A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

48 49



Type Worn% Type Best% Type Worn% Type Best% Type Worn% Type Best% Type Worn% Type Best% Type Worn% Type Best%
Tweed 20 20 22 20 24 19 49 44 33 29
Suiting 4 3 5 6 2 2 2 1 3 3
Serge 4 4 6 5 5 4 6 4 6 4
Others 9 7 16 17 11 11 13 10 12 11
Not worn 63 62 49 48 55 56 27 26 44 44
Not answered - 4 1 4 3 8 3 15 2 9
SAMPLE 293 293 198 198 236 236 485 485 1212 1212

From this analysis, it may be seen that almost half the men interviewed did not wear waistcoats for their work: a significantly higher proportion of agricultural workers than men in any of the other three hazard groups did wear waistcoats for work. There are no large differences between types worn and types preferred. Of those men who wore waistcoats, considerably more wore tweed waistcoats than any other type.

In a comparison of types preferred and types worn, figures show that 94% of those men who preferred tweed waistcoats were wearing them. Of the 130 men who preferred various “other” types, 14% were wearing tweed and 86% were, in fact, wearing “other” varieties.

Alternatives suggest by the men who preferred tweed and “other” types of waistcoats are given below.


TYPE PREFERRED Tweed Suiting Serge Other Types Not given SAMPLE
% % % % %
Tweed (54) - 1 25 25 355
Other types 18 - 1 (61) 22 130


Separate analysis is given below of the reasons for wearing tweed waistcoats for work: the total figure includes, for purposes of comparison, reasons given for wearing serge, suiting and other types of waistcoats.

Reasons for Preference Tweed Total
% %
Hardwearing 37 30
Use waistcoat from old suit, any type will do 22 29
Warm 21 18
Protective: resist damp, oil & heat 7 6
Have always worn this type: used to it 3 3
Convenient 3 2
No reason given 13 14
SAMPLE 355 569


The proportions of men in the different hazard groups were distributed as follows:-

London S., S.W., S.E. & E. Anglia Midlands & S. Wales Northern England Scotland TOTAL
% % % % % %
Heat & Burning 28 19 31 22 24 24
Oil, grease & fats 38 14 13 14 17 16
Acids & corrosives 34 9 24 29 20 20
Agriculture - 58 32 44 39 40
SAMPLE 134 350 312 324 130 1250

Reference should be made to the significant differences in proportions of men interviewed in each of the four hazard groups in the five areas as explained in the section of this report relating to Men’s Footwear, page 12.

Best Type of Waistcoat for Work

Analysed by Five Areas

London S.,S.W.,S.E. & E. Anglia Midlands & Wales Northern England Scotland TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Tweed 22 16 151 43 108 34 56 17 33 25 370 29
Suiting 1 1 5 1 8 3 13 4 4 3 31 3
Serge 3 2 11 3 9 3 23 7 8 6 54 4
Others 26 19 32 9 36 11 40 12 1 1 135 11
Not worn 82 61 140 40 127 41 147 45 61 46 557 44
Not answered 1 1 15 4 24 8 50 15 23 18 113 9
SAMPLE 135 354 312 330 131 1262

(Total figure of 1262 shown on above table is 50 larger than total figure of 1212 shown on table relating to best type and type worn, because in these latter breakdowns, 50 cards were unclassified for “length of time in job” - one of the factors involved in these breakdowns.)

The above table should be considered in conjunction with the analysis of hazard group by area given above.

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