A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



1. The Need for at least one carpet for room(s) or stair(s)

All the 975 housewives were asked: “Are you in need of carpets for any rooms or stairs?” Table 18 shows the distribution of these answers.

Table 18

No. of housewives in need of carpet (s) for room(s) only 261 27
No. of housewives in need of carpet (s) for stair only 114 12
No. of housewives in need of carpet (s) for both only 296 30
No. of housewives in need of carpet (s) for neither only 304 31
Total 975 100

From this follows:-

Table 19
No. of housewives in need of at least one room carpet 557 57
No. of housewives in need of at least one stair carpet 410 42

Analyses of these in terms of urban/rural, economic group and age of dwelling are given in Tables 20 and 21.

Table 20

Number of housewives who said they needed carpet(s) for room(s), stairs(s), both or neither

Economic Group Age of Dwelling
No. of housewives in need of carpets for:- Urban Rural Up to £3 Over £3 to £4 Over £4 to £5.10. Pre 1914 Post 1918
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Room(s) only 209 26 52 30 37 19 92 31 131 28 156 25 105 31
Stairs only 90 11 24 14 20 10 35 12 58 12 72 11 42 12
Both 263 33 33 19 48 25 89 30 155 33 190 30 106 31
Neither 241 30 63 37 90 46 82 27 127 27 215 34 89 26
Total 803 100 172 100 195 100 298 100 471 100 633 100 342 100

(In 11 cases Economic Group was not recorded).

Table 21
Economic Group Age of dwelling
Urban Rural Up to £3 Over £3 to £4 Over £4 to £5.10. Pre 1914 Post 1918
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
No. of housewives in need of at least 1 room carpet 472 59 85 49 85 44 181 61 286 61 346 55 211 62
No. of housewives in need of at least 1 stair carpet 353 44 57 33 68 35 124 42 213 45 262 41 148 43

In 10 cases economic group was not recorded.


2. The Number of housewives requiring various numbers of room-carpets

Question 1b. “For which rooms are they needed?” was added after 324 of the 975 informants had already been interviewed.

651 of the 975 housewives - or, rather, those of the 651 who had said they were in need of at least one room carpet - were asked for which room(s) they were needed. Assuming that not more than one carpet was needed for any one room, we were thus able to tell how many carpets each housewife needed. Table 22 shows the numbers of room carpets, and percentages, of housewives requiring various numbers of room carpets.

Table 22
No. of room-carpets required No. of housewives requiring them %
0 256 41.0
1 203 369 32.5
2 79 12.6
3 50 8.0
4 29 4.6
5 6 1.0
6 2 0.3
7 or more 0 0.0
sum 625 100.0
Room asked but no answer available 26

It will be seen that 41% of the housewives say they require no room-carpet. It can be inferred from Table 19 that 100%-57% = 43% of the full sample of 975 housewives say the same, so that in this respect the restricted sample of 651 housewives does not differ markedly from the full sample.

If we include the 256 housewives who need no room-carpets, the number of room-carpets required per housewife is 1.07. If we consider only those who do require one or more carpets, the number is 1.8.

3. The proposed distribution of the Required Room-carpets

(a) By Types of Room

The 369 housewives shown in Table 22a to require room-carpet(s) needed between them 669 carpets (assuming one carpet per room). Table - 23 shows the number of carpets required for each of 3 types of room.

Table 22a
Type of room No. of room-carpets %
Bed/bed-sitting room 308 46
Living-room 335 50
Others 26 4
Total 669 100

It will be seen that half the room-carpets are required for living-rooms.

17 18 19

(b) By types of room within households

Tables 23-28 show the distributions over three types of room proposed by the 369 housewives for the room-carpets they need. These housewives, together with the the 256 who require no room-carpets and the 26 for whom answers are not available as to which room(s) they require them for, make up the restricted sample of 651.

Table 23

203 housewives each requiring 1 room-carpet

No. of housewives proposing each distribution for their required room-carpets. % No. of bed or bed-sitting rooms to be carpeted. No. of living-rooms to be carpeted. No. of other rooms to be carpeted.
164 81 0 1 0
38 19 1 0 0
1 - 0 0 1
203 100
Table 24

79 housewives each requiring 2 room-carpets

No. of housewives proposing each distribution of room-carpets % No. of bed or bed-sitting rooms to be carpeted. No. of living-rooms to be carpeted. No. of other rooms to be carpeted.
57 72 1 1 0
10 13 2 0 0
6 8 0 2 0
5 6 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 2
79 100
Table 25

50 Housewives each requiring 3 room-carpets

No. of housewives proposing each distribution of room-carpets. % No. of bed or bed-sitting rooms to be carpeted. No. of living-rooms to be carpeted. No. of other rooms to be carpeted.
33 66 2 1 0
8 16 3 0 0
6 12 1 2 0
2 4 1 1 1
1 2 2 0 1
50 100
Table 26*

29 Housewives each requiring 4 room-carpets

No. of housewives proposing each distribution of room-carpets. % No. of bed or bed-sitting rooms to be carpeted No. of living-rooms to be carpeted. No. of other rooms to be carpeted.
11 - 3 1 0
9 - 2 2 0
7 - 2 1 1
1 - 1 1 2
1 - 4 0 0

* The number of housewives concerned are so small that little significance can be attached to their proposed allocation of carpets to various types of room.

Table 27*

6 Housewives each requiring 5 room-carpets

No. of housewives proposing each distribution of room-carpets. % No. of bed or bed-sitting rooms to be carpeted No. of living-rooms to be carpeted. No. of other rooms to be carpeted.
3 - 3 2 0
1 - 2 1 2
1 - 3 1 1
1 - 4 1 0
Table 28*

2 Housewives each requiring 6 room-carpets

No. of housewives proposing each distribution of room-carpets. % No. of bed or bed-sitting rooms to be carpeted No. of living-rooms to be carpeted. No. of other rooms to be carpeted.
1 - 2 2 2
1 - 3 2 1

It will be seen that in households requiring only one room-carpet the popular proposal (81%) is to have it in a living room.

In households requiring 2 room-carpets the most popular proposal (72%) is to have them 1 in a living-room and 1 in a bed or bed-sitting-room.

In households requiring 3 room-carpets the most popular proposal (66%) is to have them 1 in a living-room and 2 in a bed or bed-sitting-room.

These three types of most popular distribution agree with the most popular types Of distribution of room-carpets at present in use as can be seen by referring section III of “The Present Distribution of Room-Carpets” above.

In households requiring 4 room-carpets the most popular proposal (11 out 29) is to have them 1 in a living-room and 3 in a bed or bed-sitting-room.

In households requiring 5 room-carpets the most popular proposal (3 out of 6) is to have them 2 in living-rooms and 3 in bed or bed-sitting-rooms.

For the 203 housewives who require 1 room-carpet only and the 79 require 2 room-carpets only it is possible to classify in greater detail the type of rooms for which they are wanted. These results are presented as tables 29 and 30.

Table 29

203 Housewives each requiring one room-carpet only

Type of room No. of housewives %
Working kitchen 1 -
Kitchen living room 58 29
Parlour 27 13
Living-room 79 39
Bed/bed-sitting-room 38 19
Other room 0 0
203 100

It will be seen that the largest percentage (39%) of housewives, in need of one carpet only, need it for a living-room other than a parlour. 52% need it for a parlour or other living-room.

Table 30

79 Housewives each requiring 2 room-carpets only

Working kitchen Kitchen-living-room Parlour Living-room Bedroom Other room
Working kitchen 0
Kitchen-living-room 0 0
Parlour 0 1 0
Living-room 2 4 0 1
Bedroom, bed-sitting-room 0 23 7 27 10
Other room 1 2 1 0 0 0

It will that seen that of those housewives requiring 2 room-carpets the greatest number (27) require one for a bedroom and one for a living room. The next most popular choice (23 housewives) is 1 for a bedroom and 1 for a kitchen-living- room. 10 housewives require the 2 carpets for 2 bedrooms.

[4] The numbers of housewives concerned are so small that little significance can be attached to their proposed allocation of carpets to various types of room.

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