A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
Introduction to this section: Since last autumn there has been a good deal of publicity to try to stop people spreading infection by coughing and sneezing.
12. Have you seen or heard any of these slogans?
13. Do you remember seeing any films about coughs and sneezes?
13a. If YES, what?
13b have you seen any special M,.O. I. Film Shows?
14. Do you remember seeing any Posters about coughs and sneezes?
14a. If YES, which?
15. Which of these do you think more effective as posters?
16. Which do you prefer, humorous or serious Posters?
16a. Why?
17. Are there any regular articles on KEEPING FIT in your newspaper?
17a. If YES, do you read them?
17b. If No, would you read articles on keeping Fit if there were?
18c. Reasons for NO
18. Have you noticed in your newspaper any of the “What Do I Do?”
series relating to health?
18a. If YES, what were they about?
19. Are there any regular articles on KEEPING FIT in the magazines and periodicals you read?
19a. If YES, do you read them?
20. Have you been given any leaflets about health?
20a. If YES, what were they about?
21. Do you remember any radio announcement or talks about health?
21a. If YES, what?
22. Have you the time to go to a public talk on war situation, gardening, keeping healthy, cookery, technical subjects?
22a. If you have time, which subject/s would interest you most?
Town or District
Children 14 and under