A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

563 565 3 566 4

British Institute of Public Opinion
For internal circulation only

The following results of a survey, made in mid-December 1943, have been received. The survey was not sponsored by Home Intelligence Division.

I. Housing Shortage .

Q: “In your district, do you think that the Local Council is doing all it can to meet the housing shortage?”

Yes No Don't know
% % %
Total: 37 32 31
Economic groups.
Higher 46 29 25
Middle 37 36 27
Lower 35 32 3[Text Missing]

Other breakdowns showed no significant differences.

Q: (If not) “what more should it do?”

Build new houses 10
Take over empty houses 4
Repair bomb-damaged houses 2
Fix rents 1
Can't do more without Government assistance 2
Miscellaneous 11
No answer, Don't know 2

2. Bombing

Q: “How do you feel about the bombing?”

Satisfaction, getting some of their own medicine, keep it up. 47 approve: 83%
We are justified in doing it, it is a necessity 17
Dislike bombing, but necessary under present circumstances 16
Sorry for the kids and old people, but it is necessary 3
They should only bomb industrial plants and communications as far as possible 2
I am against bombing 7
Miscellaneous 6
No answer, Don't know 2

Notes :

1. These results, compared with those for a very similar question asked in July 1943, show no significant difference.

2. Analysis of replies by religion shows no significant differences between the different denominations.

3. These results confirm the qualitative findings of Home Intelligence.

3. Duration of the War

Q. 1: “How long do you think the war with Germany will last from now?”

Q. 2: “How long do you think the war with Japan will last from now?”

Germany Japan
Dec. '43 . Oct. '43 . Dec. '43 . Oct. '43 .
% % % %
6 months 36 18 4 4
1 year 56 43 18 15
2 years 7 34 57 50
3 years 1 3 13 19
Longer - 2 8 12

Note : These results show a considerable increase in optimism in the course of three months.

4. Money and the family

Q. 1: (To husbands) “Does your wife know how much you earn each week?”

Yes 75%
No 25%

Q. 2: (To wives) “Does your husband tell you how much he earns each week?”

Yes 72%
No 28%

Q. 3: (To all) “How do you arrange about the spending of money?”

Wife has a fixed allowance; husband gets balance Husband has a fixed allowance wife gets balance Arrangement variable from time to time
% % %
Total: 49 17 34
Economic groups:
Upper 55 9 36
Middle 52 12 36
Lower 48 19 43

Note : Other analyses showed no significant differences.

Q: 4 “Do you think that wives should be allowed to keep any savings out of the housekeeping money?”

Yes No Don't know
% % %
Total: 78 15 7
Men 68 23 9
Women 87 8 5
Age groups:
21 - 29 84 9 7
30 - 49 78 15 7
50 and over 75 18 7
Occupational groups:
Housewives 87 8 5
Salaried and clerical 80 13 7
Retired and unoccupied 64 24 12
Miners 52 42 6

Note : Breakdown by income groups showed no significant differences.

Q: 5. “If the Government agree to pay allowances for children, should the money be paid over to the father or the mother?”

Father Mother Either
% % %
Total: 16 59 25
Men 24 50 26
Women 8 68 24
Economic groups:
Upper 32 44 24
Middle 18 60 22
Lower 15 59 26

Note : Age group breakdowns showed no significant differences.

The above questions were asked in the following order:- 4, 1 or 2, 3. Question 5. was asked in a separate survey, but to a comparable sample also in mid-December.

5. Postwar problems

Q 1: “What will be the most urgent problem on the home front after the war?”

% %
Finding jobs, demobilisation 51 55
Changeover of industry to peace-time production 4
Housing 23
Maintaining supplies of food and clothing for the people 7 10
Social security in all forms 3
Miscellaneous 9
No answer, don't know 3

Q 2: “What should the Allies do with Germany as a country after the war?”

Occupation for a number of years, strict supervision 29
Breaking up into small States, destroy it as a country 24
Disarm them and make it impossible to make war again 10
Divide it among Russia, Poland, France etc. 7
Make sure they don't escape retribution, punish them 2
Make Germans rebuild devastated countries 2
Give people a chance to choose their own Government 6
Stamp out present regime and re-educate people 4
Miscellaneous 9
No answer, don't know 7

Q 3: “If there were a General Election tomorrow, how would you vote?”

Labour 40
Conservative 20 27
“National” 6
“For the Government” 1
Liberal 10
Communist 4
Common Wealth 2
Miscellaneous 3
Would not vote, uncertain 14

Note :

These results should be treated with extreme caution, The question made no mention of personalities, and these are likely to be potent factors. (see previous results to the question: “If anything should happen to Mr. Churchill, who would you like to see succeed him as Prime Minister?”

Appendix of May 6, 1943


January 10, 1944

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