A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Section 2
The Day

In order to provide a background for the discussion of the feeding of young workers it was decided to ask a series of questions, 3 and numbers 7 to 17, to find out how they spent the day, in sleeping, in travelling and in working and in addition whether they did housework, worked overtime and whether they had breaks in their working day.

Hours Up

Questions 3 and 17, “At what time do you get up”? and “What time do you go to bed”? were asked and from the answers the total time up was calculated to the nearest hour. These questions were asked in relation to the last 24 hours. The time spent in bed is the balance of the 24 hours.

A comparison of the sexes by age shows an interesting difference. At age 14 the distribution of hours up is about the same for both boys and girls but in the higher age groups the proportions of boys spending more time up, - or sleeping less, is greater and this difference increases with age.

A comparison of the proportion who are up more than 16 hours shows this clearly:-

14 15 16 17 18
Boys 15.5 33.4 57.7 61.9 74.0
Girls 14.2 17.1 28.9 38.5 42.9
Figure I

Proportion of Children up 16 hours or more in the day or sleeping less than 8 hours, comparison of boys and girls in age groups.

Details of each age group for boys and girls are given in Tables 8 and 9. It should be noted, however, that the proportions of the totals are not comparable as the numbers in the age groups are not the same for boys and girls.

Table 8

Hours Up

Breakdown by Sex and Age


Hours Up 14 15 16 17 18 Over 18 Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. No. %
13 11 5.8 13 4.8 3 0.9 11 4.5 2 1.7 - 40 3.5
14 53 28.2 37 13.7 20 6.3 14 5.8 3 2.6 - 127 11.1
15 95 50.5 130 48.1 112 35.1 67 27.8 25 21.8 1 430 37.6
16 22 11.7 77 28.6 152 47.7 116 48.1 53 46.1 6 426 37.2
17 2 1.1 11 4.1 30 9.4 29 12.1 25 21.8 3 100 8.7
18 & over 5 2.7 2 0.7 2 0.6 4 1.7 7 6.1 2 22 1.9
TOTAL 188 270 319 241 115 12 1,145
Table 9

Hours Up

Breakdown by Sex and Age


Hours Up 14 15 16 17 18 Over 18 Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. No. %
13 6 3.9 3 1.1 4 1.5 1 0.4 1 0.7 - 15 1.4
14 48 31.0 67 24.4 43 15.9 31 12.1 11 7.4 - 200 18.1
15 79 51.0 157 57.4 145 53.7 126 49.0 72 49.0 2 581 52.4
16 18 11.6 45 16.4 76 28.2 87 33.8 57 38.8 1 284 25.6
17 4 2.6 2 0.7 2 0.7 10 3.9 5 3.4 2 25 2.2
18 & over - - - - - - 2 0.8 1 0.7 - 3 0.3
TOTAL 155 274 270 257 147 5 1,108

There were marked differences in the numbers of hours spent “up” by the workers in different industries. Amongst boys, those working at the pit-head had the shortest day, those in heavy engineering the next shortest and those in light engineering the longest. This might be related to the fatigue of the work. In the case of girls, however, Cotton workers appear to have the shortest day over 60% less than 14 hours and none more than 15, whilst girls in Light Engineering had the longest:- 7.3%, 14 hours, 47.3% 15 hours, 37.6% 16 hours.

An interesting feature of this analysis is the identity of the distribution in the Clerical and Distributive industries, the length of whose day is between that of Cotton and Engineering.

Hours Up


Industry 13 14 15 16 17 Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Clerical 4 1.5 69 25.3 151 55.2 46 16.9 3 1.1 273
Distributive 7 2.7 67 26.2 141 54.7 39 15.2 3 1.2 257

More details of this analysis are not given as it is difficult to form a reliable estimate from them as the age distribution inside the industry groups is different.

Hours Worked

The analysis of hours worked by sex and age show interesting differences. The boys in the sample have much higher proportions working 8 and 9 hours than the girls, 45.9% and 45.7% respectively compared with 37.9% and 29.7%. The girls have a larger proportion working only 7 hours, 31.5% compared with 7.0%.

Whereas the proportion of boys working 9 hours in the day is greater in successive age groups rising from 26.3% in the 14 year old group to 56.5% in the 18 year old group no such trend is apparent in the case of the girls; the highest proportion is in the 15 year old group 34.4% and the lowest in the 14 year group, 21.1%, the 18 year old group has 27% working 9 hours. (Tables 10 and 11). It will be seen from this and the earlier results that the boys, as a group, are working longer hours and getting less sleep than the girls.

Table 10

Hours worked by Boys

Hours Age 7 8 9 10 11 Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
14 12 6.3 127 66.9 50 26.3 1 0.5 - - 190
15 12 4.5 143 53.7 113 42.0 1 0.4 - - 269
16 22 7.0 116 36.7 172 54.4 5 1.6 1 0.3 316
17 22 9.2 97 40.4 115 47.9 5 2.1 1 0.4 240
18 12 10.4 36 31.3 65 56.5 1 0.9 1 0.9 115
Over 18 - 5 6 - 1 12
TOTAL 80 7.0 524 45.9 521 45.7 13 1.1 4 0.3 1,142
Table 11

Hours worked by Girls

Hours 7 8 9 10 11 Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
14 44 28.2 77 49.4 33 21.1 2 1.3 - - 156
15 72 26.4 107 39.2 94 34.4 - - - - 273
16 102 37.2 86 31.4 82 29.9 4 1.5 - - 274
17 79 30.4 97 37.3 82 31.6 2 0.8 - - 260
18 56 37.8 50 33.8 40 27.0 1 0.7 1 0.7 148
Over 18 - - 5 - - - - - - - 5
TOTAL 353 31.5 422 37.9 331 29.7 9 0.8 1 0.1 1,116

An analysis of hours worked in relation to the intensity of work shows that there is a greater proportion of Medium and Heavy jobs done by children working longer hours and this proportion increases with the length of the working day. (Table 12)

Table 12

Hours worked and intensity of the Job

Hours Worked Light Medium Heavy Total
No. % No. % No. % No. %
7 404 92.1 23 5.2 12 2.7 439 100
8 806 84.5 89 9.3 59 6.2 954 100
9 651 75.7 130 15.1 79 9.2 860 100
10 or more 19 - 6 - 3 - 28
TOTAL 1,880 248 153 2,281

Note : the hours are taken to the nearest hour and exclude all breaks.


A number of questions were asked concerning overtime, to find out how many children worked overtime, what hours of overtime they worked during the week and whether or not tea breaks were given where overtime was worked.

The information obtained was not entirely complete and details of the amount of overtime worked was not obtained for part of the sample.

Some 434 children were working overtime - about one fifth of the total - of these the amount of overtime worked was obtained for 389.

Table 13 shows the number of children working overtime in relation to hours worked and it will be seen that the greater proportion of the children working overtime are those who already work 8 or 9 hours in the day. In the previous section it will have been noted that in the same way the proportion of children with “medium” and “heavy” jobs is higher in these same groups. (Table 13)

Table 13

The number of Children working Overtime

Breakdown by Hours Worked

Hours Worked Working Overtime Not Working Overtime Total
No. % No. %
7 7 1.6 434 98.4 441
8 202 21.2 752 77.8 954
9 215 25.0 645 75.0 860
10 8 - 15 - 23
11 2 - 2 - 4
12 - - 1 - 1
TOTAL 434 19.0 1,849 81.0 2,283

A detailed analysis of the overtime worked is given in Table 14.

Table 14

Overtime (Hours)

Breakdown by Hours Worked

Overtime Hours per Week

Hours worked per day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total
7 - 2 - - - 1 - - 1 - - - 4
8 3 6 9 17 32 23 7 16 17 6 14 17 167
9 7 6 28 19 20 26 14 16 16 16 6 13 187
10 15 8 1 - - 1 1 2 - - - 1 29
11 - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - 2
12 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 25 22 38 37 52 51 22 34 34 23 20 31 389
6.4 5.7 9.8 9.5 13.4 13.1 5.7 8.7 8.7 5.9 5.1 8.0

A considerable proportion of the children working overtime had to travel for more than half an hour each day but it is noteworthy that whilst one child in four of those travelling for half an hour worked overtime, less than one in seven of those travelling for an hour or more worked overtime.

(Table 15).

Table 15


Breakdown by Hours Travelling

Hours Travelling Overtime No Overtime Total
½ 261 759 1,020
1 117 655 772
37 232 269
2 20 145 165
3 33 36
3 1 14 15
1 2 3
4 - 5 5
TOTAL 440 1,845 2,285

Tea Breaks

All the children were asked if they had a tea break when working over-time. There were 437 children answering this question of whom 167 or 38.6% had no tea break and 268 or 61.4% had a tea break.

Time spent in travelling to and from Work

From the answers to Questions 8 and 9 and 12 and 16 the time spent travelling in the morning and evening was ascertained. Time spent travelling at midday was not dealt with since the dinner hour is a fixed period. These travelling times are given to the nearest half hour.

The general picture is that over half of the children spend an hour or more during the day in travelling to work; included in these are a fifth who spend more than an hour and a half or more, and about a tenth 2 hours or more.

From the analysis by sex and age it appears that the girls in the sample did more travelling than the boys. (Tables 16 and 17).

Table 16

Hours travelling by Sex and Age


Age ½ hr. 1 hr. 1½ hrs. 2 hrs. 2½ hrs. 3 hrs. 3½ hrs. 4 hrs. Total
14 98 63 16 9 3 189
15 156 70 26 14 2 2 270
16 179 99 19 15 4 5 321
17 116 86 18 17 3 240
18 65 27 15 7 1 115
Over 18 8 4 12
TOTAL 622 54.3 349 30.4 94 8.2 62 5.4 12 1.0 7 0.6 1 0.1 - 1,147
Table 17

Hours travelling by Sex and Age


Age ½ hr. 1 hr. 1½ hrs. 2 hrs. 2½ hrs. 3 hrs. 3½ hrs. 4 hrs. Total
14 57 59 23 14 3 156
15 93 98 48 25 7 1 1 273
16 81 108 47 26 8 2 1 273
17 105 87 34 25 4 2 1 2 260
18 47 62 21 12 2 2 1 1 148
Over 18 4 1 5
TOTAL 387 34.7 415 37.2 173 15.5 102 9.2 24 2.2 7 0.6 2 0.2 5 0.4 1,115

That the time spent travelling makes a considerable addition to the working day is shown in table 18.

Table 18

Hours Worked

Breakdown by Hours Travelling

Hours Travelling 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total %
½ 79 421 499 13 2 - 1,014 44.5
1 157 346 262 5 2 - 772 33.9
86 112 69 3 - - 270 11.8
2 80 60 23 2 - - 165 7.2
20 10 6 - - - 36 1.6
3 11 2 2 - - - 15 0.7
2 - 1 - - - 3 0.1
4 3 1 - - - 1 5 0.2
TOTAL 438 952 862 23 4 1 2,280

A defect of this analysis is that it does not show the fact that in many cases children living within 15 or 20 minutes journey of their home, rush home at dinner time, eat a hasty meal and rush back to work.

Breaks during the Day

Children were asked what official breaks they had during their working day and it was found that more than half had one or more breaks. Many of those for whom there was no official provision stated that they took a few minutes off in which to eat lunch. (Table 19)

Table 19
Children having No. %
Neither Lunch nor Tea Break 1,099 48.8
Tea Break Only 174 7.7
Lunch Break Only 337 15.0
Both Lunch and Tea Break 644 28.5
TOTAL 2,254


Question 7, “Do you regularly do housework” was answered positively by 939 children, 41.3% of the sample. Of these over half did housework regularly in the evenings. Table 20 gives the distribution of the numbers doing housework by hours up. The proportions in the totals, however, are not strictly comparable as the sex and age composition for each group is different. (Table 20)

Table 20

“Do you regularly do Housework?”

Breakdown by Hours Up

Number of Children doing housework

Number of Hours Up during the day Morning Evenings Both Once a week Unspecified Total doing House-work Total of all children
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
13 - 5 - 3 3 11 20.2 54 100
14 4 90 12 27 23 156 47.5 328 100
15 17 296 26 73 80 492 48.3 1,020 100
16 7 151 15 34 47 254 35.3 720 100
17 1 10 - 10 3 24 19.0 126 100
18 - 1 - - 1 2 21
19 - - - - - - 3
20 - - - - - - 1
TOTAL 29 1.3 553 24.3 53 2.3 147 6.5 157 6.9 939 41.3 2,273 100

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