A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46





Part 1: Women’s Services

1. How long have you been with the Service?

Over a Year 1

6-12 months 2

3-6 months 3

1-3 months 4

under 1 month 5

2. Why did you join?

Because you thought the country needed your Services 1

Because advertisements attracted you 2

Your husband, fiancé or friend had joined H.M. Services and you want to join too 3

Your girl friend/s had joined and you wanted to join 4

You wanted a more interesting job. 5

Other reasons for joining.

3. Which are the things about life in the Service you like?

4. Which things do you not like?.

5. What suggestions have you for improving the things you do not like?

6. What do you think is the general public opinion about the Service?

7. Would you like to leave the Service?

Why? Yes 1

No 2

8. If yes, what would you like to do instead?


9. If you know of other girls and women who have left the Service, what in your opinion was the reason?

10. Did any advertisement or announcement help you to reach a decision about joining the Service?

Yes 1

Don’t know 2

No 3

If yes, what? Please give particular items, if possible.

Radio 1

Newspapers 2

Magazines 3

Posters 4

Films 5

Exhibition 6

Other media 7

Rank and Occupation of Person Interviewed

Age Group: 17½ - 20, 20 - 25, 25 - 30, 30 - 35, over 35

Informant's Occupation in Peace time


Father’s Peace time Occupation






Reasons given for joining A.T.S.

Patriotic reasons 49.4%
For more interesting job, etc. 16.2%
Husband, etc. had joined up 15.2%
Attraction of Army life. 4.6%
Advertisements, etc. 4.1%
Unhappy at home 1.9%
A.T.S. uniform appealed 1.5%
Sought companionship 1.4%

Question 2. Why did you join?

Many of the 611 A.T.S. personnel to whom this question was put gave more than one reason, the total number of reasons being 822.

Nearly half of the reasons put forward for joining are patriotic in nature, or are allied to patriotism. Financial and economic factors come out in the second largest group, in that they were unemployed or unoccupied at the time, although this, of course, does not constitute a reason why they should have chosen the A.T.S. of all the available Services.

The number attracted by the uniform is small, although a proper value cannot be put to this, as comparable data for the W.R.N.S, the W.A.A.F.s and other Services was not obtained.

The number who were recruited by advertisements or friends is not outstanding. It is interesting to see that nearly 2% joined because they were unhappy at home, although this again is not a reason why they should have chosen the A.T.S. In such cases it is probable that they felt they wanted to leave home and the A.T.S. offered the easiest escape. There is no evidence that once they were in the A.T.S. they regretted their action, as is shown in Question 7.

The accuracy of the main reason put forward, that they wanted to help the country, could be challenged on the ground that it is, after all, the reason par excellence that Service women would give to a civilian investigator interviewing at a camp or barracks. But if it is remembered that the A.T.S., up to the time of the Survey, were a purely voluntary body of women, the result appears to be reasonable. Obviously, volunteers would be largely motivated by patriotic reasons.

In this connection the reasons given by volunteers are not necessarily the reasons that would prompt other women to join, and therefore publicity based on those reasons would not necessarily be successful.

The answers to this question are detailed in the following Table.


Reasons given for joining A.T.S.

No. %
Because I thought the country needed my services 352 49.4
Conscripted (?) and chose A.T.S. because of their need 12
I believe in freedom and hate the Nazis 2
I was in the Service before the war started 1
I served in the last war 5
Bombed out and joined to hit back 5
I could use my qualifications and experience in A.T.S. 14
My husband, brother, is a prisoner of war 3
I come from military family 8
Wanted to represent family 4
I wanted a more interesting job 82 16.2
I was out of work 22
My business was closing down 1
For change - I was bored at home 13
I was unoccupied and sick of doing nothing 15
Advertisements attracted me 22 4.1
Recruited by A.T.S. employer or friend 4
I heard other girls talking 3
I saw other people in uniform and felt out of it 4
I wanted a uniform - I liked the A.T.S. uniform 12 1.5
Open air life attracted me 2 4.6
I liked army life, discipline, drills and camp 27
So that I could see more of the world and see the country 9
I sought companionship 10 1.4
I could Work with my own sex 1
I like group work of any kind 1
My husband, fiancé, father, brother, had joined up and I wanted to join too. 68 15.2
My friends had joined and I wanted to join too 57
Wanted to avoid school 1 1.9
I wanted to leave home; I was unhappy at home 15
Miscellaneous 46 5.6
822 100.0

Miscellaneous : Acted on impulse. - Joined in lieu of W.R.N.S., N.A.A.F.I.,- Called up and told to join- Conscripted(?) and chose A.T.S.rather than munitions- Wanted to avoid conscription- Joined A.T.S. because they offered real job.

32 33

What the A.T.S. personnel like about the Service

Companionship 31.9%
Work 19.9%
Everything 12.6%
Food and living conditions 9.1%
Drills, discipline, etc, 5.9%
Entertainments and recreations 3.9%
Healthy, open air life 3.2%
Uniform 2.6%
Sense of pride in helping country 2.6%
Ample free time 2.5%

Question 3. Which are the things you like? (In the A.T.S.)

There was a total of 1,166 remarks made in answer to this question, of which ten (.9%) said that there was nothing that they did like about the. Service; everything was distasteful to them. The overwhelming majority of 99.1% gave one or more features which they liked best, and 12.6% said that everything about the Service was liked. The items are shown graphically in the above diagram, and detailed in the appended Table.

The most important group mentioned is that of companionship and the opportunity of making new friends. The next most important group deals with the work of the A.T.S., a large proportion saying that the work is interesting and useful. Another point which emerges is that discipline as such is sought after by 6%

It should be borne in mind that the question asked the A.T.S. personnel to state which things they liked, which automatically becomes which things are liked best. It would be almost impossible for anybody to state all the things which they really liked about a service.

The figures show that some reliance may be placed upon the finding that from six to seven out of ten A.T.S. find companionship and great interest in the Service and that only a very small proportion dislike it. This confirms the results of Question 7 which show that, apart from reasons not connected with the A.T.S., very few dislike it so much that they wish to leave.

No. % of Mentions
Companionship, and the opportunity of making new friends 236 31.9
Good time - good friends bring a girl out 10
Mixing with people - communal life 60
I like my officers and/or N.C.Os. 22
Getting wider outlook on life by meeting different people 16
Different, new life - varied experience 26
Pleasant nights in barrack rooms 1
Like my work, it is interesting and useful 184 19.9
Learning a new job - training for after the war 18
Travelling about, seeing different places 15
Opportunities for promotion 13
Busy all the time; no time to be unhappy 2
I like everything 139 12.6
Much better life as cook or maid in Service than in civilian life 7
Have never been so happy in my life 1
No. % of Mentions
Food is good: do not have to worry about rationing 57 9.1
Living conditions are comfortable 29
The way everyone takes care of us (Nurses so kind when ill) 9
Good billets 6
No coupon worries for food or clothing 4
The bracing effect of discipline, Drills, Parades and P.T. 69 5.9
Entertainments (concerts and amusements) 35 3.9
Sports and recreations 10
Healthy, open air life; regularity of life in Service 37 3.2
Uniform, clothing, shoes 26 2.6
Privileges are got when in uniform 5
Sense of pride in helping the country and doing my bit 30 2.6
Ample free time 29 2.5
Miscellaneous 68 5.8

Analysis of Miscellaneous mentions

Good pay: .3% Job to be done and you can get on with it without worrying: .2% They try to arrange for husbands and wives to be near each other: .5% Can bring boy friends occasionally to parties: .1%; Living with young people: 2%; Sense of independence and freedom: 1.0%

34 35

Dislikes of A.T.S. Personnel

Question 4. Which things do you not like (about the A.T.S.)?

The remarks made in answer to this question totalled 772, of which 147 (19%) were to the effect that nothing was disliked, which is a reflection of the results of Question 3.

The total remarks dealing with specifie things disliked amount to 625, and are detailed in the Table appended.

The uniform and matters allied to it constitute the main source of displeasure. One in five of the A.T.S. have something to say about the tunic skirt and other components of their dress. Some particular items, for instance, corsets, are mentioned only by one camp. Complaints of the uniform per se are, however, universal and come for all camps investigated. An important complaint relates to the fact that the same uniform is worn for long periods, which is distasteful to many, and that the uniform is too hot to dance in with comfort.

The enforcement of drills and parades in what is considered free time is another important source of complaint, and associated with this is the undesirability of drills for some occupations, such as cooks, and for the older women.

Many of these complaints, as stated, relate to one or a few of the camps visited: this is particularly true of the complaints about amenities. Some camps are not sufficiently heated; the fires were not lit until 6 p.m. in October on cold days; and that there were not enough baths or that such baths as there were were too far away from the dormitory or hut.

Analysis of replies to Question 4

No. %
Uniform: Tunic and skirt bad match, bad fit 54 132 21.1
Underclothes, shortage of 16
Stockings, not enough, or of poor quality 12
Shoes, not enough, repairs take too long 7
Clothes rationing coupons or chits, no issue of 8
Badly fitting corsets 4
Hat or cap 5
No facilities for laundry or ironing 4
Hair style regulations 5
Wearing same uniform month after month; too hot to dance in 10
Loss of individuality and femininity 7
Drills and exercises in free time or when otherwise busy 58 67 10.7
Drill too much for older women and cooks 7
“When off duty should be off duty.” 2
Promotion, slow and unfair; unfair to local service 56 9.0
Leave and late passes; hard to get, irregular or badly arranged 43 47 7.5
“Domestic Night” Compulsory mending circles (Friday night) 4
Regimentation, discipline and petty restrictions: “Street discipline” 31 39 6.2
Evening lectures and barrack nights 8
Officers and N.C.Os: - dislike of, young and inexperienced, conflicting orders, and officers who take no interest in rankers 23 8 4.5
Favouritism 5
Not sufficient heating in the camp, no comfort 19 49 7.8
Baths, not enough or too far away 8
Not enough privacy and quiet 14
Herding - dislike of, and dining with women 5
Sleeping with other people 3
No. %
Discourtesy and “cattiness” in ranks (within A.T.S. and F.A.N.Y.s) 12 30 4.8
Shirking or bad co-operation 10
Present intake of girl not good type 8
Loss of home life - being so far from home - homesickness 21 24 3.8
Separated from friends or relatives 3
Not being used to fullest capacity 17 25 4.0
Given menial task or one lower than one joined up for 5
Publicity, and broken promises 3
Too much free time and nowhere to go, no amusement 8 19 3.0
Too little social life or entertainment 11
Pay too low, insufficient billeting money, no extra duty pay for officers mess staff - 4d. a day less for local as against general 15 2.4
Too much red tape - devious channels of communication 13 2.1
Food - bad cooking, and sometimes not enough for supper 10 1.6
Attitude of civilians (including motorists) 9 1.4
Being transferred without opinions being sought 8 1.3
Miscellaneous 54 8.6
Total 625 100%

Analysis of miscellaneous criticism: -

Have to work under men when they joined to replace them. Since military law was introduced we have as strict rules as the men without their privileges. Dislike being unable to go out with women officer friends, of different rank. Dislike of ban on going out with men officers. Would rather be at home. Would like opportunity to learn why some orders are given. Too many insults from the men. Resentful of attitude of soldiers. Have little respect from men. Dislike being on guard; long cold duty; long hours. Dislike camps. Some girls in billets while some have to stay at camp. Girls normally resident in nearby towns have to stay in camp while strangers may billet in town. Should be treated like women, not men. Vaccination. Ban on bright lipstick. Unhealthy way of wearing respirators, wearing across body leads to congestion of lungs. Dislike A.T.S, being treated as separate army. We should be credited with more commonsense than we are. Dislike N.C.Os course, waste of time. Women go too far with military discipline. Young girls should have more discipline outside barracks and more supervision in billets. No proper equipment for scrubbing and dusting. Dislike waiting on officers. Dislike officers not keeping proper times for meals. Too much unnecessary, aimless work. Dislike idea of officers retiring at 47. Dislike expense of being officer. Latrine too far from camp huts.

36 37

Suggested improvements

Question 5. What suggestions have you for improving the things you do not like?

The suggestions for improvement, it will be seen, are outstanding or revolutionary when it is remembered that some relate to only one or two camps. The impression gained is that the A.T.S. is a normal and normally contented body of women, except perhaps with regard to the uniform and the question of promotion.

There is no fundamental objection to the uniform. In its essentials, the colour and design, it is accepted. What is required is attention to detail; that the tunic and skirt should match; that the tunic would be improved by the addition of a belt (like that of the W.A.A.F.) or by one of brown leather; that the skirt should be slightly shaped. It is believed that attention has already been given to such details, although it will obviously take some little time for every camp and barracks to be dealt with.

Some dissatisfaction is evident in the awarding of promotion. Nearly one in five of the suggestions relate to this.

Analysis of Suggestions

No. %
Uniform and Allied Matters
Uniform, general 26 30
Tunic, unscientific cut, have belt like W.A.A. F. 8
Skirt, cut like W.A.A.F. or W.R.N.S. (bias, slightly shaped) 17
Hat or cap, should be more practical and becoming 10
Shirt, should contrast with uniform or tie 15
Tie, should be dark 12
Collar, should be detachable 7
Stockings, should be of improved quality 14
Shoes, ditto 4
Corsets, better fitting 6
Underclothes, more replacements and more frequent changing 15
Clothing coupons should be issued 6
Officering and Personnel
Promotion, should be easier and fairer 41 19
Officers and N.C.O.s should be more experienced 16
There should be less red tape 8
There should be more co-operation between ranks and less discourtesy and “cattiness” 11
Better fitting of girls to suitable jobs and more suitable selection of recruits 18
There should be more women officers who specialise in welfare work and sympathetic handling of girls 12
Leave and Late Passes
Leave, more regular and frequent 16 15
Late passes, should be later and easier to get 29
Better organisation of free time. 38
No. %
More heat in camps 12 13
Softer or warmer beds 8
More general amenities, especially lighting and more privacy, and place to return hospitality 32
More facilities for laundering and ironing 5
Baths, more, better, more convenient and more privacy 15
Discipline, etc.
Drill, less drill for cooks, etc., and at more convenient times 30 11
Less petty restrictions and regimentation 17
Abolish “barrack nights” 5
More discipline, especially for younger personnel 9
Complaints are made of poor quality and bad cooking, but these appear to refer to very few comparatively new camps whose organisation is not yet perfected 165 3
Nearness to Home
Should be nearer home, or posted near husband or sister, as promised when joining up 13 2
For special duties, should be the same for local services as general and more pay generally 8 1
525 100

Miscellaneous: The men should be made to understand that we are there to work and not for their amusement. - Men Sergeants should be separated from women and married men not allowed to take out single women regularly. - Would like place similar to Y.W.C.A. where they could sleep or rest when on leave and not at home. - would welcome opportunities of varied experience to avoid boredom - That girls could arrange a transfer to more congenial hut, so that refined girls could escape the hooligan element sometimes found. - That there should be more tools, especially for cleaning purposes (e.g. brushes, dusters, etc.)

38 39

Public Opinion according to the A.T.S.





Question 6. What do you think is the general public opinion about the Service?

This question was incorporated to obtain the feeling of girls and women serving in the A.T.S, about public opinion of the Service.

Only 17% say that the public’s opinion about them is good; the remainder either qualify a bad opinion or make the statement that it is definitely bad.

This contrasts with the real state of public opinion as dealt with in Question 2 of the part relating to the general public, and with the feelings of potential entrants as shown in Question 4 of the first part of this report. It is shown there that although some entertain a bad opinion of the A.T.S., the opinion is not nearly so unprepossessing as that projected by the A.T.S. themselves. It is indicative of a deep feeling of inferiority.

There is no doubt that A.T.S. have had actual experience of an unpleasant character in their contacts with the public. We have cases cited of girls of the A.T.S. being pushed off the pavement while walking in the street, of unseemly remarks being passed in their hearing or shouted at them, and of the disdainful brushing of a sleeve on the part of women who have accidentally touched a member of the A.T.S. while in the street. There is no justification for supposing this has happened on any large scale, of course, but where it does happen it would naturally lead to the forbidding picture presented by these results. It is likely that much of it, however, has to do with a feeling of inferiority, especially in such matters as the uniform; and with the necessary adjustments carried out, and the perfecting of the organisation, the feeling will largely disappear.

It is to be remarked that, although nearly 4% say that public opinion about the A.T.S. is changing for the better, we have no single case where that public opinion is changing from good to bad. Any change noticed by the girls is a change for the better.

No. %
Bad Opinion
A.T.S. has bad reputation (Prostitutes and drunkards) 50 404=59.1
People despise us; hate us, think we are dirt 20
Not high (seen to look down on us) 142
Don’t want us turned into men 4
That we ought not to live in Army 4
They think we are playing at soldiers 1
The boys are quite surprised to hear we work 1
That we are only out for a good time 12
Soldiers dislike us, give us bad name 10
Resentment on part of men; they consider us “cheap” 13
Parents think there are added temptations and are obstructive 2
Girls are not asked to dance if in uniform 1
That it’s not a good life for a girl 2
Civilian girls and women unfriendly, probably jealous 17
That girls join the A.T.S. only to be with men 10
That girls join the A.T.S. only to find husbands 2
Shops snub A.T.S. 2
They have not high opinion because they don’t understand 17
Some run it down because of the W.A.A.C.S. in the last war 12
Rather curious - and ignorant 2
The wrong type of girl is in the service 6
That men could do our job better 1
The newspapers are unfair to the A.T.S. 1
Think we are tied: that the uniform is bad, too much saluting 21
A few girls are responsible for bad name, because a few girls got into trouble, others class us all the same: it’s unfair. 49
Misdeeds in uniform are noticed out of all proportion 2
Mixed Opinion
Older people have good opinion 9 113 = 16.5
Depends on district and who has been there before 1
Opinion varies from district to district, some approve, some disapprove. 103
Don’t Know
24 24 = 3.5
Good Opinion
Think well of us; think A.T.S. plucky 103 116 = 17.0
Think A.T.S. are best of all services 3
Canada admires A.T.S. 1
Treat us well 9
Opinion changing from bad to good
Public opinion is changing for the better - beginning to realise we are doing a real job 26 26=3.8
Total 683 = 100%
40 41

Proportion of A.T.S. Personnel wishing to leave Service

Do not wish to leave

Wish to leave

Question 7: Would you like to leave, the. Service?

This is the acid test of contentment within the Service, and the answers go some way to correct the impression of the results of asking Question 4. It may well be asked whether the results would be trustworthy in view of the fact that they were obtained by a civilian investigator in a camp or barracks. This was anticipated, and it was made plain to each A.T.S. that she could speak candidly, for no third person was present at the interview, and no person other than the investigator would see the completed questionnaire, except the office staff, to whom in any case the questionnaire was quite anonymous. (It will be noted that the A.T.S. questionnaire does not ask for the name of the informant. Further, this question was asked at a late stage of the interview, by which time full confidence had been established between the investigator and the A.T.S.)

Still more evidence that the replies truly reflected the feelings of the A.T.S. personnel is to be found in the way they are put. Many of the replies consist of phrases like: “What a question!” “Of course, not”, “No, I am enjoying it too much”, and so on. It may be taken therefore that the replies are indeed representative and were by no means influenced by fear of any possible action by superior officers.

The findings show that 93% of A.T.S. personnel most decidedly want to continue in the Service. There is no evidence that any particular camp has a very much higher proportion of personnel wishing to leave, while roughly half of the camps visited in the course of the investigation show that not a single girl wished to leave. 3% were undecided.

The reasons for wishing to leave the A.T.S., given by 7.3% of personnel, are as follows:-

No %
I’d like to go home to my mother who is poor, alone 3 7.1
My husband is ill, is invalided out of army 3
I am too far from home at present; I am homesick 5
I want more freedom, I want to get a little of my own life 3
To get married and to make a home 4
I want to build for the future 2
Want to do more vital job 7
I have not been given the job I was promised on joining 3
The pay is too low 3
I want a change 1
I want to return to my child 1
I want to have a child 1
I have never been happy here, too much favouritism 3
Reason not given 5

Some of these reasons for wishing to leave have nothing to do with the A.T.S. as a Service - they would be reasons for wishing to leave any Service. It is again to be regretted that permission was not given the Survey for making similar enquiries among the W.R.N.S, and the W.A.A.F., so that a comparable picture could be obtained from less criticised Services.

In the next question those who wished to leave were asked what they would like to do instead. The answers are as follows:

Question 8: If yes, (you do wish to leave the A.T.S.), what would you like to do instead?

The analysis of the answers to this question by the very few who wish to leave is as follows:-

No. %
Go into munition factory or better paid war work 16 7.1
Nursing, Land Army, W.R.N.S., W.A.A.F.s 7
Return to my previous occupation (hairdressing, etc,) 4
Get married, look after husband and/or child 9
Run a war workers’ home 1
Not given 5

These form into three main groups: (1) Economic - those who want to obtain more money, mostly for the sake of dependants; (2) those who feel they could be doing more skilled work; and (3) marriage.


Reasons for leaving the A.T.S.

Question 9: If you know of other girls and women who have left the Service, what in your opinion was the reason?

This was incorporated into the Questionnaire at a time when permission was anticipated for similar inquiries to be made in the W.A.A.F. and the W.R.N.S. Such a question would yield little of value, if treated in isolation, but with comparable data from the sister Services it was hoped to obtain evidence to confirm or refute the charges of immorality and bad conduct against the A.T.S.

It is to be very much regretted that this permission was not forthcoming from either the Air Ministry or the Board of Admiralty, although every assistance was given the Survey by the A.T.S. Directorate,

It is therefore not possible to treat the results of this question statistically.

The only thing which can be said is that there is no evidence at all that the A.T.S. differs from any other human population in this respect, and the particular charges of immoral conduct against the A.T.S. do not appear to have any justification.


Statements by A.T.S. Personnel on influence of advertising

Question 10:Did any advertisement or announcement help you to reach a decision about joining the Service?

The answers have been analysed by length of service as given in answer to Question 1.

Length of Service (Question 1) Answers to Question 10 Total
Yes Don’t know No Not answered
No. % No. % No. % No.
1. Over a year 87 28.4 7 2.3 212 69.3 11 317
2.6-12 months 39 41.5 5 5.3 50 53.2 6 100
3.3-6 months 42 51.8 5 6.2 34 42.0 1 82
4.1-3 months 44 57.1 3 3.9 30 40.0 6 83
5.Under 1 month 15 57.7 2 7.7 9 34.6 3 89
Total 227 38.9 22 3.8 335 57.4 27 611

It is shown that five, six or seven A.T.S. out of ten who have joined within the past six months have been helped by A.T.S, publicity to arrive at their decision. An interesting feature of the Table is the trend shown, the proportion of affirmative replies falling off with length of service. This may be due to one, or a combination of several factors. Memory falls off with lapse of time; the earlier volunteers by their nature were more likely to take sympathetic and definite action. On the other hand the volume of advertising has increased within recent months, and the quality and direction of that advertising has altered.

An extension to this question asked in which medium the publicity was met, Some question informants stated that more than one media had helped them to reach a decision, the average number of media being 1.4, The replies are analysed as follows, on a basis of total mentions.

Medium No. %
1. Radio 62 19.5
2. Newspapers 92 28.9
3. Magazines 18 5.7
4. Posters 58 18.2
5. Films 25 7.9
6. Exhibitions 8 2.5
7. Other media 55 17.3
Total mentions 318 100.0

The A.T.S. interviewed were also asked to give particular items they recollected. The analysis is as follows:

1. Radio
Appeals for A.T.S. and talks on interest of A.T.S. work 24
General appeals for women 11
H.M. Queen’s appeal 4
Princess Royal’s appeal 3
Mr. Bevin 2
Dunkirk 2
Dame Vaughan’s broadcast 1
2. Newspapers
Appeals for A.T.S. in various newspapers for drivers and cooks 25
Local Newspapers 8
Advertisements(unspecified) 5
News stories 4
Daily Mirror 4
Leading articles 2
General appeal for women 2
Daily Express 1
News Chronicle 1
Daily Telegraph 1
Daily Telegraph (Duchess of Devonshire’s appeal) 1
The Times 1
“You can have leave when your husband has” 1
“Join A.T.S. and do your own job” 1
“How can I Help?” 1
“Join A.T.S. and help your Country” 1
3. Magazines
“Opportunities.” (Advertisement) 1
Advertisement (unspecified) 1
Articles 1
Descriptive booklet in magazine 1
“People’s Friend” announcement 1
“Picture Post” article 1
“Women’s Own,” 1
4. Posters
Posters(unspecified) for A.T.S. 10
Girl bugler, A.T.S 4
“Girls in smart cap” and Games Poster 3
Posters for drivers 3
Pointing soldier 3
Others, including “Ovaltine” Poster 4
Question Poster 2
“If you can release a man” 2
Ack-Ack Poster 2
5. Films
“A.T.S” 9
Newsreels 6
Service Films 6
Radiolocation 1
Ack-Ack 1
6. Exhibitions
Recruiting weeks 3
At local stores or cinemas 2
Recruiting office 2
7. Other Media
Talk of friends 13
Pamphlets at time of Munich 9
Attention attracted in Labour Exchange 8
Princess Mary and Capt. Margesson at St. James’ Park Theatre Advertisements. - Chamberlain’s appeal. Brother’s talk of good life in A.T.S. - one each 7
Advice of people in service and ex-servicewomen 5
Recruiting meeting(Provincial) 5
Attracted by uniformed girls 3
Recruiting officer’s address(factory) 3


Note. Housewife A-B= housewife of middle or upper class, Housewife C-D = housewife of working class. Distribution = engaged in distributed trades Including shop assistance. At Home A-E and C-D= otherwise unoccupied girls and women staying at home.

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