A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

33. 34. 35. 36.





Working Women

Interviewer ......... Town ......... Date .........

Region Occupation Age Age of leaving school
(S.E.) X.1 Factory: War 1 16 - 20 ......... 1 14 ......... 1
(Scotl) X Factory: non-war 2 21 - 24 ......... 2 15 ......... 2
(N.W.) 0 Clerical 3 25 - 29 ......... 3 16 ......... 3
1 Distributive 4 30 - 34 ......... 4 17 ......... 4
2 Miscellaneous 5 18 and over ......... 5
4 Exact Occupation Where living Type of school
5 ......... Urban ......... 6 Elementary .........1
6 ......... Rural ......... 7 Central .........2
7 ......... Secondary .........3
8 ......... High or Grammar .........4
9 Private .........5

1. Had you at any time a desire to take up either nursing or midwifery as a career?

Comments ......... Yes Nursing 1
Midwifery 2
No 3
Doubtful 4

If Yes

1a. Why did you not do so? .........

If Nursing to 1

1c. Would you like to specialize in any particular branch of nursing? What? .........

2. What are your ideas in general about the life and work of a nurse? .........

3. Considering nursing as a career, what do you think are the main:

(a) Advantages or attractions .........

(b) Disadvantages or drawbacks ..............

4. What are your ideas about midwifery as a career? ................

5. Do you know what standard of education a girl must reach before she can begin to train as a nurse? ..........

9. Do you think nurses’ working conditions have improved at all during the last year or two?

Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know 3

If Yes

9a. What improvements have you noticed particularly? ............

9b. What do you think of them? ...........

10. (If not mentioned in 9).

Have you heard of the:

(a) inoreased rates of pay recently introduced?

(b) reduction in working hours?

11. Have you thought of volunteering for nursing if and when you are called up?

Yes 1
No 2
Doubtful 3
D.N.A. 4

If Yes to 11

11a. What made you decide this way?

11b. Are you considering nursing as a war work only or as a career?

War work 1
Career 2
Doubtful 3

If War-work or doubtful

11c. Why? .........

If No to 11

11d. Why would you not choose nursing?

If Doubtful to 11

11e. What makes you doubtful?

12. Have you any idea what careers, other than nursing in hospital, are open to fully trained nurses?

13. The government is using various ways of informing people about the urgent need for nurses. .........

(a) Have you noticed?

(b) Can you remember what it was about?

(a) Posters Yes 1
No 2

(b) .........

(a) Newspapers & magazine adverts. Yes 4
No 5

(b) .........

(a) Wireless talks Yes 7
No 8

(b) .........

14. From what other sources have you heard about nursing?

Comments .





Interviewer ......... Town ......... Date .........

Region Age
(S.E.) X 1 School Cert. taken 1 16 ......... 1 1
(Scot.) X Not taken 2 17 ......... 2 2
(N.W.) 0 18 and over ... 3 3
2 Where living
4 Urban ... 6 6
5 Rural ... 7 7
7 Name of School

1. Had you at any time a desire to take up either nursing or midwifery as a career?

Comments .........

Yes Nursing 1
Midwifery 2
No 3
Doubtful 4

If Yes

1a. Are you going to do so?

Yes 6
No 7
Doubtful 8

If No or Doubtful

1b. Why? ...

If Nursing to 1 .

1c. Would you like to specialize in any particular branch of nursing? What?

2. What are you ideas in general about the life and work of a nurse?

3. Considering nursing as a career, what do you think are the main

(a) Advantages or attractions .........

(b) Disadvantages or drawbacks .........

4. What are your ideas about midwifery as a career? .........

5. Do you know what standard of education a girl must reach before she can begin to train as a nurse? .........

6. If Yes or Doubtful to 1a .

(a) Has the fact, that hospital training cannot be begun before you are 17½ to 18 years old, presented any difficulty to you? What?

If No to 1a .

(b) Has the fact, that hospital training cannot be begun before you are 17½ to 18 years old influenced you against taking up nursing?

7. Do you know that a useful one or two year pre-nursing course can be taken at some secondary schools now?

8. What do you think of that arrangement? .........

9. Do you think nurses’ working conditions have improved at all during the last year or two?

Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know 3

If Yes

9a. What improvements have you noticed particularly? .........

9b. What do you think of them? .........

10. (If not mentioned in 9)

Have you heard of the

(a) increased rate of pay introduced recently? Yes 1
No 2
(b) reduction in working hours? Yes 4
No 5

11. Have you thought of volunteering for nursing if and when you are called up?

Yes 1
No 2
Doubtful 3
D.N.A. 4

If Yes to 11

11a. What made you decide this way? .........

11b. Are you considering nursing as war work only or as a career?

War Work 1
Career 2
Doubtful 3

If War work or Doubtful

11c. Why? .........

If No to 11

11d. Why would you not choose nursing? .........

If Doubtful to 11

11e. What makes you doubtful? .........

12. Have you any idea what careers other than nursing in hospital are open to fully trained nurses? .........

13. The Government is using various ways of informing people about the urgent need for nurses.

(a) Have you noticed? .........

(b) Can you remember what it was about?

(a) Posters Yes 1
No 2

(b) .........

(a) Newspapers and Magazine adverts. Yes 4
No 5

(b) .........

(a) Wireless talks Yes 7
No 8

14. From what other sources have you heard about nursing? .........


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