A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
Wartime Social Survey New Series No. 23
Interviewer ......................... Date .................
Class: C D
Urban................ 1 Rural............. 2
No Husband | 1 |
Services | 2 |
Agriculture | 3 |
Mining | 4 |
Heavy Industry | 5 |
Light Industry | 6 |
Building Roads | 7 |
Transport, Public Services | 8 |
Clerical | 9 |
Distributive | 10 |
Unoccupied | 11 |
Others | 12 |
No. in Family
Under 14
15 - 20
Over 20
1. Are you getting any goods on easy payments?
Providence Cheques | 1 |
Shop club: Which? | 2 |
Clubholders club (Street club, Factory Club) | 3 |
Purchase scheme | 4 |
Straight Credit | 5 |
Others |
2. Have you ever been a member of a club, or did you buy goods on credit.
2. Using at the same time 1 2 or more of the above systems.
3. For what articles are you paying:
Have you been paying during the last three years?
4. How much should you pay weekly?
5. If it became impossible to buy on a credit system would this cause any hardship?
6. If it would cause any hardship: What are the reasons?
7. If you could not buy on credit would this mean that you would have to give up buying some articles
7a. If yes which?
8. If used to be a member of a club or getting things on credit, why did you stop?
9. Is there any article you would have wished to buy on easy payments but couldn’t
9a. If yes, which?
General Remarks
1. Have you any Credit System?
2. If yes which?
3. What proportion of your turnover does your credit trade amount to?
4. How does your credit trade now compare with your credit trade before the war?
5. If increased what is the chief reason for this?
6. If decreased what is the chief reason for this?
7. Is there any group of people to whom you don't give credit?
8. If yes which?
9. Do you think you will have to make changes in your credit system in connection with utility goods?
10. If changes will be made, what change?