A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Changes in Stocking Wearing

It was thought that possible shortages in stockings might affect habits in supporting garments. All women interviewed were therefore asked:

“Do you wear stockings as much as you used to?”

Occupation Yes % No % Total
Housewives 793 78.3 219 21.6 1012
Light Engineering 753 79.6 193 20.4 946
Textiles 877 86.6 136 13.4 1013
Clerical 867 78.5 237 21.5 1104
Shop Assistants 394 87.7 55 12.3 449
Other Factories 308 81.0 72 19.0 380
Transport 111 94.1 7 5.9 118
Agriculture 19 22.1 67 77.9 86
Total 4122 80.9 986 19.3 5108

All subjects answering No to this question were asked: “Do you wear corsets or belts when not wearing stockings?”

Occupation Yes % No % Total
Housewives 102 57.9 74 42.1 176
Light Engineering 81 44.0 103 56.0 184
Textiles 67 61.5 42 38.5 109 + 9
Clerical 92 42.3 126 57.7 218 + 7
Shop Assistants 22 44.9 27 55.1 218 + 14
Other Factories 43 67.2 21 32.8 64 + 12
Transport 3 - 5 - 8
Agriculture 16 24.3 50 75.7 66
Total 426 49.7 448 50.3 874

It will be seen that in the first table significant differences appear as between textiles and shop assistants and the other occupation groups. Differences in the second table are subject in several cases to a wide margin of possible error. Regional analyses of these figures are given in the section on regional differences.


Stocking Habit in Different Age Groups

“Do you wear Stockings as much as you used to”?

Age Yes No Total
40 and over 1,139 90.5 119 9.5 1,258
30 - 39 1,247 84.4 230 15.6 1,477
20 - 29 1,358 75.5 440 24.5 1,798
Under 20 380 65.5 200 34.5 580
TOTAL 4,124 989 5,113

All Subjects answering ‘NO’ to this question were asked “Do you wear corsets or belts when not wearing Stockings?”

Age Yes No Total
40 and over 58 63.0 34 37.0 92
30 to 39 120 59.6 81 40.4 201
20 to 29 173 42.5 233 57.5 406
Under 20 76 43.0 101 57.0 177
TOTAL 427 449 876

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