A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
The aim of this Report is to present an impartial assessment of public feeling about the war and the war effort. It is not a record of fact , except in so far as public opinion is itself a fact. The public is sometimes ill-informed, prejudiced, or inconsistent. The recording of such feelings without comment implies no endorsement of them.
The public is more prone to criticise than to praise. Good work or efficiency is usually taken for granted. An accurate record of expressed feeling will, therefore, tend to be critical rather than laudatory.
The method of compiling the Report is such that the amount of space devoted to each subject, and the order in which subjects are placed, are roughly indicative of the amount of public interest each is arousing. The omission of a subject from the Report means that it is not a matter of widespread comment.
In assessing the state of public feeling there are no absolutes. Findings can only be comparative. Each issue of this Report must therefore be read as part of a continuous series. Unless the series is seen as a whole, the significance of fluctuations in feeling cannot be appreciated.
The figures in brackets at the end of each section refer to sources of information, a list of which is given on the next page. The weekly reports from Regional Information Officers (R.I.Os.) are compiled by the Regional Intelligence Officers from a large number of sources. Details of the methods of compilation and cross-checking are contained in a paper on “How the Home Intelligence Weekly Report is made”. This will be supplied on request to the Home Intelligence Division of the Ministry of Information.
No. 124 18th February, 1943
(Covering the period 9th to 16th February, 1943)
1. General state of confidence and reaction to news
There is a slight rise in the already high level of confidence of the past few weeks. This, and the growing belief that the war in Europe will be over in 1943 or early in 1944, is mainly due to:
The continued “sweeping successes” of the Russians, culminating in the fall of Rostov.
Mr. Churchill's war review in the House of Commons. Particular satisfaction was expressed at:
While anxiety about the political and military situations in French North Africa continues, interest in these has declined, and feeling is said to have been “slightly modified” by the Premier's statements on the subject.
Fear that “other people are complacent because of the good news” continues to be reported, but it is also suggested that “good news has added zest and is making people put their backs into it”.
On the Home Front there is a slight increase in grumbling; and there is said also to be “some evidence of the increasing physical weariness of civilians due to their increasing duties” and to “the prevalence of minor epidemics of cold and 'flu”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 thirteen provincial P.Cs.)
2. Russia
The Red Army's successes continue “to overshadow everything”, and the capture of Rostov, though forecast by many, was greeted with great delight. Admiration for the Russians is as intense as ever.
Some people continue to see the possibility of a German recovery, but the majority “are prepared for Russia to sweep forward to her own frontiers or beyond”.
Speculation continues as to whether:
When Russia has cleared the Germans off her own soil, she may make peace.
A victorious Russia may spread communism. Some people regard this as a danger, while others feel “it would be as well if our post-war conditions were built on Russian lines”.
The demand for more help for Russia continues, though the Prime Minister's speech satisfied many people that it was on the way.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 fourteen provincial P.Cs.)
3. The Prime Minister's war review in the House of Commons (11th February)
Mr. Churchill's “heartening and masterly review” has been very warmly received; his optimistic tone was particularly appreciated “in view of his known dislike of over-statement”.
Although praise is general, reports differ as to how much detailed discussion has taken place: some suggest that “the speech eclipsed all other comment”, and others that “there was nothing like the comment on it there had been on earlier ones”. Discussion has been on the following points, which are arranged in order of prevalence:
The placing of General Alexander under the command of General Eisenhower : The general feeling is “trust in Mr. Churchill's assurances about the constitution of a unified Allied command”; in addition, his appeal to the country to be “very careful in criticising this arrangement” has encouraged people “to say nothing that could stir up friction, but to wait and see and hope for the best”. Nevertheless, there is some disappointment - going as far as consternation, in Scotland - that “the Eighth Army, which has done so well, and its distinguished generals should be going under a man who has still to prove his worth”. It is hoped, however, that “Alexander will be Deputy in name only and that what he says will go”.
The U-boat menace : Anxiety has been very much allayed: People are glad Mr. Churchill “put this subject into perspective” by making it clear, first, that our shipping losses are just a delaying factor, and second, that we are on a rising tide of tonnage, - “particularly because too much had been made of it lately by all sorts of people who couldn't really know about it”. Pleasure is also expressed that -
The words “nine months” are taken as a guarantee of an offensive in Europe within that time limit, and have strengthened belief that “something big will happen soon”. There continues to be considerable speculation as to “where we shall land: every ‘possible’ country has been suggested except for Northern France and Germany”.
French administration in North Africa : The Prime Minister's statement has “done something to reduce suspicion”, and comment has considerably decreased. Criticism continues, however, on familiar lines - the only new reaction being sympathetic surprise that General de Gaulle “had not been advised that landings were to take place in North Africa”.
The Premier's promise to President Roosevelt about Japan : This is only mentioned in three reports. These suggest that people agree with the promise, but “Germany is the enemy, and there is not much interest in what will happen after the defeat of Hitler”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13)
4. The Prime Minister
Confidence in Mr. Churchill, faith in his judgment, reliance on his word, and tremendous admiration for his leadership and his pluck are reported this week. Appreciation of his recent “odyssey” is allied to a continued feeling of great relief on his safe return home.
Casablanca : People are “still talking about the Casablanca meeting. Disappointment continues to be reported that neither Russia nor [Text Missing] was represented.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 ten provincial P.Cs.)
5. President Roosevelt's broadcast speech (12th February)
While Mr. Roosevelt's prestige is said to be very high, his speech does not appear to have attracted much attention. It was welcomed, but “as the inevitable counterpart of the Prime Minister's”; both are regarded as “covering the same occasion”.
(3. 4. 8. 10. 11. 13)
6. Tunisia
Comment about this campaign has very much decreased, but disappointment at our lack of progress continues to be reported: “It is a funny thing that nothing seems to hold the Russians up, yet we are held up by the mud in Tunisia”.
At the same time confidence in the Eighth Army is high: “When Montgomery's army advances it will have a lot to say in clearing the Axis out of North Africa”.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 21 four provincial P.Cs.)
7. Delays in Service mails
Complaints of the delays in Service mails are reported as follows:
Mail to the Middle East | (Six Regions) |
Mail from Middle East | (Four Regions) |
Mail to India | (Three Regions) |
Mail from India | (One Region) |
These delays are said to have “a distressing effect on the men and their families”, and the question is thought to be “as close to morale as anything, and more important than food and clothing”. There is said to be “a strong feeling that mails could be speeded up, or at least some explanation of the delay given”.
The non-receipt, both by the men and their relatives, of Christmas and other cables is also mentioned in two reports.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 9. 11. 12. 32.)
8. The post-war world
The Beveridge Report and post-war reconstruction : Increasing interest is reported this week, due - it is suggested - to the imminence of the Parliamentary debate on the Beveridge Report and to the belief that the end of the war is in sight. No reports have yet been received of people's reaction to the debate, but it has been awaited with “intense eagerness”, as people are “impatient” to know the Government's intentions. It is thought that the debate “will show if the Government really intends to give us a better world”, and will be “a test of its sincerity with regard to reconstruction generally”. The fear that “vested interests will kill the plan” continues to be strong. Unemployment still heads the list of post-war bogies.
Mr. Morrison and Sir Kingsley Wood
Mr. Morrison's speech (Nottingham, 13th February), referring to “peace without a hang-over”, is said to have aroused interest (Two Regions) and to have reassured some of those who are “anxious at the lack of unity in planning”. Sir Kingsley Wood's references (House of Commons, 2nd February) to our export trade are said to have given rise to some fear that we have not “learnt the lesson of co-operation for the common good even yet”. “They're thinking and talking in just the old terms of rivalry and competition.”
America's post-war role : “Press reports of American plans to dominate world commercial air services after the war” are reported to have caused some discussion and it is felt that “all the advantages are on the American side on account of our need to concentrate on the production of fighters and bombers”. The fear is expressed that “America will capture our markets after the war”. Nobody seems to doubt Mr. Roosevelt's “good faith”, but some people fear that “he may not still be there to have the chance to carry out his promises”; it is felt that “there is no guarantee that America won't ‘rat’ when it comes to peace”, particularly “if the Republicans are then in power”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 21 six provincial P.Cs.)
9. Far East
“Lack of interest in the Far Eastern war is almost complete”, according to all reports, though some appreciative comment is reported on the expulsion of the Japanese from Guadalcanal, and Allied successes in New Guinea.
Gandhi's fast is the subject of unfavourable or facetious comment. Though “a very large body of admirers” once respected him as “a pacifist who stood by his principles”, Gandhi is thought to have become “increasingly discredited” in this country, partly because of his statements on Japan. It is felt, however, that “we can't afford to let him die in gaol”. Some feeling is reported from Scotland that “if he were out of the way and Nehru in charge, some kind of working arrangement could be devised” (Six Regions).
China continues to be the object of sympathetic interest and it is hoped that “we are doing all we can to help”. One report refers to lack of news about the Sino-Japanese fighting.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13)
10. The war at sea
Mr. Churchill's speech is said to have “done much to allay anxiety about the shipping position” (Seven Regions), and the view of the majority seems to be summed up by a writer quoted by Postal Censorship: “The news is very encouraging from all battle fronts except the submarine war in the Atlantic, and I think we shall master that menace before long”.
The desire to know “the truth about our losses” continues, however, to be expressed. Some people “feel that the lack of consistency in references to the U-boat question is somewhat unreasonable”. It is asked: “Is the position serious or is it not? Either deduction can be taken from authoritative statements”. “Every now and then something leaks out from America or enemy sources, and gives people a nasty shock.” It is felt that “if losses could be published, even six months out of date, the public would have more realisation of the need to economise such things as imported food stuffs”; and the “good rations” are again quoted as allaying apprehension, except among “thinking people”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10. 13. 21 seven provincial P.Cs.)
11. R.A.F. raids and German reprisals
Approval for the R.A.F. offensive continues to be reported on the familiar lines of “just what the public wants”, “keep it up”, and “don't forget Berlin”. “It thrills us greatly when we hear of these attacks ... he is paying for it now, dearly”; this is said to be typical of all references to our raids on Germany, according to one Postal Censorship report. Particular satisfaction is expressed at the attacks on U-boat bases, especially Lorient, the evacuation of which is making even the less sanguine think that the raids are helping to overcome the U-boat menace.
German raids here : Although “the recent increase in tip-and-run raids has been generally accepted as an inevitable price we have to pay for the increased scale of our attacks on Germany”, it is asked if nothing can be done to stop “sneak raiding”. Criticisms - or questioning - of our defences come from seven Regions and are as follows:
Lack of fighter protection.
Late sounding of the warning.
Inadequate shelter provision for school children (Two reports refer to the concern of mothers about the safety of their children while at school).
Failure to open locked shelters.
The balloons not being in position.
Lack of Ack-Ack fire.
Lord Selborne's statement (11th February) that we shall never have raids “with the severity we once knew”, is said to “accord with the prevailing note of complacency among the people in Northern Ireland”. Another report refers to his statement as “dangerous”, because “it is feared that his opinion will be taken as representing the official view”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 21 two provincial P.Cs.)
12. The Catering Trades Bill
This seems to have caused some interest and discussion. There is said to be “a good deal of confusion of the issues” - “thanks to the newspapers”, but the majority are said to approve of the proposals, and to be “pleased with the Government and angry with the Tory bloc who want to sabotage every progressive measure”. Many people feel that “the opposition to this bill indicates the line that will be taken in attacking the Beveridge Report and is typical of the opposition that will be offered to all social reform” (Five Regions). “Had the Catering Bill been dropped”, it is said, “it would have been regarded by many, of varying thought and opinion, as the abandonment of the Government's first attempt towards the building of ‘a brave new world’”.
It is felt - particularly by Trade Unionists, who are described as strongly in favour of the bill - that it is not a controversial measure, since “all reconstruction plans can be so described, and the argument against such legislation carried to its logical conclusion would result in no legislation whatsoever”.
A few, however, are said to be pleased at any sign of opposition, “in a rubber stamp Parliament”.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10)
13. Anti-Jewish atrocities and anti-Semitic feeling
Disgust and “deep concern” continue to be expressed at the German massacre of the Jews in Europe and reports from four Regions refer to a desire that “we shall take some kind of action, instead of just talking about it”. Reference is made in one report to a wish that “every effort should be made to save the Jews on the lines suggested in the pamphlet, ‘Let my people go’”, but it is felt that “it is difficult to press for this in the light of somewhat scanty information as to the possibilities”, and fuller information is asked for.
Sympathy for the European Jews is said to be “about equally balanced” by unfavourable references to Jews in this country, which come from four Regions.
(3. 4. 5. 9. 10)
14. Broadcasting and presentation of news
There seem to be no general criticisms of news presentation this week.
The European News Service is praised in four reports, one of which says it is “almost universally preferred to the Home Service News Bulletins”. According to a B.B.C. Listener Research report, “a preference for the Overseas or European News in English among civilians appears to be less now than it was nine months ago”. This is not confirmed by our reports, which suggest a greater degree of approval now than in April, 1942.
B.B.C. programmes in general continue to be criticised (Five Regions) in general terms; the commonest label is “dull”. There is said to be not enough “good light entertainment for workers who want relaxation in the evenings and at week ends”, and two reports refer to the desire for “more material designed to take people's minds off the strain of war”.
B.B.C. variety programmes are criticised (Three Regions), and are said to be “second-rate in contrast to American shows”. There are complaints of “the same old voices in variety”, but “the end of ITMA” continues to be much regretted.
The Brains Trust continues to be criticised (Three Regions). A Special Postal Censorship report on Home Opinion refers to 32 writers' comments on the Brains Trust. These are equally divided between appreciation and criticism, with three from each group complaining of the “futile” questions.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 21 Special P.C.)
15. Industry
Criticism of production remains at a very low level. Praise for “the magnificent fashion” in which production demands have been answered by the workers is reported from two Regions, and is supported by Postal Censorship. Some slackness and absenteeism or the part of a minority of workers is reported from five Regions though in two of these absenteeism is said to be chiefly due to illness. There are complaints from workers of waste of time (Two Regions), but in one report it is said that complaints ceased when an explanation of the “hold-up” was given.
In the North Eastern Region, criticism is reported among the workers at Brays Accessories, Ltd., Leeds, at the loss of production and great waste of time and money involved in elaborate preparations for a recent projected Royal visit. In the opinion of workers, “such visits should be unexpected, to eliminate the possibility of such costly preparations. It was also felt that the Royal visitor would have much preferred to see Home Guard personnel working at their benches instead of attending a parade. Comment was perhaps the more bitter as the expected visitor did not put in an appearance”.
“Physical weariness” among the civilian population is referred to in five reports, three of which mention fatigue among war workers. Young men and girls are even said to be prepared to “join up” and forego their present wages, in order to “be relieved of the very long factory hours, and to gain more leave”. Long hours of work (Five Regions), shopping difficulties (four Regions), and home responsibilities are thought to increase war strain among women workers, and it is suggested that an increase in production might result from a five day week, or a shorter working day.
Clothing Trade : The transfer of clothing industry from the Midlands to the North has aroused dissatisfaction in the North Midland Region. Workers cannot understand the advantages gained in “moving the trade to a place where there is no skilled labour, in teaching another set of workers the trade, whilst back in the Midlands the clothing workers have to be trained in munition work”. They are also disturbed at the prospects of post-war employment if their trade has moved elsewhere.
Coal mining : Criticism of miners for low production rates continues to be reported (three Regions), though in Lancashire the position is thought to be fairly satisfactory. In the South Western Region miners are alleged to be deterred from producing more than the minimum necessary to achieve the basic £4. 5. 0d. a week, because this sum is “much higher than they have been used to”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 21 four provincial P.Cs.)
16. Manpower
In the Northern Region, the manpower situation is said to be “the most discussed topic on the Home Front”. Grumbles continue to be reported from this and other Regions along familiar lines: (a) Complaints of labour shortage, and the closing of business through lack of staff (Seven Regions); (b) Need for the comb-out of young people in sheltered jobs - especially the Civil Service (Five Regions and Postal Censorship); (c) Complaints of men and women being sent from jobs where “they are urgently required”, to work which they believe to be of “a less useful nature” (Four Regions); (d) Resentment against the transfer of labour, especially when it involves a loss in wages (Two Regions).
The direction of married women into part-time work continues to be criticised by older women who feel that “all young married women without responsibilities” should be called up first (Two Regions). In the Northern Region the whole position of the call-up of women is said to arouse “strong criticism”. “The muddle will not be forgotten after the war - get this job over, and there'll be an inquest after.”
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 21 three provincial P.Cs.)
17. Firewatching
During the last six weeks various criticisms and complaints about firewatching have been reported. Those coming from more than one Region are:
that many men are still dodging firewatching (Three Regions).
that firewatching at business premises by women on full-time jobs leaves no time for household duties,
that firewatchers are not being trained.
(1. 2. 3. 5. 7. 10. 21 one provincial P.C.)
18. Transport and petrol
Complaints of transport difficulties are again reported from nine Regions, though in three cases criticism is on a “slightly reduced scale”. Three reports stress the difficulties of “village users of bus services”, through waste of time in queuing for the “cut-down services” and the failure to secure places at intermediate stops. Country buses often leave behind many women who must visit towns to do part of their shopping.
The North Eastern Region reports from one district that buses often run five to seven minutes ahead of scheduled time, leaving workers stranded, and that, though half empty, they pass workers waiting at intermediate stops. Further comments are: (a) Long distance passengers are crowded off buses by short distance fares and pleasure seekers; (b) Housewives complain that their needs to travel are overlooked, with the result that though “they attempt to get a bus between the hours requested, they often have to wait so long as to be caught up in the rush hour”; (c) It is said that a new grievance has arisen caused by the alleged “borrowing” of priority travel badges to go shopping.
Petrol : Complaints of alleged waste of petrol by women shoppers, farmers, building contractors, Government departments, and the military, particularly the American army, are reported this week - also the use of taxis for going to dances and cinemas. It is said that the general public feels that “restrictions could be further tightened and that often the wrong people are getting the petrol”. There is said to be a feeling that “too little use is made of local knowledge of conditions and persons”. It is also asked whether it would not be possible for people who use their cars only on national service “to have some distinguishing mark on the windscreen to obviate unpleasant situations”.
A report from the North Eastern Region states that “an advertisement in the Sheffield Telegraph for a ‘drive-hire car service’ containing the words ‘£1 per day - petrol available’ has caused much comment, it being held that such services represent an unnecessary luxury”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10)
19. Shortage of batteries and cyclists' difficulties
The shortages of cycle lamp and torch batteries are reported this week from ten and nine Regions respectively. Some slight improvement is reported from the Midland Region.
Two Regions comment on the poor quality of the batteries supplied and the short time they last is thought to be one of the reasons for the shortage.
Difficulties in obtaining small parts and accessories for bicycles are reported from two Regions.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12)
20. Clothing
“Real difficulties” are said to be arising in connection with clothing problems in two Regions. “Purchases cannot be postponed for ever”, and now that “pre-coupon clothes are finally worn out, people are having increasing difficulty in getting replacements”.
Coupons for household linen and towels : Difficulties are reported from six Regions again this week, and the demand for separate coupons for household needs continues. Keepers of small boarding houses are said to experience particular difficulty. The quality of towels is also criticised: “You can read a newspaper through towels when they have been washed once”.
Utility stockings : Five Regions comment on the poor quality of utility stockings.
Shoe repairs : From three Regions come complaints of difficulties in getting shoe repairs done. The bad quality leather used for repairs is also commented on.
Children's clothing and footwear : The shortage of children's footwear is reported from two Regions. The quality of children's clothing is described as “shoddy”.
Losses by laundries : These are said to be causing much irritation to the public, and it is felt that there should be an allowance of coupons for replacing articles so lost.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 9. 10. 12. 21 Special P.C.)
21. Food
Satisfaction with the food situation as a whole continues, though specific complaints have increased: “We have heaps to eat if you eat what there is and don't cry for the moon”. A Special Postal Censorship report shows a proportion of 80% satisfaction as against 20% complaint. It is thought that further cuts in the rations may be necessary (Two Regions), and the “realisation that shortages are due to limitations of shipping and shipping losses is having a sobering effect on criticism”. On the other hand, one Region reports a number of complaints that rations are “not sufficient for heavy workers, particularly men who have no canteen facilities”.
Fish : Ten Regions report a shortage of fish. There is said to be an increase in queuing, and some complaint from those who have stood in queues some time and “have seen the choicest fish being put on one side for favoured customers”.
Bread : The bread position is referred to in five reports. It is thought that people are, on the whole, being “less wasteful” and it is hoped that “rationing will be avoided (Three Regions). The suggestion is made that prohibition of “luxury bakers' goods” should come first (Two Regions).
“Too little bread - no cake” : A North London baker is said to have refused to serve a woman with cake because, in response to the Government appeal, she had cut down her family bread consumption by half.
Green vegetables : Criticism of the high price of green vegetables is made in six reports, although the South Eastern Region comments on “the reasonable price now asked for green vegetables in many towns”. It is suggested that “a fixed rather than a maximum price would be better”.
Tinned fruit : The release of tinned fruit is said to be welcomed but there is some disappointment that so little foreign fruit is available “as everybody had bottled their own plums and did not want to buy more”. There are complaints of unequal distribution and of favouritism shown to registered customers.
Milk : Criticism of unequal distribution is made in four reports. Children are said to be “getting more than they can consume”, and there are complaints from two Regions of the quality of the milk.
British Restaurants : The usefulness of these restaurants continues to be reported (Two Regions). It is said that “prejudice among wage earners against restaurant meals appears to be declining”, but there is “still a suspicion that people who use them are getting double rations”.
Country versus Town : Country people complain that their already short supplies of unrationed goods, as compared with towns, are still further curtailed as a result of transport difficulties, which now prevent their getting even a small share of “town luxuries”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21 twelve provincial, one Special P.Cs.)
22. Fuel
Little comment is again reported about fuel economy this week. People are thought to be doing their best and the mild weather is considered to have helped the fuel position. Complaints continue about the poor quality of coal which is said to contain a large quantity of stone.
It is suggested in three reports that much fuel saving would result if the B.B.C. programmes finished earlier. Many people are said to sit up merely because there is something on the wireless, or to hear the special Russian communique given in the midnight news; there are suggestions that this communique should be kept for the morning.
(1. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 10. 21 Special P.C.)
23. Agriculture
Reports from two Regions this week refer to the scheme for building 3,000 cottages for farm workers. The scheme is criticised because of the comparatively small allocation to each county and the high rents. People are said to be wondering how close a watch will be kept on reserving them for farm workers only.
Cut flowers : The ‘racket’ whereby flowers are sent in suit cases and trunks by train is referred to in two reports. Better class salesmen, it is said, will not handle the business and will welcome the new regulations, but others are lured by the profits. The high price of cut flowers is criticised.
Transport of crops : Criticism in rural areas is reported from two Regions at the lack of transport for conveying crops. Large quantities of vegetables are said to have been left decaying in the fields as a result.
Pasteurisation : Opposition to pasteurisation is mentioned among small and medium-sized farmers, as well as among country people in general.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 10)
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