A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

50 51

Where Waistcoats were bought in Five Areas

Men obtained their waistcoats from different sources in the five areas in the following proportions:-

(It should be remembered that as quite a large proportion of men wear for work waistcoats which originally belong to “best" suits . some of the figures in the following table may refer to sources from which these complete suits were purchased.)

Q.5 London No. S. ,S. W. & E, Anglia Midlands & Wales Northern England Scotland No. TOTAL
No. No. % No. % No. %
Dept. store or large local shop 18 83 43+7.0 91 57+8.0 74 58 25 291 50
Small local shop 13 57 29 28 17 21 17 5 124 21
Mail order 1 4 2 - - 7 5 - 12 2
Second-hand 9 12 6 9 6 11 9 - 41 7
Not answered 10 39 20 33 20 14 11 16 112 20
SAMPLE 51 195 161 127 46 580

Tweed waistcoats and serge and “others” were obtained from different sources in the following proportions:-

% wearing tweed waistcoats % wearing serge and “others”
Dept. store or large local shop 54 43
Small local shop 21 23
Mail order 2 3
Second-hand 6 11
No information 19 20
SAMPLE 370 178


London No. S.,S.W. & E. Anglia Midlands & Wales Northern England Scotland No. TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Tried to buy since Xmas 7 15 8 14 9 11 9 4 51 9
Not tried to buy 37 153 78 127 79 115 90 33 465 80
Not answered 7 27 14 20 12 1 1 9 64 11
SAMPLE 51 195 161 127 46 580

Of the 51 men who had tried to buy waistcoats since Christmas, 17 had experienced difficulty in doing so: 6 of these men said that waistcoats were unobtainable, 4 complained that they couldn’t buy waistcoats separately, 3 said they couldn’t get the size they wanted and 4 men gave other reasons for difficulty.

34 of the 51 men who had tried to buy waistcoats had wanted tweed ones and 11 of these 34 men had experienced difficulty in getting the kind of tweed waistcoat they wanted.

Comparison of (1) Type preferred by type worn.

(2) Type preferred and suggested alternative, in four hazard groups.


No. % No. % No. % No. No. %
TWEED 333 94 5 1 18 14 357 63
SUITING 3 1 25 - 2 1 30 5
SERGE 12 3 - 44 5 4 61 11
OTHERS 14 4 - - 112 86 126 22
N.W.& N.A. 12 3 - - 2 1 14 2
TOTAL number of preferences given 355 30 52 130 567
TWEED 190 54 2 20 24 18 236 42
SUITING - - 15 - - 15 3
SERGE 5 1 - 11 3 2 19 3
OTHERS 87 25 3 10 79 61 179 32
N.W.& N.A. 90 25 11 4 29 22 134 24
TOTAL number of preferences given 355 30 52 130 567

(NOTE. Vertical total under “TYPE WORN” add to more than horizontal total of “Preferences given” because in some cases men mentioned two types of waistcoat, either of which they usually wore for work)

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