During the course of the interview the children were asked “Do you do hard tasks involving muscular effort” and “Do you lift heavy weights”?. On the basis of these answers and an inspection of the job by our field workers the work of the children graded into Light, Medium and Heavy.
Other questions were asked about the job to find out whether it involved much walking about or standing, but the analysis of these questions did not appear to be of sufficient interest to be included.
The main result of the question on the intensity of work is that 82.6% of the jobs were classed as Light, 10.7% as Medium and 6.7% as Heavy. The jobs in Mining, Textiles and Engineering have a higher proportion of Medium and Heavy than Distributive and Clerical as would be expected and similarly the jobs of boys contained a higher proportion of the Medium and Heavy categories than those of girls. There were no very important differences between the age groups. (Tables 21 and 22).