A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
This inquiry, commissioned by the Ministry of Town and Country Planning, serves two closely related objects. It is intended (i) to provide data for the Ministry on the proportion and general characteristics of the Willesden population who would be willing to move out of London to a new town; and (ii) to provide the Willesden Borough Council with data needed for the preparation of their own replanning scheme.
Both interested parties required not only the opinions of individuals on various matters related to town-planning, but also the characteristics of the structurally-separate dwelling, the household, and the smaller family group. The questionnaires and their application had therefore to be so planned as to make possible the simultaneous collection of this data. The field-work took place in the winter of 1946-47, on the lines indicated in Appendix I, where the method of inquiry is discussed.
Throughout the course of the inquiry, and in the manipulation of the data, assistance was given by Miss Barbara Foster Sutton.
B. A. H.
December, 1947