A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Copy No. 248

The aim of this Report is to present an impartial assessment of public feeling about the war and the war effort. It is not a record of fact , except in so far as public opinion is itself a fact. The public is sometimes ill-informed, prejudiced, or inconsistent. The recording of such feelings without comment implies no endorsement of them.

The public is more prone to criticise than to praise. Good work or efficiency is usually taken for granted. An accurate record of expressed feeling will, therefore, tend to be critical rather than laudatory.

The method of compiling the Report is such that the amount of space devoted to each subject, and the order in which subjects are placed, are roughly indicative of the amount of public interest each is arousing. The omission of a subject from the Report means that it is not a matter of widespread comment.

In assessing the state of public feeling there are no absolutes. Findings can only be comparative. Each issue of this Report must therefore be read as part of a continuous series. Unless the series is seen as a whole, the significance of fluctuations in feeling cannot be appreciated.

The figures in brackets at the end of each section refer to sources of information, a list of which is given on the next page. The weekly reports from Regional Information Officers (R.I.Os.) are compiled by the Regional Intelligence Officers from a large number of sources. Details of the methods of compilation and cross-checking are contained in a paper on “How the Home Intelligence Weekly Report is made”. This will be supplied on request to the Home Intelligence Division of the Ministry of Information.



782 783 2 785 4 786 5 787 6 789 8 790 9 791 10 792 11


27th August, 1942

(Covering the period from 17th to 25th August, 1942)

There have as yet been no reports on the expression of people's feelings at the news of the Duke of Kent's death.


1. General state of confidence and reaction to news

The Dieppe raid and the Prime Minister's visit to Moscow were responsible for a sharp rise in public spirits which appears to have been at its highest after the one o'clock news on Wednesday, August 19th, while the raid was still in progress and people were thinking that our invasion of the continent might possibly have begun - in spite of the warning to the French that this was not the case. When, however, it became known that our troops had re-embarked, there began to be a feeling of disappointment that the raid had not developed into something bigger. There is reported to be a widespread tendency to believe that “if it had been successful, it would have been invasion”, but that it resolved itself into “just another Commando raid”. The news of our losses in relation to the apparent results of the raid seems also to have helped to reduce elation.

While most reports agree that the general level of public feeling is higher than it has been for some weeks, the rise in spirits is reported as “not very substantial in some cases”; and three Regional reports indicate that there has been, to some extent, “a drift back towards the earlier mood”. Delight at this sign of offensive action on our part has not distracted people's attention more than temporarily from anxiety about Russia, where the situation remains, “for many people, the crux of the war”. The sense of frustration at our apparent inability to bring much relief to our Ally is still reported.

The announcement of the Prime Minister's visit to Moscow seems to have come as no surprise, in view of the widespread rumours which have been current for the past three weeks. It is reported, however, to have caused the greatest satisfaction, and a good deal of hopeful speculation, though little excitement. As a topic of discussion it seems definitely to have taken second place to the Dieppe raid.

The American action in the Pacific is said to be causing increasing interest and satisfaction to a large minority, though there seems to be no tendency to be prematurely optimistic about it.

Brazil's entry into the war appears to have aroused only slight interest.

Apart from anxiety about Russia, other factors reported to be keeping spirits low include:-

  1. The depressing effect of the return of the blackout and dread of another long winter with the prospect of “limited light and warmth”.

  2. The “probability of a long drawn-out war”.

  3. A feeling that “the post-war world will be a worse mess than it was before”, the return of unemployment being particularly dreaded.

Though less widely reported than last week, apathy and lack of urgency continue to be mentioned, in one form or another, in four Regional reports, special reference being made to those earning high wages and to people living in small unbombed towns.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 Aberdeen, Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham, York P.C.s.)

2. The Dieppe raid

Reference has already been made to the stimulating effect of this raid, which was welcomed primarily as “a sign of a more aggressive spirit”. People's secondary reactions are, however, reported to have been conflicting, with considerable uncertainty both as to the purpose and the success of the operation; the main trends of feeling may be summarised as follows:-

  1. “If the opposition had not been so strong, we should have developed a full scale offensive” . This reaction is reported in one form or another from ten Regions - in some cases, as being the belief of the majority. The landing of tanks is particularly mentioned as giving rise to the idea that this was intended to have been more than just a Commando raid. A few are said to have regarded it simply as an attempt at invasion which failed. The warning to the French that this was not the real thing was apparently thought by many to be “a bluff to deceive the Germans”, and by a few as “a blind to enable our High Command to cover itself in case the landing was not a success”. (Ten Regions)

  2. “Were the gains worth the loss of life and equipment” ? “The actual objectives gained, a radiolocation station and two batteries of naval guns ... are considered as very little to show for such a great sacrifice of men and equipment”, and it is asked: “Could not heavy air raids have achieved more without such loss of life?” On the other hand, it is thought that if it was done for practice, “it could have been done just as easily on our own shore at less expense”. “If we have gained invaluable experience”, it is asked, “may not the Germans have done the same?”. Others say: “Did the Germans need a practice invasion of Norway or Crete?” There is some feeling that the raid was intended as “a spectacular token action to give the Russians some hope of further help soon”. Many people connect it with Mr. Churchill's visit to Moscow. (Nine Regions)

  3. “Did careless talk beforehand warn the enemy of the raid?” The claim that our plans were upset by the encounter with an enemy naval patrol is thought by some to be “very weak, since the Germans might be expected to patrol this coast”. (Five Regions)

  4. “The successful co-ordination of the three Services” , and “the skilled planning” involved, have received appreciative comment from four Regions.

  5. Was the great air battle a victory ?” Although a few people are reported to ask whether “command of the air can be reconciled with the loss of nearly a hundred planes”, the number of our losses “does not seem to have created anxiety”, particularly if the action “results in the diversion of German fighters from the Russian front”. (Three Regions)

  6. The Canadians . There appears to be a minority who ask why the lion's share of the action was left to the Canadians and why they were given so much publicity. A few are even said to believe that the raid was “staged to please the Canadians, to keep them from quarrelling with themselves and us”. (Three Regions)

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 Cardiff P.C.)

3. The Prime Minister's visit to Moscow

“Satisfaction” is the word most often used to describe people's reaction to the news of Mr. Churchill's travels. The general feeling is that the trip to Moscow “is bound to have done good”, and that “whatever the nature of the discussions, movements will have been set on foot which will ease the burden on Russia”. Many people think that the visit “presages the opening of the second front”. It is widely hoped that a better understanding between the two countries will result and that “the Prime Minister's personality will have overcome Stalin's previous suspicions on account of his well-known anti-Communist attitude”. Some people, however, were worried by Mr. Churchill's reference to the need for him “to express himself”, and hoped this did not indicate any serious divergence of view. The Prime Minister's statement on his travels is “eagerly anticipated”.

The following points of view are reported to come from a minority:-

  1. The visit was necessary (i) “to keep Russia in the war” (“It was horribly reminiscent of his journey to France before her capitulation”); (ii) to “hear the facts regarding the critical situation of the Russian armies”; (iii) to “smooth over disagreement among the Allies”.

  2. “Why must Churchill do all the travelling? Why can't Stalin or Roosevelt come here?”

The Prime Minister in Egypt : Particular pleasure was caused by Mr. Churchill's visit to the Egyptian front, and the fact that he looked so cheerful has heartened many people. It is thought that he “must have done a lot of good in Egypt, especially as he talked with the men as well as the officers”.

Rumour has it that Mr. Churchill has also been to India, and/or China.

The Prime Minister's popularity : Mr. Churchill's position is said to have been considerably strengthened as a result of his travels. His energy and courage are much admired, and great relief is expressed at his safe return. People are impressed at the way he goes and sees things for himself rather than relying solely on other people's reports.

Though a few are said to regret his “playing to the gallery” and his frequent use of the V sign, others are reported to “love to hear of his boyish tricks”.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 Aberdeen, Cardiff P.C.s.)

4. Russia

Anxiety for Russia continues to be reported, but although attention has been to a great extent diverted from the Caucasus to Stalingrad (“a name that means more than most Russian towns”), apprehension does not appear to be greater than it was last week. In the case of four Regions, in fact, “the fears that were expressed about the possible collapse of Russia were more than countered by the impression created by the Moscow talks”: in the words of the Scottish report, “people were getting very despondent about Russia until Churchill's visit to Stalin which seems, in the minds of the public, in some extraordinary way to have immediately improved the position in the Don Basin”. Nevertheless, so far as the majority are concerned, anxiety as well as admiration appear to be deep, and fears that Russia will be forced to make a separate peace or that she will at any rate be immobilised continue to be expressed.

Some belief is reported that we may be able to help Russia with “our forces in Persia” and that General Wavell's presence in Moscow may have had something to do with such a plan. A few are said to believe that “Stalin is jettisoning the Caucasus area and shepherding the Nazi armies into the Middle East where we shall be compelled to contend with them”.

Less comment is reported this week about “anti-Russian feeling in high places”, and this is thought to be largely due to Mr. Churchill's visit to Moscow. Lady Astor's Southport speech continues, however, to be quoted as “an example of such feeling”.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 Aberdeen, Glasgow, Manchester Nottingham P.C.s.)

5. The second front

There is little change to report about the public's feelings on this question. Although the desire for a second front continues, demands for its immediate opening are said to be less numerous and less insistent since the raid on Dieppe, and increased confidence in the Government is reported in this connection. There seems to be a fairly general belief that “the second front is very near”, and that it will be established this autumn.

There appears to be increasing realisation - and resentment - of the part played by the Communist Party in propaganda for a second front.

(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21 Aberdeen, Carlisle, Manchester, Reading P.C.s.)

6. India

There is little that is new to report about people's reactions to the situation in India, discussion having to a great extent died down, The views most freely expressed are:-

  1. Approval for the strong measures of the Indian Government.

  2. Sympathy for Indian aspirations, and the hope that negotiations will be reopened as soon as the campaign of civil disobedience ends.

  3. Fear that we may be “creating another Irish problem”.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21 Aberdeen, Bristol, Carlisle, Glasgow, Inverness, Manchester, Nottingham P.C.s.)

7. Changes in Middle East Commands

Little comment is reported on the situation in Egypt, though there is “still a background of apprehension”, and at the same time “a corresponding impatience as to what may happen when Rommel is reinforced”.

A good deal of interest is, however, reported as a result of the changes in Command. While the public as a whole appears to be mystified, a good many people are reported to have greeted the changes with “cynical comment”, and others with “disfavour” or “regret”. It is thought that:-

  1. It is not a good thing to move generals from one front to another so often, as “it deprives them of the valuable asset of familiarity with the ground on which they have to fight”. (Four Regions)

  2. General Auchinleck “is needed for a more important job - the second front”. (Four Regions)

  3. He was removed “because of failure”. (Two Regions)

  4. He has been “removed for the same reason as General Cunningham - because he is not prepared to undertake an offensive with the material and personnel available”.

  5. “As the intensive build-up of ‘the Auk's’ reputation was considered to be officially inspired, his apparent dismissal shows that not much credence can be given to eulogies of generals”; as a result of which there is a tendency to “accept the present tributes to the new commanders as so much dope”, though General Maitland Wilson, as Wavell's former henchman, “has some of the popularity that has always been given to Wavell more than any other general”.

(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)

8. The U.S. operations in the Solomon and Gilbert Islands

Increasing - though still cautious - satisfaction is reported at the U.S. Pacific offensive, and there is some belief that this is intended “to divert Japan from Siberia”. There is, however, a feeling that the Pacific is “a long way from Berlin and Tokyo”.

(1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 21 Cardiff, Glasgow, Manchester P.C.s.)

9. U.S. Troops in Great Britain

Praise for the good behaviour of U.S. troops continues to be reported, and though there is said to be “some hostility” at the news of their arrival, there also appears to be a “subsequent thawing”. In the Southern Region a desire is expressed “that particulars of the American uniforms and badges of rank should be published in the Press and elsewhere, because people offering hospitality are said to be embarrassed by their lack of knowledge of the unfamiliar uniforms”.

High Pay : The high pay of U.S. soldiers compared with that of British troops continues to be a source of critical comment from three Regions. In the Southern Region the lavish display of dollar bills is commented on; “wads enough to choke a cow” is the local description of such riches. Reports from Northern Ireland indicate that U.S. soldiers “resent the inference that they are well paid compared with their British comrades”. They are said to feel entitled to their pay, and even to feel underpaid, compared to their comrades in war industries at home.

Coloured troops : Criticism of white girls' behaviour with coloured troops is again reported from three Regions. In the South Western Region it is said that there appears to be an increasing tendency for coloured men to accost girls in passing, but “the white girls are held to blame” and there is a demand for action by the police.

Dislike of American soldiers' discrimination against their coloured brethren is reported from three Regions, and it is pointed out that Canadians differ from Americans in their attitude to Negroes, “showing far less discrimination and fear”.

Drunkenness : Complaints of the rowdiness and drunkenness of U.S. soldiers are reported from two Regions, and in the Southern Region they are criticised for ‘treating’ English girls “who are not accustomed to drinking on this scale”.

(4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 21 Inverness P.C.)

10. The Mediterranean convoy battle

There still appears to be some discussion on this subject, opinion being divided between (a) considering the enterprise “abundantly worth while, in spite of our great losses (three Regions); and (b) “doubt as to whether the fleet should have been hazarded in this way - or could be again” (one Region). Admiration for the heroism of those taking part is again reported, the general feeling seeming to be that “it was a damned good show”.

(1, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12)

11. R.A.F. bombing offensive

Comment continues on the same lines as that reported during the last two weeks, and may be summarised as follows:-

  1. Disappointment at “our failure to carry out our threats of uninterrupted and heavy raids on Germany”. It is felt that “failing a second front, raids are the most effective way of helping Russia”. A minority opinion, however, reported from one Region, is that “the raids have not delayed the German advance in Russia, and have only served to bring the German raiders back over Britain”.

  2. Criticism of any promises of heavy bombing in the future: “We do not want to hear what is going to happen - let us hear the results”. According to the report from the Southern Region, “the definite information of the effect of our bombing” given in Sir Archibald Sinclair's speech at Swansea on 22nd August, “has been received with considerable satisfaction”. (No other references to this speech have been reported.)

  3. Little interest in raids “which have not assumed the proportions hoped for”. (It is reported from London Region, however, that recent raids are cheering the working people considerably: “Somebody has scrapped the talk and got on with the job”.)

  4. A demand for the bombing of Italy: “Just fancy, not a single bomb on Rome, and poor Malta bashed”. From the Southern Region comes a reference to renewed feeling that “the lenient treatment of Italy is due to pro-Italian sentiments in high quarters”.

(4, 5, 6, 10, 12 Inverness P.C.)

12. Brazil

The entry of Brazil into the war on the side of the Allies does not appear to have excited much comment, beyond a feeling of mild satisfaction on the lines of “it all helps” and “it's one less for Hitler”. Some pleased surprise is, however, reported at Brazil's size and potentialities, and it is hoped that the shipping situation off the American coast may now be improved.

(2, 4, 7, 10, 12)

13. Broadcasting and presentation of news

The Dieppe raid : From seven Regions comes praise of the way in which the news of the raid was presented: “Accounts have been eagerly read and found satisfying”. Reports from three of these Regions show appreciation for the promptness of the announcement - “for once we have left Goebbels standing at the post!” On the other hand reports from four Regions complain that “the policy of non-contradiction of German claims was unwise” and that “German casualty figures were generally accepted” as none were given by us. Reports from two Regions suggest that “too much prominence has been given to the raid”, and by Friday people were reported to be saying, “I hope they will stop plugging it soon, we are tired of it already”.

Frank Gillard's broadcast : This description of the Raid was considered “most effective publicity” in one Region, though in reports from two others, he was criticised for his “exaggerated claims that we had destroyed 270 German aircraft”, and for his “gory details” and alleged inaccuracy about 6 ins. howitzers.

Presentation of news : There is less criticism of news presentation this week, though from three Regions come the familiar allegations that:-

  1. “Successes are magnified, and reverses played down”.

  2. That “we are not told the whole truth”; the usual criticisms are heard “whenever an enemy claim is subsequently admitted”.

Enemy broadcasts : From three Regions and Postal Censorship come reports of listening in to enemy broadcasts in the hope of picking up “items of news in advance of the B.B.C.”, and information about prisoners of war. One writer says: “What do you think of Richard's name coming over the wireless from a German station last Monday? So he's a prisoner! Haw Haw gives six names every night, quite a few heard it”.

B.B.C. News Bulletins : Two Regions still report a tendency to “switch off after the summary” and a woman quoted by Postal Censorship writes: “As I have said, dear, I do not listen to the news any more. If I feel low, it only makes me lower”.

The suggestion that official announcements should be given in the Press is reported again from one Region, as “many people are said to miss them after the news bulletins”.

European News : Praise for the European News Service comes from two Regions and, in another, listening to this service is said to be on the increase.

Commander Kimmins' broadcast : This “superb description” of the convoy to Malta has been praised in reports from seven Regions. “It was sincere and real, and there was nothing mannered about it. It captured the imagination”.

Mr. Brockington's Postscript , Sunday 16th August: Favourable comment has been received from three Regions on this Postscript.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21 Inverness, P.C.)


14. Industry

Little criticism is again reported of industry as a whole. In fact, from two Regions “a definite spurt amongst the workers” was reported as “a result of the Dieppe raid: they again felt that their work was for a definite purpose”.

Manpower : A continued demand is reported for “the combing-out of young men in sheltered jobs”, specific mention being made of those in Government departments, on the staff of contractors engaged on Government work, and in industry - where, “inspectors and clerks are looked upon by manual workers as no good because they are non-productive”.

Part-time work : According to reports from three Regions, it is believed that more accommodation for young children would “give a valuable impetus to the recruiting of part-time workers”. In the Southern Region, however, such hopes, raised by the anticipated opening of a day nursery at Hungerford, are said to have been dashed by the alleged “refusal of Vickers to consider any shift of less than twelve hours”.

Women's health : “The tiredness of women workers” is reported from the Eastern Region to be “beginning to effect their interest in their work and the war effort”. The following factors are held to be chiefly responsible: (a) long hours of work; (b) transport difficulties; (c) shopping difficulties; (d) the blackout - sometimes they scarcely see daylight at all.

Accommodation for war workers : The difficulties connected with the billeting and feeding of war workers are again reported this week from the Eastern Region. The report from the Southern Region refers to “an already impossible position in Newbury Rural District, and to “constant new demands for accommodation there; “the latest being for anything up to a thousand workmen employed in laying a double track on the Winchester-Didcot railway line”.

Criticism of managements : The suspicion that “this war will go on just as long as large profits can be made by war contractors” is reported from two Regions. Talk of the “cost plus 10% basis of contracts” is said to have revived in Wales.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

15. Food

Though praise for the general food situation continues to be reported from five Regions and Postal Censorship, there is said to be some apprehension because the number of points has not been raised; the reasons being the inclusion of biscuits on points, though this is welcomed by housewives and especially war workers (Five Regions, Cardiff P.C.), and “the doubling of syrup and treacle pointage” (Three Regions).

Sweet rations : Pleasure at the increased sweet ration is reported from four Regions and Postal Censorship, but there are “caustic comments on the fact that the shops are overflowing with sweets”. The alleged admission by Lord Woolton that he has had to increase the sweets ration to reduce surplus stocks, is criticised in one Region by people who feel that, since hoarding by consumers is punishable, Lord Woolton has “one law for his fellow traders and another for the general public”. In the London Region instances have been reported of customers being offered sweets off the ration “because they will go bad if they are not sold”.

Eggs : Confusion over the allocation of dried eggs is reported again from three Regions. Shortage of fresh eggs is reported from two Regions.

Food wastage : Complaints of food being wasted by the Services come from two Regions and Postal Censorship. Two R.A.F. camps in the North and Army camps in East Anglia are specially mentioned. In the North East Region complaints are made that market stall holders “throw away fruit and vegetables, rather than sell them at lower prices”; and in the Eastern Region it is asked why potato clamps cannot be sold faster as some are said to be rotting.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 21 Aberdeen, Cambridge, Cardiff, Carlisle, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds and Nottingham P.C.s.)

16. Fuel economy

People continue to be “full of resentment over any instances of wastefulness in others”. Complaints are made chiefly about Government buildings, local authorities, business premises, factories and shops. It is also suggested in one report that “quantities of fuel are used in heating churches and cathedrals, the doors of which are continually being opened, allowing the heat to escape”.

This resentment appears, however, to be coupled with “a very conscientious effort on the part of most of the public to economise in the domestic consumption of fuel”.

Complaints are still reported over (a) the electricity two-part tariff “where people pay more for the privilege of saving fuel than if they did not have it” and (b) “requests to replace high-wattage bulbs by low-wattage ones when the latter are difficult to get”.

“Your fuel target” : Few reports have as yet been received on this advertisement. In one Region there is said to be a good deal of talk about it, “the facts of saving having been seized on” in preference to “the rhetoric of the Sunday broadcast appeal”. “The more generous treatment of the North” is reported from the North Western Region as “likely to meet with favour”, though in the Southern Region, annoyance is said to be caused by “the differentiation between the North, the Midlands and the South”.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 32)

17. Women's Fire-guard Order

A feeling of resentment and objection to the Fire-watching order for women is reported this week from four Regions, and is borne out by Postal Censorship; the chief reasons for complaint are that:-

  1. There are thought to be still a lot of men who are avoiding fire-watching duty; women feel that all men should be called upon first. It is suggested that the A.R.P. Service and Home Guard, “who spend long hours of duty doing nothing”, and older men up to 65 or 70, should be brought in to fire-watch.

  2. Fire-watching is not a fit job for women; this opinion appears to be held chiefly by men, who are said to be doubtful of women's ability to tackle difficult fires, and dubious “about the propriety of girls being on duty with men employees at night”.

  3. Fire-watching in target areas should be left to men; women should only fire-watch in residential areas.

  4. Women with elderly relatives in their care should be exempted in the same way as women with children.

It appears that women are still not clear about the provisions of the Order, and particularly how the hours of duty are to apply.

(1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 21 Cardiff, Glasgow, Inverness, York P.C.s.)

18. Transport

“Inadequate transport facilities” for workers and in rural areas have been referred to in reports from [Text Missing]ten Regions this week; from the South Western in the following terms; “The growing difficulties, the inordinate waste of time and the downright impossibilities in journeying by public service vehicles, are becoming a major issue”.

Specific complaints follow familiar lines: (a) workers are crowded out by holiday makers; a case is also quoted of business men crowded out of their train to Cambridge for a vital appointment by race-goers; (b) short distance passengers with alternative transport using long distance ‘buses; (c) non-observance of the queuing regulations; (d) the discomfort of war workers who have “to make long journeys in overcrowded buses at the start and end of their day”; (e) lack of compulsory control over travellers, and failure to eliminate non-essential travelling.

Petrol : Petrol wastage appears to “be fused in the public mind with transport difficulties, and critical comment is reported about:-

  1. The number of motor cars - often high H.P. - taking “well dressed people to dinners or dances” or used for shopping. It is asked “how are they managing to wangle petrol”?

  2. Wastage of petrol by the N.F.S., the Army, the Police and Government officials.

(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 21 Reading P.C.)

19. Rumours

Among rumours reported this week are stories that:-

  1. Matches are to be rationed (London Region) and the tea and sugar rations are to be cut. (from both Eastern and South Western Regions)

  2. The W.V.S. have been told that on no account should American coloured troops be entertained in private homes owing to the prevalence among them of venereal disease. (25, 32)

  3. U.S. Forces are going “to take over the Southern Command”. (South Western Region)

  4. United States forces “are to seize the vital ports of Eire when the time for definite action arrives”. (South Western Region)



1. Northern Region (Newcastle) Weekly Reports from R.I.Os.
2. North Eastern Region (Leeds)
3. North Midland Region (Nottingham)
4. Eastern Region (Cambridge)
5. London Region (London)
6. Southern Region (Reading)
7. South Western Region (Bristol)
8. Wales (Cardiff)
9. Midland (Birmingham)
10. North Western Region (Manchester)
11. Scotland (Edinburgh)
12. South Eastern Region (Tunbridge Wells)
13. Northern Ireland (Belfast)
14. Special Reports from R.I.Os.
15. Regions Adviser's Reports
16. M.O.I. Speakers' Reports
17. Local Information Committees' Reports
18. Home Press Summaries M.O.I.
19. Regional Press Summaries
20. Hansard
21. Postal Censorship
22. Police Duty Room Reports
23. Wartime Social Survey Reports
24. B.B.C. Listener Research Papers
25. B.B.C. Special Papers
26. Citizens' Advice Bureaux Reports
27. W.V.S. Reports
28. Scottish Unionist Whips' Reports
29. Liberal Party's Reports
30. Economic League's Reports
31. War Office Post Bag Summaries
32. Primary Sources

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