Regional Information Officers (R.I.Os.) are compiled by their Regional Intelligence Officers from a large number of sources. Details of the methods of compilation and cross-checking are contained in a paper on “How the Home Intelligence Weekly Report is made”. This will bo supplied on request to the Home Intelligence Division of the Ministry of Information.
No. 160, 28th October, 1943
(Covering period from 19th to 26th. October, 1943)
1. General
A further drop in spirits is reported this week. Russian successes continue to cause delight; most people are satisfied with the air offensive and there has been great interest in General Smuts’ speech and hopes of the Moscow Conference. The return of the wounded prisoners from Germany has been welcomed as “one of the bright spots of the war”. Nevertheless these factors appear to be outweighed by:
(a) Disappointment or frustration at the slowness of events , particularly over:
(i) Allied progress in Italy (Twelve Regions).
(ii) Starting a second front (Eight Regions).
(iii) Receding prospects of early victory (Three Regions) - though a minority still think the war as good as over, and that Germany will be beaten by Christmas or at latest by April.
(b) Dissatisfaction with the political situation in Italy (Twelve Regions).
(c) War weariness, tiredness and ill-health . Particular reference is made to dread of the dark winter months ahead, specially the blackout; and to Home Guard, Firewatching and Civil Defence duties.
(d) Concern about postwar conditions (Eight Regions) and uncertainty over the Government's attitude (Six Regions).
Home Front : Much talk is reported about the Hereford case, footwear difficulties and the housing shortage.
The training industry is still being discussed, particularly in mining areas.
( 17 passim)
2. Italy
Political : Feeling is of the same range and intensity as last week, though there seems to be less amusement at Italy's declaration of ,war on Germany, Many are bewildered by the whole political situation and Italy's present status. The following feelings appear wide- spread: (i) Dislike and distrust of the King, Badoglio, his Government and his association with Roatta and Ambrosio. (ii) Distrust and contempt for the Italian people; a feeling that they must pay the price, and that we are too friendly to our former enemy and in danger of forgetting the terrible ordeals of Greece and Albania.(iii) Dislike of Italy's co-belligerent status which, it is thought, is likely to be a handicap to us. (iv) Desire that war criminals and fascists shall be brought to trial and a fear that they may escape.
Military : Less interest is reported this week; this is thought to he due to slow progress, disappointment at which is widespread (Twelve Regions). Our advances are again contrasted with those of the Russians. Though many realise the difficulties of the campaign and the strength of German resistance, there is a feeling that we have “met a bad patch” and that “something has gone wrong”. People are dismayed at our having to fight “all the way up the long dreary length of Italy” and are impatient for attacks north of Rome They are depressed at the idea of our being committed to a long drawn out campaign; General Alexander's statement (October 24) is said not to have been very cheering (Two Regions). It is suggested the war will drag on for years at this rate... “Rome by Christmas perhaps”.
There is great praise and admiration for the Eighth Army, whom some believe, as a result of the casualty figures which are thought “pretty high”, to have borne the brunt of the fighting. Fifth Army casualties are not referred to.
( 17 thirteen provincial P.Cs.)
3. Cos
Comment continues on “our blunder at. Cos”:
(a) “Why play with human lives, if we are not strong enough to hold what we take?”
(b) “Why was it hushed up?” Some suspect a tendency to cover up losses.
(These reactions were reported before the press reports on October 27).
4. Russia
Elation and amazement have greeted the continued Russian successes. It is no longer suggested that the Germans are retreating “according to plan”.
Speculation has increased as to what Russia will do when she reaches her frontiers (Seven Regions), and as to her postwar plans (Six Regions).
Three Power Conference : Hopes are considerable, though comment is small.
A meeting of Mr. Churchill, Mr. Roosevelt and Marshal Stalin is still hoped for (Four Regions).
The Stalingrad Sword : From Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester and Cardiff come reports of people flocking to see the sword - in Edinburgh, it is said, at rate of two thousand an hour.
(l. 17 passim)
5. General Smuts’ Guildhall speech
This has aroused widespread interest and much admiration, both because of his “proved dependability” and because he “always puts things in proper perspective”. “He did not underestimate the tasks ahead but nevertheless imparted a touch of optimism.” His reminder of how much Britain alone had accomplished was also welcomed.
But there was considerable disappointment at his reference to “next year's” attack on the Continent: “Have we to wait now till the next leaves of Autumn fall?”
There are some fears that such a statement may have been an indiscretion, because:
(a) such information - if authentic — would be helpful to Germany (six Regions). “He may have given Germany confidence to move men to Italy or Russia.”, On the other hand, some think and hope, he may have been bluffing (Four Regions).
(b) The statement at such a time may cause trouble at the Moscow Conference (Five Regions).
There is some speculation as to how far his remarks were “inspired” and “official”.
( 17 two provincial p.cs.)
6. The next move
Thanks apparently to General Smuts’ remarks, there has been considerable increase in comment this week. Most people accept his suggestion that there will be no cross-channel invasion this year, and there is a good deal of disappointment and some criticism at “our failure“ to open another front. The need to bring help to Russia and to Yugoslavia and Greece is stressed.
Russia: uneasy comparisons are made between huge Russian gains - and losses - and our ‘small-scale’ activities, both by those who feel we are letting Russia down, and those who fear she will get to Berlin first.
The Balkans : There is regret that we have not yet landed in the Blanks to support the patriots (Eight Regions), and it is hoped we will soon do so. It is asked: “What are the lost legions - the Ninth and Tenth Armies - doing?”
( 17)
7. Repatriation of Prisoners of war
The news brought hopes and fears, and was discussed “almost with bated breath until the ships had actually left Sweden”. less recordings of the arrival brought tears to many eyes. Scotland, the radio comment that the crowds were silent as they watched the men returning, is “indignantly rebutted”. 24)
8. Allied air offenisive
widespread satisfaction Continues, but there are more reports of concern at the scale of British and U.S. losses, (Nine Regions as compared with four last week).
( 17 two p.cs.)
9. Raids on this country
opinion is divided as to whether raids will extend from London to the rest of the Country. People wonder if they are nuisance raids or tests of our defences (two Regions).
There has been more criticism of the ineffectiveness of the A.A. defences (Six Regions). In London, criticism has not been so strong for a long time - “if an Armada had come over, we would have been in the soup”... “Home Guards and others need more experience if they are to blast these raiders from the sky.”
Some wonder whether press reports are minimising casualties and damage (Two Regions).
( 11)
10. The five American Senators
The chief reactions are:
(a) Anger, resentment or regret at the Senators’ statements, and at the effect they are likely to have on Anglo-American relations. The incident does appear to have stimulated suspicious and unfriendly comment about America, of a familiar kind.
(b) Approval for the way in which Mr. Churchill dealt with the question in the House. People particularly enjoyed his “gibe politicians fighting at home as hard as their troops are fighting abroad”. Colonel Knox's rebuke (October 21) is also approved. Though many hope the matter will now be dropped and forgotten, some want a clear statement as to what was meant by the Senators and think the charges should be dealt with.
11. Far East slightly more interest this week... There is pleasure in the American air successes, but again some scepticism about the number of planes destroyed.... “147 for 2 is fantastic”.
Anxiety about prisoners continues.
Burma : Expectation and hopes of an offensive in the near future are reported from five Regions.
12. Famine in Bengal
Comment from nine Regions, continues along the same lines last week.
(, 17)
13. The Hereford Juvenile Court Case
Widespread discussion and condemnation of the magistrates’ behaviour continues (Eight Regions). The enquiry is approved of.
But this week opinion is much more divided. Many think that the boy was “probably a tough customer” - “children today are hooligans” - and that he probably did need birching.
There is considerable criticism of the Press for over-publicising the case (Six Regions).
Suggestions for reform (Nine Regions) are as follows:
(a) There should be fewer “old” magistrates.
(b) “Amateur” magistrates should go; they should at least be trained or, preferably, should be stipendiaries
(c) Juvenile Courts should not be “behind closed doors”.
14. Broadcasting and presentation of news
There are some complaints about the failure to name British units in Italy, even when their whereabouts has been suggested by the German radio.
Dr.Garbott's broadcast (October 17): Appreciation is reported, (six Regions) though some would have liked more facts.
Noel Coward's Postscript (October 24): Preliminary reports give high praise (Five Regions).
The Brains Trust: Criticism is on similar lines to last week (Four Regions)
Other broadcasts praised this week are: The Radio Doctor and Radio Padre (Pour Regions each); the Trafalgar Day Broadcasts; “better-class” music (TWo'Regions each).
There is praise for both press and radio war reports from “on the spot”.
15. Miners and mining .
Concern about “the serious position of coal supplies” continues Discussion centres on:
(a) Causes . These are variously believed to be:
(i) The owners, “who have failed”; they are thought in addition “to put private profit before the nation's need” (Five Regions). Allegations are again made of best seams not being worked.
(ii) The past treatment of miners (Four Regions) and their resulting lack of trust in everybody - including in some cases their own leaders - and “in any promises now”.
(iii) Miners’ conditions and their wages; the latter “by comparison with local war factories” (Two Regions).
(b) Solutions There is a widespread feeling that “something must be done”, the main suggestions being:
(i) Nationalisation, which continues to be considered, “the only solution” by miners and other industrial workers (six Regions). Disappointment and, in the North Western Region, “grave resentment” are reported among them at the Government's stand; they describe the Government as “champion of vested interests”. Among other members of the public, there is “a tendency to support Mr.Churchill's pronouncement”, and a minority resent the miners “trying to force the issue by canny means”.
(ii) “A fair deal” for the miners now and after the war (Four Regions).
Strikes : People continue to regard strikes as “a scandal at the present time”, and to blame the miners for “a selfish lack of loyalty to our fighting men” and for “taking advantage of their country's need”. At the same time, however, some sympathy is reported, because “if they don't strike now while they can force the Government's hand there will be no chance after the war”.
( 17)
16. The lifting of the central heating ban
This has been welcomed.
17. Morals
During the last two weeks, a good deal of comment and concern have been reported at “the wave of moral delinquency”, chiefly among young people.
Sex : particular concern is expressed about:
(a) “Young girls who fling themselves at soldiers”. Some think that, “with the growing number of enthusiastic amateur prostitutes” ,the men are not to blame, “as the girls lie in wait for them on all sides”; but others blame “the drunken soldiers who are always molesting women and girls”. The need for more women police is the solution most often suggested; others are - a curfew for all young women, or for U.S. troops, and a ban on the sale of alcohol to young women.
(b) The growing number of illegitimate babies, many of coloured men.
(c) The number of wives of men serving abroad who are thought to be associating with U.S. and Dominion troops.
(d) The lack of welfare and supervision for transferred women workers. The unwelcoming attitude of some landladies, together with the small margin of money left for recreation, is blamed for some young girls’ readiness to be picked up by soldiers who can give them a good time.
Drink: The excessive drinking of young people is thought to be a serious problem, both on its own account and as leading to promiscuity. The Archbishop of Canterbury's suggestion of separate cafés for young people to prevent them frequenting public houses has met with approval.
18. Venereal diseases
The broadcast discussion on venereal diseases between the Radio Padre and Doctor (October 20) is referred to in four Regional reports. It is described as “a first-class effort, honest and helpful”, and “the doctor's admission that the moral issue does come in attracted attention”.
During the past two weeks there have been comments that:
(a) People are profiting from the Government campaign and advertisements, and are more ready to seek knowledge and advice (Two Regions).
(b) V.D. campaigns are not enough (Two Regions). Publicity is still "modest and indefinite”, and the “subject should be dealt with on a more intimate basis. Examples of results or exhibits might prove to be a deterrent.”
In Wales, women in a factory where a film was shown are said to have read the pamphlets seriously, but in one shift (mostly older women) there were objections to the film being shown in mixed company.
Some stress the close connection of drinking and V.D., and urge a survey of the problem.
19. Clothing
Complaints continue on familiar lines.
(l. 17 two provincial P.Cs.)
20. Food
while satisfaction with the general food situation continues, there is criticism of:
(a) The distribution of oranges (Seven Regions) : As children under five get an allowance of orange juice it is thought that oranges should be kept for older children (Two Regions). Adults also feel that they should have a taste of oranges”, especially “after each issue the gutters are full of half eaten oranges thrown away by the little darlings” (Two Regions).
(b) The poor selection of extra jams (Five Regions): The varieties of extra jams are said to have vanished from the market and only plum is left. “The wireless urges people not to rush on the first day of the issue, but those who do not are left without.” Some rural areas are said not to have had any of the Empire jams promised.
(c) The shortage of fish (Five Regions).
(d) The small milk ration (Three Regions).
( 17 twelve provincial P.Cs.)
21.”pay-as-you-earn” income tax
General approval for the scheme and the desire for its application to all salaried workers continue.
22. Fireguards’ Pay
Approval of the announcement by Mr. Herbert Morrison on October 19 that fireguards’ rates of pay are to be equalised is reported from Five Regions. There is, however, some disappointment that it is not to be introduced until next April.... “by then fireguards won't be needed at all”.
Fireguards in the Midland Region who have been receiving the official allowance of 3/- a night are said to be very interested in the introduction of a fixed rate. Some Birmingham firms are said to have been paying 20/- and 17/6 plus two meals for a night's fire- watching.
23. Servicemen's pensions and dependants’ allowances
Press reports of recent decisions have aroused criticism... “a pension is never given if there is the slightest excuse for getting out of it”... “The Government has started the old trick of not giving a fair deal”... “We would rather pay a few too many pensions than that dependants of heroes should go short” (Three Regions).
Approval of the favourable judgment in the Thetis test case is reported from the North Eastern Region.
24. Toys
People are beginning to talk about toys for Christmas. The chief complaints are of high prices and “trashy” quality. It is suggested the foolishness of those who buy such goods is “not a just reason for allowing outrageous profiteering to continue”. People wonder what the effect of the recent Board of Trade restrictions on supply, quality and price will be.
25. American troops in this country
There has been rather more comment during the past four weeks. Where people have got to know the Americans better it is thought that a better feeling exists, but complaints continue on familiar lines:
(a) Their behaviour with women and girls (Five Regions, several more than once, and Postal Censorship). They are accused of accosting women, and of “familiarity without any provocation”. The earlier blackout, it is feared, will result in additional difficulties. In the South Western Region; the Marlborough assault case “has confirmed fears”.
(b) Excessive drinking (Four Regions).
(c) Their “slovenliness”, rowdiness and bad manners (Three Regions).
(d) Their high pay (Two Regions). Lack of friendship between British and American troops is attributed chiefly to this.
The shooting affray in Cornwall has once more drawn attention to the colour problem (Three Regions).
For internal circulation only
British Institute of Public Opinion
The following results of a survey completed on August 22nd 1943 have been received:-
1. Is this the last winter of blackout?
Q: “Do you think the coming winter will be the last winter of blackout in Europe?”
(a) This result confirms Home Intelligence qualitative findings.
(b) Breakdowns showed slightly higher proportions of younger and middle-aged people, and upper and middle income groups, thinking this would not be the last winter of blackout.
(c) A slightly higher proportion of older people thought this would be the last winter of the blackout.
2. Call-up of older women
Q: “Do you agree or disagree that women between 46-50 years of age should be called up for National Service
% | % | % | |
TOTAL | 24 | 70 | 6 |
Men | 21 | 73 | 6 |
Women | 28 | 65 | 7 |
Higher | 19 | 77 | 4 |
Middle | 25 | 70 | 5 |
Lower | 26 | 67 | 7 |
Spontaneous Comments
(a) Women were slightly more in favour than men, and poorer people than richer people. Age breakdowns showed no significant differences.
(b) These results confirm Home Intelligence qualitative findings.
3. The Prime Minister
Q: “Do you approve or disapprove of Mr. Churchill as Prime Minister?”
This figure remains on the same high level as in June 1943.
4. The Government's Conduct of the war
Q: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the Government's conduct of the war?”
Satisfied | Dissatisfied | Don't know | ||
% | % | % | ||
1943 | August | 81 | 12 | 7 |
June | 75 | 13 | 12 | |
April | 76 | 15 | 9 | |
January | 72 | 20 | 8 | |
1942 | December | 75 | 16 | 9 |
November | 75 | 17 | 8 | |
October | 49 | 35 | 16 | |
September | 41 | 37 | 22 |
(a) The present figure is the highest percentage satisfied yet recorded.
(b) Before September 1942, the percentage satisfied ranged between 35 and 63%, and the percentage dissatisfied between 50 and 24%
September 16, 1943
For internal circulation only
British Institute of Public Opinion
The following results of a survey completed on October 7, 1943 have been received:-
1. Main job facing the Government
Q: “What do you think is the most important war problem the Government must solve during the next few months?”
This table reflects a considerable change in emphasis in public feeling over the past six months.
The most striking change is the decline in anxiety about shipping losses.
Next most striking is the sudden appearance of anxiety about strikes and labour troubles.
Coal bulks larger than six months ago, but not as large as it did ten months ago.
Anxiety about reconstruction problems appears to be slowly increasing.
These findings are broadly in accordance with Home Intelligence qualitative results, although anxiety about postwar reconstruction has appeared more prominently in the qualitative studies.
2. Duration of the War
Q.1: “How long do you think the war in Europe is likely to Continue from now?”
“How long do you think the war in the Far East is likely to continue from now?”
The division of this question into two parts makes comparisons with earlier results less easy. But it reflects a division which is now being generally made by the public. The disappearance of a proportion of people saying “Don't know” may be due to this clarification of the issue.
In the figure for Europe, the tendency to push the end of the war to some date between 18 months and 2 years ahead is no longer apparent. This tendency, however, persists in the case of the war in the Far East.
3. Demobilisation
Q: “Mr. Bevin has said that soldiers will be demobilised “first in - first out” Do you think that this is the right way?”
Yes | No | Don't Know | |
% | % | % | |
Total | 59 | 29 | 12 |
Men | 56 | 34 | 10 |
Women | 63 | 23 | 14 |
Economic groups: | |||
Higher | 39 | 49 | 12 |
Middle | 53 | 36 | 11 |
Lower | 63 | 24 | 13 |
Q: (If No) “What do you suggest?”
Age-group breakdowns show no significant differences.
While the majority support Mr. Bevin's proposal, a considerable minority do not. Among higher income group people, more are against the proposal than for it. Among women, and among the lower income group, there is most support and least opposition.
These results confirm Home Intelligence qualitative findings.
4. Government of Italy
Q: “Do you think that the Italian King with Badoglio should be allowed to continue to govern Italy after we have driven out the Germans?”
Yes | No | Don't know | |
% | % | % | |
Total: | 23 | 55 | 22 |
Men | 23 | 62 | 15 |
Women | 22 | 49 | 29 |
Age groups | |||
21 - 29 | 19 | 60 | 21 |
30 - 49 | 22 | 58 | 20 |
50 and over | 24 | 51 | 25 |
Economic groups | |||
Higher | 34 | 52 | 14 |
Middle | 23 | 64 | 13 |
Lower | 21 | 54 | 25 |
Q: (If No) “What do you propose?”
Total | |
% | |
Democratic Government | 24 |
Control by Britain, Amgot | 18 |
King, Badoglio untrustworthy | 3 |
Replace the monarchy by a republic | 2 |
Miscellaneous, No comment, Don't know | 8 |
55% |
5. Feelings towards the Italian and German people.
Q: 1. “What are your feelings at the present time towards the Italian people ?”
2. “What are your feelings at the present time towards the German people?”
German people Total | Italian people Total | |||
% | % | |||
Hatred; bitterness; anger | 45 | 70% | 5 | 35% |
Dislike | 14 | 10 | ||
Deserve what they are getting | 6 | 4 | ||
Contempt; disgust | 5 | 9 | ||
Distrust | - | 7 | ||
Mixed feelings; indifference | 5 | 13 | ||
Dupes of Hitler/Mussolini | 4 | 10 | ||
Pity; sorry for them * | 6 | 20 | ||
Friendly * | 7 | 14 | ||
Miscellaneous | 5 | 3 | ||
No comment; Don't know | 3 | 5 | ||
100 | 100 |
6. Fate of the Axis Leaders
Q: “At the end of the war what do you think should be done with the Axis leaders?”
7. Visiting and living in other countries
Q: “What country would you most like to visit after the war?”
Q: “Is there any country you have thought of going to live in after the war?”
Total | |
% | |
British Empire | 11 |
United States | 4 |
Russia | 1 |
Other European countries | 2 |
No desire to live elsewhere | 64 |
No Comment; Don't know | 18 |
100% |
8. International Airlines
Q: “After the war, should all the countries concerned get together on regulating international airlines, or should each country be free to start international airlines, when and where they please?”
Comparison - Canadian Institute of Public Opinion, August 11, 1943.
9. War films
Q: “If your local cinema is featuring a war film do you feel more inclined or less inclined to go?”
Young people have the highest figure for those more inclined, and the second highest figure for those less inclined to go to the cinema if war films are featured. This probably reflects their higher attendance at the cinema.
10. Commercial Broadcasting
Q: “Would you approve or disapprove of allowing commercial broadcasting in this country, including advertising programmes?”
D 37138-1 10,000 6/43 R P W