A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
The aim of this Report is to present an impartial assessment of public feeling about the war and the war effort. It is not a record of fact , except in so far as public opinion is itself a fact. The public is sometimes ill-informed, prejudiced, or inconsistent. The recording of such feelings without comment implies no endorsement of them.
The public is more prone to criticise than to praise. Good work or efficiency is usually taken for granted. An accurate record of expressed feeling will, therefore, tend to be critical rather than laudatory. Though this Report must inevitably represent mainly articulate opinion, it has been found in practice that the views of the less articulate do not substantially differ, though their range is smaller.
The method of compiling the Report is such that the amount of space devoted to each subject, and the order in which subjects are placed, are roughly indicative of the amount of public interest each is arousing. The omission of a subject from the Report means that it is not a matter of widespread comment.
In assessing the state of public feeling there are no absolutes. Findings can only be comparative. Each issue of this Report must therefore be read as part of a continuous series. Unless the series is seen as a whole, the significance of fluctuations in feeling cannot be appreciated.
The figures in brackets at the end of each section refer to sources of information, a list of which is given on the next page. The weekly reports from Regional Information Officers (R.I.Os.) are compiled by their Regional Intelligence Officers from a large number of sources. Details of the methods of compilation and cross-checking are contained in a paper on “How the Home Intelligence Weekly Report is made”. This will be supplied on request to the Home Intelligence Division of the Ministry of Information.
No. 144 8th July, 1943
(Covering period 29th June to 6th July, 1943)
1. General state of confidence and reaction to news
This has been “another quiet week”. Most people are now “calmly waiting to hear of the opening of the second front”, and in the meantime are more interested in local or personal affairs - particularly holidays - than in “the minor war events”.
The spirits of the majority remain “high and steady”. People are “quietly confident” in Allied plans and the course of future operations; and they are encouraged by the air offensive, the recent successes against U-boats, the allied offensive in the S.W. Pacific, and, above all, by the Prime Minister's Guildhall speech. This has been highly praised; it has helped to “quell impatience about the delay in opening another land front” and to “allay fears that it might not take place this summer”.
On the Home Front one of the chief topics of conversation is holidays - people suffering from tiredness and war strain are “longing for a change and a rest”. The pensions question, and “the Government's blindness to public feeling on it”, have caused much comment; “people everywhere seem solidly behind the M.Ps. in their stand over pensions”. The difficulties of obtaining fresh fruit and tomatoes have also been much discussed.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5SE. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 17)
2. The Prime Minister's speech at the Guildhall (June 30)
This has been described as the outstanding event of the week and has been enthusiastically received by the majority. His confident tone - “confident to the point of exuberance” - gave especial pleasure. Two familiar reactions are reported: (i) the belief - in this case very widespread - that “his latest speech is his greatest”, and (ii) the feeling among a minority that he told us nothing new. Points causing particular interest were:
His reference to autumn leaves , as a result of which most people “take it for granted that our next offensive will be opened before Autumn”. However, a small minority complain that “they have heard about the second front till they are sick of it”, and that “the war of nerves is beginning to act as a boomerang”.
His “corrective to over-optimism” : The confidence he inspired was “tempered with caution”, and his “sobering statements” are favourably contrasted with “the glowing speeches made by other spokesmen”.
His “uncompromising attitude to the aggressors” and his “reiteration of the unconditional surrender phrase”. His remarks about a just peace were also appreciated.
His “account of the losses inflicted on U-boats” .
His “tactful” references to other countries' war effort , not forgetting China and India. The fact that India's huge army was composed entirely of volunteers came as “a surprise to many”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5SE. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13)
3. The next move
The change in people's attitude to the coming offensive since last week is apparently entirely due to Mr. Churchill's “autumn leaves” remark. The majority now seem to be satisfied that invasion will take place this summer, and are prepared to wait patiently. There remains much discussion as to when autumn leaves start falling, and whether the attack will be well under way by then or only just beginning. “Never has there been so much interest in trees”; “when”, rather than “where”, now seems to be the subject of most speculation.
There are, nevertheless, a number of people who still think that:
Air attacks may make a land invasion unnecessary.
We are missing the good weather.
The delay is allowing Italy to strengthen her defences.
“It's only a war of nerves, and a European offensive isn't going to materialise” - or if it does, it won't be more than “an engagement like Dieppe, just to save our faces”.
The raid on Crete has, according to preliminary reports, caused some delight; it is thought to have been a difficult operation, and its success is taken as “a pointer to our growing skill and ability”. The raid has strengthened the belief in Crete as “a possible landing place”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5SE. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13)
4. Allied air offensive
Our air offensive, with its “relentless intensity” and destruction of German war industry, continues to give great and widespread satisfaction. It is looked on as “the most cheering factor in this period of waiting”.
There is no softening in the public attitude to our bombing policy; people accept it as a grim necessity. They believe that it will help to shorten the war, and will reduce casualties when we land on the Continent; and there is always the chance “it may achieve victory by itself”. Dean Inge's “sorry for bombing” article (July 2) is considered “most unwelcome”, as “the enemy deserve all they get”. It is also suggested that “the undercurrent of sympathy” with German civilians may arise from “fear of reprisals rather than from any high religious principles”.
Our losses : Concern over our losses, particularly of men, continues to be reported - “though people are coming to the conclusion the price has to be paid”, and they are looked on as “an insurance against future ground losses”.
Many are, however, wondering “why the number of planes used in the raids is not given, so that the percentage lost might be worked out”. They dislike “such vague phrases as ‘a strong force’, or ‘a heavy and concentrated attack’”.
The bombing of Rome (Nine Regions) is again much talked about. Most people feel “it's time we treated it like any other town”, and approve of Mr. Eden's reply in the House (June 30) that “we should not hesitate to bomb Rome....”. There is, however, some feeling that “there's a restraining hand at the top, protecting Rome”.
In the Clydeside, “Irish Catholics are apprehensive lest Rome be bombed; fierce arguments are going on because of this, Mussolini's treatment of the Abyssinians being frequently brought up”.
Cologne Cathedral (Four Regions): Although some people consider the damage done unfortunate, “there are no qualms of conscience: they smashed all they could of ours and have no cause to squeal”.
The shuttle raid (Four Regions): Admiration for this “boldly planned journey” continues to be reported.
The Royal Canadian Air Force (One Regions): News of the exploits of the U.S.A.A.F. is leading to requests for more news of the doings of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5SE. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 17 one Special, all provincial P.Cs.)
5. The War at Sea
The “best reports ever” of successes against the U-boats have “greatly bucked” the public. “It was on this score that people were rather doubtful”; now “a gap in our defences is considered closed”, and there is growing optimism that our success is permanent.
The news of the convoy which crossed the Atlantic with complete air cover and without loss, has given particular satisfaction, especially to people living in ports and around the coast. Mastery of the Atlantic, it is felt, will leave ships free for invasion.
There is also satisfaction at the announcement that the Mediterranean has now been opened throughout its length, and that the Allies have established a complete air umbrella over our shipping there.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 13. 17, one Special, one provincial P.C.)
6. General Sikorski
Preliminary reactions to the death of General Sikorski have been received from six Regions. Deep regret and sympathy for the Poles are expressed, particularly from Scotland, where the General was known and was very popular. It is felt that “his hand will be very much missed” and there is some anxiety about the way in which foreign affairs may be affected. Other people are suspicious that “he may have been a reactionary, and the cause of the Russo-Polish dispute”; they observe that “we are gradually getting rid of those of our Allies who cause trouble”.
Some rumours are reported in the London Region that sabotage caused the accident. It is said “people don't believe a Liberator's four engines could all ‘cut out’, causing it to crash”.
The danger of air travel for the great is again pointed out.
(1. 3. 5. 6. 7. 11. 24)
7. Far East
Slightly more interest in events in the Pacific is reported this week, as a result of the American offensive. This has caused surprise and satisfaction; it is felt that the Allies in the Pacific now hold the initiative, and that a more active period is starting. Some people wonder whether the latest communiqués from this theatre are “padded”, in view of the lull on the European front.
In spite of this increase in interest, reports from six Regions remark on the public's indifference to the war in the Pacific.
China : There is some demand for more news of China. China's affairs are said to be “still reduced to short paragraphs”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13)
8. Russia
Comment on the Russian front remains slight. Prior to the news of the German offensive, it was thought that the “German High Command had missed its opportunity of striking a heavy blow this summer” and “Axis strategy had now become entirely defensive”. Russia was felt to be “waiting until a date prearranged by the Allies was reached” before starting her offensive to coincide with an attack in the West.
Preliminary reports say that the German offensive has come as a complete surprise; nevertheless, people are confident in the Russians' ability to deal with it. It is hoped that “this is our chance to attack the Germans from the Western side”; and it is feared “there will be an outcry if we do not do something to help the Russians this time”.
Praise is reported for the Russian air strength and for the way it is being used.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 17 Special P.C.)
9. North African politics
There is still considerable anxiety, but comment is less this week. Now that the question of army command has been settled, some people are hopeful for the future of the French Committee for National Liberation; it is, however, felt that rigid control should be maintained, as “lack of unity between the two French Generals must not be allowed to jeopardise the common cause”. The recent disputes are thought to have “induced a lack of confidence in the French as a whole”.
Of the two generals, the sympathy of the majority “probably leans to de Gaulle”. People “welcome his policy in getting rid of ex-Vichyites”, but they criticise his “truculence”. Some of the workers feel that he has been “sold out by the Allies, as Giraud has gone to the U.S.”. Neither general is thought to be “free from personal pride and ambition”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5SE. 7. 9. 10. 13. 17)
10. Detention Camp death
There is still a great deal of comment, some of it very bitter, on “glasshouses” in general and on this case in particular.
Army Detention Camp conditions are thought to need urgent investigation. It is said to have come “as a severe shock that cruelty, which was thought to be peculiar to the Gestapo, should be practised on British citizens in an English camp”. Some people believe “there is a good deal of that kind of thing going on”. (No reactions have yet been reported to Sir James Grigg's announcement on July 6 of a tribunal to investigate conditions.)
Rifleman Clayton's death : Although people are still dissatisfied at “the light sentences” passed on the two N.C.Os., there seems to be a growing feeling that the doctor is “really responsible for Clayton's death”, and therefore “even more to blame”. This feeling is said to be very strong among ex-Servicemen, who feel that the N.C.Os. naturally thought the man was shamming as the M.O. had passed him fit for duty. People still do not understand how a man in such a state of health could ever have been accepted for the army.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5SE. 6. 7. 8. 10)
11. Miners' strike in the U.S.A.
Considerably less comment is reported this week, but concern is still expressed that “production should be endangered for sectional interest”. Although there is some slight sympathy for the miners, there is strong censure both for them and their leaders for choosing such a moment “to hold a pistol at Mr. Roosevelt's head”; people are amazed that John L. Lewis should be able to exercise so much power. Some find it “difficult to understand the pros and cons of the situation, and want to know why the obstacles have not been removed”.
(1. 2. 5. 5SE. 8. 17)
12. Holidays
The need for a good holiday away - and the determination to take it - continue to be reported. Workers feel that “people who can afford first class tickets go away” and “the Forces can travel on leave, so why shouldn't we?” Some are writing to boarding houses “for dates when accommodation is available, and fixing holidays accordingly, regardless of arrangements made by their firms”.
In the Northern Region, however, “a lot of people are obediently staying at home”.
In the meanwhile, “hordes of day trippers are filling Blackpool, Weston (“ten thousand on the sands on Tuesday”) and “places across the Mersey”; in Scotland people go off to “nearby seaside and country resorts”. Trains are “packed to suffocation, queues at stations long and patient”, and in Edinburgh last weekend, “many waited all night for the morning trains to the South, and all day for the evening ones”.
(1. 2. 4. 5. 5SE. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11)
13. The Government of Wales
Indignation is reported in Wales at the Government's refusal to consider appointing a Secretary of State for Wales. “The time is ripe for Wales to be treated on equal terms with Scotland.” This indignation “comes equally from Monmouthshire, which some regard as a part of England”.
14. Broadcasting and presentation of news
There is less comment on news presentation this week. “People are too busy in their gardens.”
Absence of comment, it is suggested, may be taken to indicate satisfaction. Such complaints as there are echo those of last week - news bulletins too short, or alternatively “too much padding and repetition”.
“The almost gloating way in which news of raids on Axis territory are announced”, is again complained of. The manner in which the B.B.C. are dealing with German propaganda about the destruction of cultural monuments is, however, appreciated. It is hoped that the enemy will be reminded of the Baedeker and other raids on this country, and of those on Malta.
The number of people listening to enemy broadcasts in English, “for purposes other than amusement”, is said to be declining; “the recent non-success of the U-boats has nullified the main theme of the enemy”.
B.B.C. programmes : There is further praise for Mr. Priestley's “Make it Monday” (Six Regions). People like his “sly digs buried in apparently unimportant details”. There is some feeling, however, that “he uses the B.B.C. to push his political views”.
There is also praise for the Postscripts by Dr. Evatt and Mr. Lyttelton and for the War Commentary by Air Marshal Joubert.
The Loud Speaker Nuisance : During the first week in June, B.B.C. Listener Research Survey interviewers were instructed to ask the people they questioned whether they were ever annoyed by the noise of their neighbours' loudspeakers. Altogether 5,400 people replied to this question. 79% said they never suffered from this nuisance, 16% that they sometimes did, and 5% that they were often annoyed by the sound of their neighbours' loudspeakers. Although it is only a small minority who frequently suffer annoyance, measured in absolute terms it is a considerable number - over a million and a half people; if those who are sometimes troubled in this way are added, the number exceeds six and a half million. As might be expected, the nuisance is considerably more prevalent among working-class homes, for the obvious reason that they are so much on top of one another.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5SE. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 17 one provincial P.C. 20)
15. Pensions and allowances
Widespread feeling is again reported from ten Regions about the inadequacy of the pensions scheme. There is criticism of Government “niggardliness”.....“The Government appears to squander money right and left in some directions and yet are guilty of petty meanness in others”. People read the report of the debate in the House with great eagerness, and there is general satisfaction that the revolt of Members has shown how much they are in agreement with public opinion.
People are anxious to see justice done; it is felt that drastic changes are necessary both in widows' pensions and allowances, and in disablement pensions for ex-Service men and women. It is strongly felt that the State should take responsibility for the well-being of all men and women disabled from whatever cause whilst in its service; and as the onus of deciding whether men and women are fit for service rests with the examining Medical Officer, there should be no repudiation of liability for later disabilities which might never have become evident but for war service. It is hoped that the British Legion will get justice for the Services particularly on this point. Major Manningham-Buller has been warmly applauded for his insistence in the House that an applicant for pension should not have to prove that his disablement was due to war service, but that the onus of proof should rest with the State.
Other points which arouse sympathy are:
Delay in paying disability allowances, and the slowness with which widows' pensions come through after military allowances have ceased.
The statement that the widow of a soldier who was killed in a traffic mishap in the Middle East when not on duty would not receive a pension. It is pointed out that but for war service he would have been in England.
Disabled single men are not in a position to marry on their pension.
Mr. Eden's action in the House is praised, and there is satisfaction that the situation will be reviewed, but there is surprise that the Government, and particularly the Minister of Pensions, should be so out of touch with public feeling.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10)
16. Industry
Strikes (Seven Regions): People continue to be concerned at strikes and “would like to see a speedier coming to grips with every dispute as it emerges”. Specific strikes mentioned are:
Priory Colliery . There is a good deal of comment in Scotland about “the Miners' Union demand for the dismissal of Lord Traprain and the subsequent taking over of the pit by the Government. The miners are castigated as selfish.”
The Fleetwood “lumpers” . People are satisfied, as the cargo has been unloaded by soldiers: “Trust the old Army - the lads always step into the breach”.
The Haverfordwest trawler skippers . They “insist that their action is not actuated by selfish financial considerations, but by a matter of principle - to establish the true value of hake in relation to other fish”.
The taking over of an aircraft factory in the North West by the Americans : A certain amount of “strong feeling” at the dismissal of British workmen is reported. It is felt that if workmen were wanted elsewhere, they should have been transferred before the Americans took over; otherwise, the Americans should have retained British labour. “Anyway”, it is suggested, “the Americans might well have built their own factory and not taken one of ours.” People also “find it difficult to see how this arrangement will help the war effort”.
Bristol Aeroplane Company : “Tremendous” interest is reported in Bristol because this Company has got a “plum” contract for building air liners for after the war. It “has bucked the place up greatly” and will, it is thought, help on war production now by giving the workers a sense of security about their position after the war.
(1. 2. 4. 8. 10. 11)
17. Food
The outstanding food topics this week are:-
The shortage of fresh fruit and tomatoes (Eleven Regions): This is described as “the principle subject of discussion on the food front”. The chief complaints are of:
Queues (Seven Regions): “Women who work and cannot queue up and shop-crawl” are said to be acutely resentful.
Uneven distribution (Six Regions): There is much talk of “other places being luckier”. Thus, scarcity of strawberries in Taunton produced envious talk about their plenty in Weston and Bristol; in a Notts mining area it is rumoured that “there is a glut of fruit in Lincolnshire, going to waste owing to lack of transport”. Northumberland and Durham are still thought to be most unfairly treated compared with other parts of the country, particularly when returning travellers describe “shops or barrows in the South or Scotland, laden with cherries and strawberries that are rarely caught a glimpse of in mining districts or other places in the North”.
Conditional Sales (Three Regions): Women who are obliged to buy lettuces and peas to get fruit or tomatoes are told by the shopkeepers that “wholesalers enforce conditions of sale upon them, which they cannot help passing on to customers”.
Favouritism by shopkeepers (Three Regions): There is “considerable bitterness about the favoured few who can place orders”.
Oranges and fruit juices (Four Regions): People are sorry for children over five who are not eligible for oranges or fruit juices, especially as adults without children are known to get oranges. It is also suggested that oranges should be distributed in the same way as fruit juices.
Large fish (Two Regions): There are complaints of fishmongers refusing to cut up large fish, which are thus beyond the purse of poor people who cannot afford 15/- for a whole fish.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5SE. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 17 eight provincial P.Cs.)
18. Agriculture
Harvest helpers (Six Regions): Considerable interest in “holidays on the land” is reported from several areas, particularly East London; there is a demand for more information on where and how to apply.
In the South Western Region, where “there is adequately organised local help” there are “too many applications to know what to do with”. Both here and in Kent, amateur labour at harvest time is considered “almost useless”: “It is a pity some provision has not been made for giving townspeople some instruction by films, lectures or pamphlets”. It is also suggested in one report that “men employed by the Highway Authorities (some of whom have been taken from farms) should be released for a time to help with the harvest”.
Italian prisoners of war (Four Regions): Opinions differ as to whether (i) they work well on the land, or are lazy; (ii) they are orderly and well disposed, or noisy and troublesome; (iii) they are adequately or inadequately supervised, and (iv) people like them to be employed on the farms, or are vindictive about them.
In Huntingdonshire, where women were prosecuted for writing letters to Italian prisoners (June 5), there is some demand for a clear statement as to what our attitude should be towards them. Many think “we are altogether too generous in our treatment”, and others “find it difficult to draw a line between common courtesy and out and out friendliness”.
Farm Sunday (Three Regions): There has been some grumbling from farmers “who had to spend a lot of time cleaning implements and had to send people in for the procession whom they badly needed for haymaking”. On the other hand, according to the North Midland Region report, “the public in urban areas enjoyed the procession”.
(2. 3. 4. 5. 5SE. 6. 7. 8)
19. Domestic help
The difficulty of obtaining domestic help is becoming “more and more of a serious problem” - particularly for invalids, old people, doctors, mothers with small children and expectant mothers. At the same time, there is some feeling that “people with money and influence” can get as much help as they want. There are bitter complaints of the high wages being offered: “Advertisements offering £3 per week, all found, to domestic servants completely cut out the possibility of middle-class and professional people obtaining necessary help”. That some people do not do too badly is confirmed by the following quotation from Postal Censorship: “We are two in the family, the Colonel and myself, and my little boy of eleven and a half in the holidays, and my older son on leave occasionally. I keep a cook (middle aged), two young girls under her and a very nice head housemaid (also middle aged), and an under, and two in the pantry”.
(3. 4. 7. 9. 10. 11. 17 three provincial P.Cs.)
20. U.S. Troops
During the past eight weeks, comment on the U.S. troops has continued along the lines previously reported. Genuine pleasure has been expressed at the part played by the U.S. forces in the Tunisian victories, and confidence in their fighting qualities is said to have been thereby increased. The successes - and the losses - of the U.S. Air Force operating against Germany have also contributed towards the appreciation of America as a fighting ally.
At the same time, a steady rivulet of adverse criticism about their behaviour in this country has been reported. The complaints in order of prevalence are as follows:-
“They tend to get drunk all over the place, and at all times of day”.
“They misbehave with girls in their early teens” - but most of the blame is attached to the girls for “chasing”, and to their parents for lack of control.
Their high pay and “the amount of money they throw away.... we don't resent them having a good time, but wish our boys could have ‘a fling’ in the same way”. People ask if they “have to support their dependants in the States, in the same way as our men do?”.
“Their lack of response to hospitality.” Their officers, their “taste of the gay life”, and “street manners” are variously blamed, but it is thought that “appeals not to eat our rations” have also had something to do with it. In the South Western Region, however, arrangements for hospitality are said to have been very successful.
“The luxurious club facilities denied to some of our Servicemen”, and the quantity and quality of the food they have brought with them - “chicken twice a week and almost unlimited fruit”.
“Their boastfulness and throwing their weight about”. References to this have declined during the past eight weeks.
“Their slovenliness and lack of discipline”.
The only three references made during the past eight weeks to the behaviour of coloured troops are criticisms of their associations with white girls. The girls are chiefly blamed for “throwing themselves at the men”.
The lack of a curfew for U.S. troops is thought to encourage bad behaviour.... “they can be out all night without passes”.
Two references are made to street brawls between members of British and American forces.
The following comments have only been reported once -
“Uneasiness at children begging for candy and pennies from U.S. servicemen”.... though their generosity is praised.
“The incredible number of medals they display”.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 13)
21. Miscellanea
Except for the first item, the following have been reported from one Region only:
“ The purchase of a second-hand pram for £20 has led to cynical comment about recent speeches on the need for more children to maintain this country's population.” (Northern Region). “The shortage and very poor quality of perambulators” are said to be having “an adverse effect on the rural birth rate”, according to the Southern Region report.
“The Atlantic crossing of the first glider train” is reported to have caused “wonderment and many well-deserved compliments about the work of the R.A.F.” (Scottish Region).
Cross-channel shelling : “A general belief exists that our gunners start firing without any definite object in view, and the townspeople (in the Dover area) have to suffer the retaliation in silence”, according to the South Eastern District report. “It is stressed that people are not funking their risks, but want to know that the action by our gunners is justified. It is also considered idiotic for the guns to take part in an attack on a convoy, thereby risking hitting our own aircraft.”
Traffic lights : “The alterations to traffic lights are greeted with approval, Service and bus drivers being among those who comment favourably”, according to the London Region report. One suggestion is that “it would have been better to keep the top half of the lights clear instead of the bottom, to give shade from the sun, and better blackout protection”.
Sir Richard Acland's decision not to contest the Division as a Commonwealth Candidate at the next Election has been “an outstanding local topic in Barnstaple and area”. There is said to be “majority approval of his action”. (South Western Region)
The nursing profession : “The recent increase in the pay of nurses is reported to be causing a great deal of unrest among the non-resident staff of hospitals, who feel it is most unfair that they, who have the burden of very expensive lodgings, should have to pay the full amount of income tax, whereas the resident staff are not taxed on their emoluments and receive the same tax free allowances.” (Northern Region)
Gas producer plant : People want to know “how gas producer plants on trailers effect a general saving. They appreciate that petrol is saved, but against this there is thought to be a loss in efficiency, while labour is needed to build the trailers and extra rubber is used for the additional tyres. The public feel that the fuel burnt is scarce and query whether the resultant general saving is sufficient to warrant the change-over.” (Midland Region)
(1. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11)