A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

67 66


Occupational Group No. 5 - Women: Iron and Steel Manufacture

Size No. of Workers TYPE OF FACTORY Not Specified
Converted for Wartime use Not converted
Large (over 250) Medium(51-250) Small(under 50) Large (over 250) Medium(51-250) Small(under 50)
Wooden 1 1 - 6 - - -
Concrete or stone 10 10 - 73 4 - 5
Steel 3 2 - 107 3 - 3
Other 2 - - 22 17 2 3
Total 16 8 4 202 31 2 11
Clean - - - 56 1 - -
Fairly clean 1 5 4 24 - - 1
Dirty 4 - - 30 16 2 3
Very Dirty - 1 - 31 11 - 3
Hot and Dirty 6 2 - 58 6 - 3
Dirty and wet 2 - - 8 - - 1
Not specified - - - 3 - - 1
Total 13 8 4 210 34 2 12

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