A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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ENQUIRY (New Series) No.21 (C & S)


Serial Number

1. How do you think your present health compares with your health in peacetime?

Better 1
Slightly better 2
Same 3
Slightly worse 4
Worse 5

1a. Reasons for 1, 2, 4 or 5

Slightly Better, Better Slightly Worse, Worse
No reason given 0 No reason given 0
Recovery from illness 1 Worry and nerves 1
Eating less 2 2
N.W. Bread is better 3 Overwork, tired, rundown 3
More active - less time to worry 4 Strain of more responsibility 4
More active gardening 5 Specific illness 5
at home 6 Under-nourishment, less vitality 6
work 7 Worries about getting food 7
Since I have started work 8 Bread unsuitable 8
More regular hours now 9 Aging 9
More fresh air 10 Working conditions 10
Other Other

2. How does your weight now compare with your weight last year?

Does not know 0
Gained weight 1
Same weight 2
Lost weight 3

3. What do you do to keep fit?

Does not know 0 Have adequate sleep 5
Nothing special 1 Take Health Salts 6
Take exercise 2 Dress appropriately to weather 7
Fresh air 3 Avoid possible infection 8
Pay attention to food and diet 4 Take Cod Liver Oil, Adexolin and
other sources of vitamins
Drink Milk 10

3a. Where do you go, or look, for information on how to keep fit?

4 Do you take any special precautions against catching a cold

4a. If YES, what?

Gargle, syringe or spray 1 Keep feet warm and dry 6
Take hot drinks at night 2 Take patent medicines 7
Avoid infection from other people 3 Drink milk 8
Fresh air 4 Wear appropriate clothes
Adjust clothes to temperature
Avoid chills and draughts, keep warm and dry 5 Take Cod Liver Oil or other
sources of vitamins

5. How do you think colds are spread?

Does not know 0 By other people coughing and sneezing near you 4
Germs 1 Being run down 5
Chills 2 Being too lightly clothed 6
Getting feet wet 3 Stuffy, Overheated atmosphere 7

6. In what ways can you “become more careful about spreading infection when you have a cold?

Does not know 0 Keep away from other people 2
Use handkerchief when
sneezing and coughing
1 Use disinfectant 3

7. Do you think other people have become more careful about spreading infection when they sneeze or cough?

Yes 1
No 2
Have not noticed 3

8. Do you find that rationing has made you short of handkerchiefs when you have a cold?

8a. If YES, What substitutes do you use?

No substitute used 1
Pieces of rag 2

9. (To women) when you have a cold do you use men’s handkerchiefs?

Always 1
Sometimes 2
Never 3

10. Do you think it is really necessary to carry a handkerchief when you haven’t a cold?

Don’t know 0
Yes 1
No 2

10a. Why?

Always possibility of coughing and sneezing 1
Handy to have 2
For decency’s sake: is the thing that’s done 3

11. (To parents of children 14 and under). Does each of your children carry a handkerchief?

Don’t’ know 0
Yes 1
No 2

11a. If YES, do you teach them to use it to cough and sneeze into?

Don’t’ know 0
Yes 1
No 2

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