A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

18 - 16 -


19 - 17 -


Housewives were shown a fruit cake recipe presented in 3 different forms and asked, if they were making a plain fruit cake, which of the 3 forms of the following recipes they would prefer.

The results of this experiment are presented in the next table. It will be seen that the short recipe is the least popular. More housewives prefer the medium to the long one and though the difference is not very great, every further analysis shows the sometimes slight and sometimes larger preference of the medium to the long recipe. (Table 27a-30)

Table 27

Preference of 1 in 3 forms of a plain fruit cake recipe

Preference %
Short 23
Medium 38
Long 33
No preference 5
Not answered 1
SAMPLE: Housewives who used written recipes 1412

In order to avoid bias, caused by the position of the 3 forms on the sheet, the positions were arranged in six variations (the sample was divided into sixths, and each sixth shown a different layout.)

The frequency with which each form of the recipe was chose related to the position it had on the sheet is shown on the next table. The fist position increased the popularity for each form of receipe, but in all three positions the medium recipe is most often chosen.

Table 27a

Proportion choosing recipe

Position on sheet Short Medium Long No Preference
% % %
First 40 39 32
Second 33 34 35
Third 27 26 33
Sample 324 543 460 85

A group analysis by the five classification show that with increasing income, education and age the popularity of the medium recipe as compared with the long one increase.

Table 28

Wage rate of main wage earner

Up to £3 £3-£5 10. Over £5 10. Unclassified
% % %
Short 20 24 22
Medium 35 38 41
Long 34 33 32
No preference 6 4 3
Not answered 5 1 1
SAMPLE: 196 803 401 12

In evaluating these results it must be kept in mind that written recipes as given in cookery books are usually of medium length, or long. It is sociological fact that people have a tendency to like and to choose what they are used too. In spite of this that 23% of the housewives choose the short form is rather interesting.

Table 29

Education of Housewife

Preferences: Elementary Secondary Unclassified
% %
Short 25 20
Medium 36 42
Long 32 35
No preference 6 2
Not answered 1 1
SAMPLE: 966 366 80
Table 30

Age of Housewives

Preference Up to 34 35 - 50 Over 50
% % %
Short 21 23 25
Medium 39 40 36
Long 35 33 28
No preference 5 3 7
Not answered 4
SAMPLE: 422 621 369
20 - 18 -


Housewives were asked if they followed a recipe exactly, even to the quantities, flavouring and seasoning. It was thought that the results from this question would be another indication of how Food Facts recipes should be presented.

More than a quarter of the housewives follow a recipe exactly.

Table 31

Recipes followed/not followed exactly

% %
Recipes followed exactly 29
Recipes not followed exactly 44
Vary quantity to suit family size 8
Vary quantity because of lack of ingredients 18
Vary quantity because of lack of proper utensils 1
Vary flavouring to suit own taste 18
Can't be bothered, cooks from experience etc: 6
Others 1
No answer 1
Never used written recipes 27
SAMPLE: 1934.
21 - 19 -


Knowledge of the type of stove housewives use and the kitchen utensils they possess has great bearing on what kind of recipes are most useful to them. Information on these two points was of general interest to the Ministry of Food.

Table 32, gives the frequency with which different types of stoves were used in summer and winter. Table 33 shows the result analysed by Economic group.

The proportion of housewives who cook on an coal stove is of considerable size, particularly in the low income groups. In the same group proportion who use an electric stove is smaller, smaller still than the proportion who used open fires.

Table 32


Summer Winter
% %
Coal Stove 20 34
Gas Stove 68 66
Electric Stove 13 13
Oil Stove 2 .2
Gas ring 5 5
Open fire 4 6
SAMPLE: 1934 1934

* Where housewives used more than one kind of stove, both were mentioned.

Table 33

Wage rate of main wage earner

Up to £3 £3 - £4 £4 - £5 10 Over £5 10 In-Classified
Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer
% % % % % % % %
Coal Stove 38 25 35 23 36 19 25 15
Gas Stove 62 27 63 66 66 69 69 70
Electric Stove 6 6 8 8 12 13 21 21
Oil Stove 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1
Gas ring 6 6 6 5 5 5 3 4
Open fire 9 6 9 7 6 4 2 1
SAMPLE: 343 381 728 468 14

The next table give a summary and economic analysis of the kitchen utensil housewives possessed and makeshifts they used.

It is advisable that these results be used only provisionally. The question was asked in the form of a long prompt list at the end of an interview and it is quite possible that more housewives than actually owned utensils, answered yes to the questions. Since there was no opportunity for the interviewer to check this information we suggest that the question be repeated in another survey before final conclusion are drawn.

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