A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62


1. Occupation of parents of boys of 14-18 years already working analysed according to non-mining people and mining people by sex

Occupation of parents of boys of 14-18 already working Total Non-Mining Mining
Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No %
Apprentice 424 18 136 30 102 19 186 14
Factory Machinist, Operator, Tenter 73 3 21 5 18 3 34 3
Semi-skilled worker 240 10 66 14 56 10 118 9
Mining surface 266 12 13 3 71 13 182 14
Mining underground, mining, unspecified. 367 16 19 4 92 17 256 19
Shop assistant, errand boy, Paper boy, etc. 234 10 47 10 53 10 134 10
Unskilled labouring 460 20 95 21 99 10 266 20
Clerk 67 3 21 5 10 2 36 3
Services 74 3 20 4 9 2 45 3
Unemployed 96 4 16 3 22 4 58 4
Miscellaneous 24 1 5 1 8 2 11 1
No answer 4 - - - 2 - 2 -
Parent’s boys of 14-18 already working 2329 100 459 100 542 100 1,328 100

2. Kind of work parents have in mind for their boys under 18 years still at school analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex

Kind of work parents have in mind for their boys under 18 years still at school Total Non-Mining Mining
Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Mining 51 3 2 1 22 4 27 2
Trades 240 12 60 14 63 13 117 11
Others 142 7 45 11 27 6 70 6
None/Don’t know 1,560 78 307 74 367 77 886 81
All boys under 18 years still at school 1,993 100 414 100 479 100 1,100 100

3. Occupation of non-mining parents’ boys 14-18 years already working analysed according to whether these boys are doing the kind of work their parents had in mind for them

Occupation of non-mining Parents’ boys of 14-18 already working Total Yes No Did not have anything in mind for them Unemployed
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Apprentice 136 100 92 68 22 16 22 16
Factory Machinist, Operator, Tenter 21 10 6 5
Semi-skilled worker 66 100 36 54 11 17 19 29
Mining surface 13 9 2 2
Mining underground, mining, unspecified. 19 5 4 10
Ship assistant, errand boy, Paper boy, etc. 47 100 22 47 20 42 5 11
Unskilled labouring 95 100 37 39 27 28 30 32 1 1
Clerk 21 15 3 3
Services 20 3 8 9
Unemployed 16 1 - 2 13
Miscellaneous 5 3 1 1 -
No answer - - - -
Non-mining Parent’s boys of 14-18 already working 459 100 233 51 104 23 108 23 14 3

4. Occupation of mining mothers of boys of 14-15 years already working analysed according to whether these boys are doing the kind of work their mothers had in mind for them

Occupation of parents of boys of 14-18 already Total Yes No Did not have anything in mind for them Unemployed
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Apprentice 186 100 120 65 21 11 45 24
Factory Machinist, Operator, Tenter 34 11 15 8
Semi-skilled worker 118 100 65 55 19 16 34 29
Mining surface 182 100 84 46 67 37 31 17
Mining underground, mining, unspecified. 256 100 113 44 93 36 50 20
Shop assistant, errand boy, Paper boy, etc. 134 100 61 45 45 34 28 21
Unskilled labouring 266 100 112 42 182 131 72 27
Clerk 36 26 3 38 7
Services 45 100 11 24 17 38 17 38
Unemployed 58 100 - - - - - - 58 100
Miscellaneous 11 9 1 1
No answer 2 - - 2
Mining mothers of boys 14-18 years already working, who are doing the kind of work their mothers had in mind for them 1,328 100 612 46 363 27 295 22 58 5

5. Occupation of mining fathers of boys of 14-15 years already working analysed according to whether these boys are doing the kind of work their mothers had in mind for them

Occupation of parents of boys of 14-18 already working Total Yes No Did not have anything in mind for them Unemployed
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Apprentice 102 100 60 59 15 15 27 26
Factory Machinist, Operator, Tenter 18 6 5 7
Semi-skilled worker 56 100 32 57 9 16 15 27
Mining surface 71 100 38 53 26 37 7 10
Mining underground, mining, unspecified. 92 100 43 47 37 40 12 13
Shop assistant, errand boy, Paper boy, etc. 53 100 24 45 18 34 11 21
Unskilled labouring 99 100 45 46 30 30 24 24
Clerk 10 7 2 1
Services 9 1 2 6
Unemployed 22 22
Miscellaneous 8 3 2 2 1
No answer 2 - - 2 -
Mining fathers of boys 14-18 years already working, who are doing the kind of work their fathers had in mind for them 542 100 259 48 146 27 114 21 23 4

6. Occupation of mining mothers of boys 14-18 years already working analysed according to the mothers reasons why boys who are not doing the kind of work they had in mind for them, did not take up this work

Mining mothers' reasons why boys 14-18 years already working who are not doing the kind of work they had in mind for them, did not take up this work
Occupation of parents of boys of 14-18 already working Total Left boy to choose Pay, hours, prospects bad Too young Not clever enough No vacancies Health not good enough, too delicate etc. Miscellaneous Don’t know No Answer
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Apprentice 21 5 2 1 11 1 1
Factory Machinist, Operator, Tenter 15 5 1 1 4 2 2
Semi-skilled worker 19 5 1 1 10 1
Mining surface 67 100 19 28 5 7 5 7 - 24 36 2 3 11 17 1 2
Mining underground, mining, unspecified. 93 100 34 37 11 12 5 5 33 35 7 8 1 1 2 2
Shop assistant, errand boy, Paper boy, etc. 45 100 7 16 2 4 2 4 21 47 5 11 7 16 1 2
Unskilled labouring 82 100 21 26 3 4 6 7 4 5 35 43 6 7 6 7 1 1
Clerk 3 3 1 9 2
Services 17 5 1
Miscellaneous 1
No answer
Mining mothers of boys 14-18 years already working, who are not doing the kind, of work their mother had in mind for them 363 100 104 29 23 6 21 6 7 2 140 38 16 4 44 12 2 1 6 2

Similar tables prepared from the replies of Mining Fathers and Non-mining Parents do not differ greatly from the table above

7. Parents' opinion on coal-mining as possible job for their boys analysed according to non-mining people, and mining people by sex

Parents' opinion on coal-mining as possible job for the a possible job for their boys Total All Non-Mining Mining
Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
In favour of it 390 15 32 6 122 20 236 17
Against it 1,293 20 215 38 337 56 741 52
Never thought of it 557 22 279 49 69 11 209 15
No other job available 131 5 12 2 33 6 86 6
Vague 217 8 27 5 39 7 151 10
No Answer 5 1 2 2
All parents 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425
Boys' opinion on coal-mining as possible job for themselves Mining Non-Mining
Total Mining Non-Mining Working Not Working Working Not working
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
In favour of it 45 3 26 5 19 2 5 5 11 6 13 2 6 2
Against it 557 39 273 53 284 31 189 60 84 43 196 35 88 25
Never thought of it 773 54 176 34 597 65 92 29 84 43 349 62 248 70
No other job available 6 4 1 2 4 1 1 1
Vague 52 4 33 7 19 2 17 5 16 8 8 1 11 3
No Answer 1 1 1
All boys 1,434 100 512 100 922 100 317 100 195 100 567 100 355 100

9. Parents' opinion on whether there is anything to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job analysed according to non-mining people, and mining people by sex

Parents' opinion on whether there is anything to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 1,244 48 226 40 334 55 684 48
No 966 37 241 43 233 39 492 35
Don’t know 376 15 97 17 34 6 245 17
No Answer 7 2 1 4
All parents 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

10. Parents' opinion on the chief thing to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job, analysed according to non-mining people and mining people by sex

Parents' opinion on the chief thing to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Cheap coal 144 6 20 3 11 2 113 8
Good pay 425 16 73 13 117 19 235 16
Good hours 81 3 13 2 38 6 30 2
Good prospects 154 6 28 5 60 10 66 5
Security of job 28 1 5 1 8 1 15 1
Improvements coming, better future 34 1 9 2 14 2 11 1
Important necessary job, should be a trade 89 3 31 5 10 2 48 3
Pit-head baths, canteens, welfare arrangements 41 2 10 2 2 - 29 2
Miscellaneous 76 3 9 2 27 5 40 3
Unable to give chief thing 100 4 18 3 27 5 55 4
No answer 72 3 10 2 20 3 42 3
All who think there is some thing to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job 1,244 48 226 40 334 55 684 48
Those who do not think there is anything to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job 1,349 52 340 60 268 45 741 52
All Parents 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

11. Parents' opinion on the chief thing to he said in favour of coal-mining as a job, analysed according to mining people by sex, and whether they are in favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their sons

Parents' opinion on the chief thing to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Cheap coal 1 1 6 2 4 3 8 4 71 8 34 10
Good pay 32 30 51 14 34 25 65 34 100 11 70 20
Good hours 9 8 20 5 9 7 11 6 14 2 5 1
Good prospects 22 20 19 5 19 14 20 11 27 3 19 5
Security of job 4 4 1 - 3 2 3 2 6 1 6 2
Improvements coming, better future 6 5 7 2 1 1 - - 8 1 3 1
Important necessary job, should be a trade 2 2 6 2 2 2 6 3 27 3 15 4
Pit-head baths, canteens, welfare arrangements - - 2 1 - - 2 1 19 2 8 2
Miscellaneous 4 4 19 5 4 3 9 5 19 2 12 3
Unable to give chief thing 12 11 6 2 9 7 12 6 26 3 17 5
No answer 5 5 12 3 3 2 8 4 21 2 13 4
All who think there is some thing to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job 97 90 149 41 88 66 144 76 338 38 202 57
Those who do not think there is anything to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job 11 10 211 59 46 34 45 24 542 62 154 43
All Parents 108 100 360 100 134 100 189 100 880 100 356 100

12. Boys' opinion on whether there are any things in coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would like, analysed according to mining and non-mining boys and whether they are working or not

Boys' opinion on whether there are any things in coal-mining which might make to the kind of job they would like Mining Non-Mining
Total Mining Non-Mining Working Not Working Working Not Working
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 347 24 150 29 197 21 84 27 66 34 100 18 97 27
No 945 66 321 63 624 68 210 66 111 57 397 70 227 64
Don’t know 138 10 39 8 99 11 22 7 17 9 68 12 31 9
No answer 4 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - - -
All boys 1,434 100 512 100 922 100 317 100 195 100 567 100 355 100

13. Boys' opinion on the chief thing in coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would like, analysed according to mining and non mining boys and whether they are working or not

Boys' opinion on the chief thing in coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would like Mining Non-Mining
Total Mining Non-Mining Working Not Working Working Not Working
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
If I could get the job I wanted, work with machinery etc 158 11 68 13 90 10 39 12 29 15 39 7 51 14
Good pay 75 5 29 5 46 5 22 7 7 4 28 5 18 5
Good hours 20 2 12 2 8 1 8 3 4 2 5 1 3 1
Interesting, important job 46 3 19 4 27 3 8 3 11 6 9 1 18 5
Companionship , good company 9 1 4 1 5 - - - 4 2 3 1 2 1
Canteens, baths, welfare arrangements 7 - 3 1 4 - 2 1 1 - 3 1 1 -
Good prospects, secure job 10 1 3 1 7 1 1 - 2 1 7 1 - -
Miscellaneous 14 1 7 1 7 1 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 1
Unable to give chief thing 1 - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - -
No answer 7 - 5 1 2 - 1 - 4 2 2 - - -
Boys who think there are some things about coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would like 347 24 150 29 197 21 84 27 66 34 100 18 97 27
Boys who do not think there are any things about coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would like 1,087 76 362 71 725 79 233 73 129 66 467 82 258 73
All Boys 1,434 100 512 100 922 100 317 100 195 100 567 100 355 100

14. Mining parents’ opinion on whether there is anything to he said against coal-mining as a job, analysed according to parents’ opinion on whether there is anything to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job

Mining parents' opinion on whether there is anything to he said against coal-mining as a job Parents' opinion on whether there is anything to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job
Total Yes No Don’t know No Answer
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 1,650 82 776 76 657 91 212 76 5
No 310 15 220 22 52 7 38 14 -
Don’t know 67 3 22 2 16 2 29 10 -
All mining Parents 2,027 100 1,018 100 725 100 279 100 5

15. Non-mining parents’ opinion on whether there is anything to be said against coal-mining as a job, analysed according to parents' opinion on whether there is anything to be said in favour of coal-mining as a job

Non-mining parents' opinion on whether there is anything to be said against coal-mining as a job, Parents' opinion on whether there is anything to he said in favour of coal-mining as a job
Total Yes No Don’t know No Answer
No % No % No % No % No %
Yes 465 82 178 79 216 90 69 71 2
No 68 12 37 16 19 8 12 12 -
Don’t know 33 6 11 5 6 2 16 17 -
All Non-mining Parents 566 100 226 100 241 100 97 100 2

16. Boys' opinion on whether there are any things in coal- mining which might make it the kind of job they would like, analysed according to boys' opinion on whether there are any things in coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would dislike

Boys' opinion on whether there are any things in coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would like Boys' opinion on whether there are any things in coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would dislike
Total Yes No Don’t know No Answer
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 347 24 307 24 28 33 11 15 1
No 945 66 854 67 49 57 42 57 -
Don’t know 138 10 109 9 8 9 21 28 -
No answer 4 - 3 - 1 1 - - -
All boys 1,434 100 1,273 100 86 100 74 100 1

17. Parents' opinion on whether there is anything to be said against coal-mining as a job, analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex

Parents' opinion on whether there is anything to be said against coal-mining as a job Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 2,115 81 465 82 502 83 1,148 81
No 378 15 68 12 95 16 215 15
Don’t know 100 4 33 6 5 1 62 4
All Parents 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

18. Mining parents' opinion on whether there in anything against coal-mining as a job, analysed according to sex and whether they are in favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their sons

Mining parents' opinion on whether there in anything against coal-mining as a job Mining Males Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 59 55 338 94 105 78 75 40 818 93 255 72
No 48 44 20 5 27 20 99 52 43 5 73 20
Don’t know 1 1 2 1 2 2 15 8 19 2 28 8
All mining parents 108 100 360 100 134 100 189 100 880 356 356 100

19. Parents' opinion on the chief thing to be said against coal-mining as a job, analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex

Parents' opinion on the chief thing to be said against coal-mining as a job Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Bad pay 72 3 10 2 24 4 38 33
Bad prospects 101 4 23 4 27 5 51 4
Bad hours, inconvenient Shifts 58 2 8 1 22 4 28 2
Work too hard 135 5 16 3 44 7 75 5
Unhealthy, dirty, dusty 696 27 172 30 174 29 350 25
Worry and work for wives 36 1 7 1 - - 29 2
Dangerous 678 26 162 29 90 15 426 30
Inferior social status 14 1 3 1 3 - 8 1
Bad relations with management 42 2 6 1 27 5 9 1
Working underground 63 2 22 4 8 1 33 2
Working in bad conditions, stooping, crouching, low seams 22 1 3 1 14 2 5 -
Canteens, pithead baths, welfare arrangements 9 - 1 - 3 - 5 -
Bad lighting 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 -
Poor compensation 7 - 2 - 4 1 1 -
Not enough food, coupons, soap 16 1 1 - 3 - 12 1
Not a trade, poor sort of work no interest 20 1 5 1 8 1 7 1
Bad, poor machinery 7 - 1 - 4 1 2 -
Miscellaneous 66 3 6 1 28 5 32 2
Unable to give chief thing 68 3 16 3 18 3 34 2
No answer 2 - - - - - 2 -
All who have something to say against coal-mining as a job 2,115 82 465 82 502 83 1,148 81
Those who haven’t anything to say against coal-mining as a job 478 18 101 18 100 17 277 19
All Parents 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

20. Boys' opinion on whether there are any things in coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would dislike, analysed. according to mining and non-mining boys and whether they are working or not

Boys' opinion on whether there are any things in coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would dislike Mining Non-Mining
Total Mining Non-Mining Working Not Working Working Not Working
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 1,273 89 474 93 799 87 300 95 174 89 487 86 312 88
No 86 6 21 4 65 7 8 2 13 7 43 8 22 6
Don’t know 74 5 16 3 58 6 9 3 7 4 37 6 21 6
No answer 1 - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - -
All boys 1,434 100 512 100 922 100 317 100 195 100 567 100 355 100

21. Boys' opinion on the chief thing in coal-mining which might make it the kind of job they would dislike, analysed according to mining and non-mining boys and whether they are working or not

Boys' opinion on the chief thing in coal-mining which might make them dislike it as a job Mining Non-Mining
Total Mining Non-Mining Working Not Working Working Not Working
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Bad pay 4 - 1 - 3 - - - 1 1 1 - 2 -
Bad prospects 60 4 22 4 38 4 18 6 4 2 32 6 6 2
Bad hours, inconvenient Shifts 24 2 9 2 15 2 4 1 5 3 6 1 9 3
Work too hard 22 2 12 2 10 1 8 3 4 2 6 1 4 1
Unhealthy, dirty, dusty 418 29 162 32 256 28 110 35 52 27 155 27 101 28
Being underground, no day light 252 18 73 14 179 20 55 17 18 9 127 23 52 15
Dangerous 382 27 157 31 225 24 85 27 72 37 119 21 106 30
positions 16 1 6 1 10 1 9 1 3 1 6 1 4 1
Miscellaneous 33 2 12 2 21 2 4 1 8 4 12 2 9 3
No answer 13 1 4 1 9 1 1 - 3 1 4 1 5 1
Unable to give chief thing 49 3 16 3 33 4 12 4 4 2 19 3 14 4
All who think there are some things which might make them dislike coal-mining 1,273 89 474 93 799 87 300 95 174 89 487 86 312 88
All who do not think there is anything which might make them dislike coal-mining 161 11 38 7 123 12 17 5 21 11 80 14 43 12
All Boys 1,434 100 512 100 922 100 31 100 195 100 567 100 355 100

22. Parents' opinion on the social standing of the skilled coal-miner compared with that of all other skilled workers, analysed according to non-mining people by sex

Parents' opinion on the social standing of the skilled coal-miner compared with that of all other skilled workers Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Higher 199 8 52 9 57 9 90 6
Same 899 35 240 42 216 36 443 31
Lower 1,047 40 205 36 251 42 591 41
Don’t know 430 16 66 12 71 12 293 21
No answer 18 1 3 1 7 1 8 1
All Parents 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

23. Mining parents' opinion on the social standing of the skilled coal-miner compared with that of all skilled workers, analysed according to sex and whether they are in favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their sons

Parents' opinion on the social standing of the skilled coal-miner compared with that of all skilled workers Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Higher 15 14 27 8 15 11 22 12 44 5 24 7
Same 47 44 112 31 57 43 79 42 247 28 117 33
Lower 35 32 178 49 38 28 45 24 428 49 118 33
Don’t know 10 9 38 11 23 17 42 22 156 18 95 27
No answer 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 - 5 - 2 -
All mining parents 108 100 360 100 134 100 189 100 880 100 356 100

24. Boys' opinion on the social standing of the skilled coal miner compared with that of all other skill, mining and non-mining boys and whether they are working or not

Boys' opinion on the social standing of the skilled coal miner compared with that of all other workers Mining Non-Mining
Total Mining Non-Mining Working Not Working Working Not Working
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Higher 169 12 58 11 111 12 31 10 27 14 56 10 55 15
Same 584 41 193 37 391 42 120 38 73 37 250 44 141 40
Lower 362 25 147 29 215 23 92 29 55 28 127 22 88 25
Don’t know 311 22 113 21 198 22 73 23 40 21 132 23 66 19
No answer 8 - 1 1 7 1 1 - - - 2 1 5 1
All Boys 1,434 100 512 100 922 100 317 100 195 100 567 100 355 100

25. Parents' opinion on whether housing is better or worse in coal-mining areas than in non-coal-mining areas analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex

Parents' opinion on whether housing is better or worse in coal-mining areas than in non-coal-mining areas Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No % No % No % No %
Better 320 12 75 13 75 13 170 12
The Same 750 29 202 36 164 27 384 27
Worse 827 32 157 28 228 38 442 31
Don’t know 696 27 132 23 135 32 429 30
All Parents 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

26. Mining parents opinion on whether housing is better or worse in coal-mining areas than in non-coal mining areas. Analysed according to sex and whether they are in favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their sons.

Parents’ opinion on whether housing is better or worse in coal-mining areas than in non-coal mining areas Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Better 14 13 44 12 17 13 31 16 95 11 44 12
The Same 21 19 100 28 43 32 61 35 236 27 87 25
Worse 44 41 140 39 44 33 45 24 301 34 96 27
Don’t know 29 27 76 21 30 22 52 28 248 28 129 36
All mining parents 108 100 360 100 134 100 189 100 880 356 356 100

27. Parents' opinion on whether social amenities are better or worse in coal-mining than in non-coal-mining areas analysed according to non- mining people, mining people by sex.

Parents' opinion on whether social amenities are better or worse in coal-mining than in non-coal mining areas Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Better 267 10 71 13 74 12 122 9
The Same 843 33 216 38 208 35 419 29
Worse 781 30 149 26 186 31 446 31
Don’t know 702 27 130 23 134 22 438 31
All Parents 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

28. Mining parents' opinion on whether social amenities are better or worse in coal-mining areas than in non-coal-mining areas. Analysed according to sex and whether they are in favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their sons

Parents' opinion on whether social amenities are better or worse in coal-mining areas Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Better 17 15 44 12 13 12 20 11 67 8 35 10
The Same 30 28 129 36 49 36 63 33 253 29 103 29
Worse 31 29 111 31 44 31 52 27 300 34 94 26
Don’t know 30 28 76 21 28 21 54 29 260 29 124 35
All mining parents 108 100 100 100 134 100 189 100 880 100 356 100

29. Parents’ opinion on whether the chance of alternative jobs, if injured is better or worse in coal-mining areas than in non-coal-mining areas analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex

Parents' opinion on whether the chance of alternative jobs, if injured is better or worse in coal-mining areas Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Better 222 8 44 8 79 13 99 7
The Same 276 11 71 12 61 10 144 10
Worse 1,197 46 225 40 337 56 635 45
Don’t know 898 35 226 40 125 21 547 38
All Parents 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

30. Mining Parents' opinion on whether the chance of alternative jobs if injured is better or worse in coal-mining areas than in non-coal mining areas analysed according to sex and whether they are in favour of coal-mining jobs for their sons.

Parents’ opinion on whether the chance of alternative jobs if injured is better or worse in coal-mining Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Better 16 15 37 10 26 19 20 10 50 6 29 8
The Same 17 16 33 9 11 8 24 13 76 8 44 12
Worse 43 40 226 63 68 51 73 39 429 49 133 38
Don’t know 32 29 64 18 29 22 72 38 325 37 150 42
All mining parents 108 100 360 100 134 100 189 100 880 100 356 100

31. Parents’ opinion on compensation for injuries in coal-mining analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex.

Parents’ opinion on compensation for injuries in coal-mining Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Ought to get enough to live on and keep family 358 14 32 6 94 16 232 16
Should be the same as wages or a good percentage of wages 198 7 28 5 107 18 63 4
Not enough, poor, don’t get very much, too small, too low, needs improving 878 34 120 21 262 44 496 35
Getting better, improving, not too bad now, reasonable 331 13 54 9 69 11 208 15
Should get compensation 180 7 72 13 15 2 93 7
Miscellaneous 100 4 33 6 24 4 43 3
Don’t know 496 19 212 37 22 4 262 18
No answer 52 2 15 3 9 1 28 2
All parents 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

32. Mining parents’ opinion on compensation for injuries in coal-mining analysed according to sex and whether they are in favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their sons.

Mining parents’ opinion on compensation for injuries in coal-mining Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Ought to get enough to live on and keep family 12 11 69 18 18 13 40 21 137 16 55 15
Should be the same as wages or a good percentage of wages 12 11 62 17 33 25 7 4 45 5 11 3
Not enough, poor, don’t get very much, too small, too low, needs improving 52 48 156 44 54 40 53 28 322 37 121 34
Getting better, improving, not too bad now, reasonable 16 15 36 10 17 13 33 17 110 13 65 18
Should get compensation 2 2 12 3 1 1 13 7 57 6 23 7
Miscellaneous 8 7 12 3 4 3 4 2 29 3 10 3
Don’t know 5 5 11 3 6 4 37 20 159 18 66 19
No answer 1 1 7 2 1 1 2 1 21 2 5 1
All mining parents 108 100 360 100 134 100 189 100 880 100 356 100

33. Which of the following things do you think are better in coal-mining, and which are worse in coal-mining, than in the job your eldest boy in non-mining is now doing?

Better Same Worse Total Index of comparison
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Prospects of promotion 110 22 89 18 300 60 499 100 -38
Welfare arrangements 178 40 109 25 152 35 433 100 5
Security of job 147 30 149 30 194 40 490 100 -10
Relations with management 45 11 115 30 230 59 388 100 -48
Working surroundings 15 3 37 7 480 90 532 100 -87
Kind of work (coal face) 24 5 38 7 461 88 523 100 -83
Hours 270 51 130 25 125 24 525 100 27
Interest of job 100 22 82 18 276 60 458 100 -38
Wages 353 69 59 12 96 19 508 100 50

How important do you think the following things are in a job?

Very important Fairly important Don’t know Not important Total Index of comparison
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Prospects of promotion 423 71 87 15 43 7 40 7 593 100 150
Welfare arrangements 423 71 55 9 54 9 61 10 593 100 141
Security of job 273 46 152 26 64 11 102 17 591 100 101
Kind of people in job 473 80 67 11 38 7 14 2 592 100 169
Relations with Management 353 60 143 24 59 10 36 6 591 100 138
Working surroundings 316 53 155 26 58 10 63 11 592 100 121
Kind of work 391 66 140 24 36 6 26 4 593 100 152
Hours 327 55 122 21 56 9 87 15 592 100 116
Interest of job 530 89 34 6 25 4 3 1 592 100 183
Wages 432 73 110 18 23 4 28 5 593 100 159

34. Which of the following things do you think are better in coal-mining and which are worse in coal-mining, than in the job your eldest boy in non-mining is now doing?

Better Same Worse Total Index of comparison
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Prospects of promotion 185 19 153 16 614 65 952 100 -46
Welfare arrangements 349 44 212 27 230 29 791 100 15
Security of job 244 27 309 35 344 38 897 100 -11
Relations with management 66 12 198 34 314 54 578 100 -42
Working surroundings 27 2 71 7 974 91 1,072 100 -89
Kind of work (coal face) 30 3 69 7 920 90 1,019 100 -87
Hours 491 45 292 27 309 28 1,092 100 17
Interest of job 100 12 135 16 589 72 824 100 -60
Wages 701 71 130 13 162 16 995 100 55

How important do you think the following things are in a job?

Very important Fairly important Don’t Know Not important Total Index of comparison
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Prospects of promotion 925 66 205 15 231 16 44 3 1,405 100 144
Welfare arrangements 784 56 213 15 287 21 117 8 1.401 100 119
Security of job 964 68 180 13 233 17 27 2 1,404 100 147
Kind of people in job 646 46 350 25 270 19 137 10 1,403 100 107
Relations with management 671 48 299 21 357 26 74 5 1,401 100 112
Working surroundings 697 50 339 24 255 18 112 8 1,403 100 116
Kind of work (coal face) 713 51 243 17 291 21 155 11 1,402 100 108
Hours 721 52 369 26 209 15 102 7 1,401 100 123
Interest of job 1,127 80 103 7 169 12 6 1 1,405 100 166
Wages 890 63 297 21 139 10 78 6 1,404 100 141


35. Which of the following things do you think are better in coal=mining, and which are worse in coal-mining than in your present job?

Better Same Worse Total Index of comparison
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Prospects of promotion 63 10 142 21 458 69 663 100 -59
Welfare arrangements 238 44 134 25 164 31 536 100 13
Security of job 159 25 213 33 276 42 648 100 -17
Relations with management 24 6 157 36 250 58 431 100 -52
Working surroundings 6 1 28 3 766 96 800 100 -95
Kind of work (coal face) 11 2 25 3 742 95 778 100 -93
Hours 248 36 171 25 266 39 685 100 -3
Interest of job 48 6 114 16 571 78 733 100 -72
Wages 482 77 77 12 69 11 628 100 66


How important do you think the following things are in a job?

Very important Fairly important Don’t know Not important Total Index of comparison
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Prospects of promotion 937 66 353 25 60 4 80 5 1,430 100 152
Welfare arrangements 491 35 545 38 115 8 275 19 1,426 100 89
Security of job 948 66 305 21 67 5 107 8 1,427 100 145
Kind of people in job 582 41 521 37 45 3 276 19 1,424 100 100
Relations with management 526 37 449 32 173 12 267 19 1,415 100 87
Working surroundings 695 49 508 36 36 2 184 13 1,423 100 121
Kind of work (coal face) 920 65 356 25 37 2 111 8 1,424 100 147
Hours 714 50 483 34 18 1 210 15 1,425 100 119
Interest of job 1,271 89 123 9 14 1 17 1 1,425 100 186
Wages 1,018 72 331 23 19 1 58 4 1,425 100 163

36. Opinion of the parents who say working surroundings in coal- mining are worse than in the job their eldest boy in non-mining is now doing, on the most unpleasant kind of working surroundings analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex.

Opinion of the parents who say working surroundings in coal- mining are worse than in the job their eldest boy in non-mining is now doing, on the most unpleasant kind of working surroundings Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Being underground 105 6 46 11 10 2 49 5
Darkness 41 2 16 4 11 2 14 1
Danger from falls 482 26 107 25 65 14 307 31
Danger to health 400 21 100 23 95 20 205 21
Dirt 20 1 1 - 2 - 17 2
Dust 302 16 44 10 134 28 124 13
water 168 9 26 6 78 16 64 7
Heat 38 2 12 3 19 4 7 1
Sanitary conditions 56 3 11 3 13 3 32 3
Others 54 3 7 2 23 5 24 2
Don’t know 207 11 57 13 23 5 127 13
No answer 9 - 1 - 4 1 4 -
All who say working surroundings are worse in mining 1,882 100 428 100 480 100 974 100

37. Opinion of the parents who say working surroundings in coal-mining are worse than in the job their eldest boy is now doing, on the least unpleasant kind of working surroundings analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex.

Opinion of the parents who say working surroundings in coal-mining are worse than in the job their eldest boy is now doing, on the least unpleasant kind of working surroundings Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Being underground 249 13 47 11 116 24 86 9
Darkness 287 15 61 14 99 21 127 13
Danger from falls 26 1 5 1 15 3 6 1
Danger to health 6 - 2 - 3 1 1 -
Dirt 178 10 44 10 37 8 97 10
Dust 30 2 10 2 9 2 11 1
water 24 1 4 1 8 2 12 1
Heat 100 5 24 6 19 4 57 6
Sanitary conditions 82 4 21 5 35 7 26 2
Others 5 - - - 4 1 1 -
Don’t know 882 47 207 48 132 27 543 56
No answer 13 1 3 1 3 - 7 1
All who say working surroundings are worse in mining 1,882 100 428 100 480 974 974 100

38. Opinion of the parents who say working surrounding in coal-mining are worse than in the job their eldest boy in non-mining is now doing, on the most unpleasant kind of working surroundings according to mining people by sex and whether they are in favour of coal mining as a possible job for their boys.

Opinion of the parents who say working surrounding in coal-mining are worse than in the job their eldest boy in non-mining is now doing, on the most unpleasant kind of working surroundings Mining Male Mining Females
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Being underground - - 9 3 1 1 1 1 39 6 9 5
Darkness 1 1 8 2 2 2 1 1 8 1 5 3
Danger from falls 8 12 46 15 14 14 20 27 227 32 60 29
Danger to health 5 8 72 23 18 18 11 15 166 24 28 14
Dirt 1 1 1 - - - 2 3 11 2 4 2
Dust 22 33 33 27 28 28 11 15 94 13 19 10
water 15 22 22 14 19 19 9 12 40 6 15 8
Heat 5 8 8 3 4 4 1 1 3 - 3 2
Sanitary conditions 3 4 4 3 1 1 2 3 21 3 9 5
Others 5 8 8 4 5 5 4 6 12 2 8 4
Don’t know 2 3 3 5 6 6 12 16 79 11 36 18
No answer - - - 1 1 1 - - 3 - 1 -
All who say working surroundings are worse in mining 67 100 314 100 99 100 74 100 703 100 197 100

39. Opinion of the parents who say working surrounding in coal-mining are worse than in the job their eldest boy in non-mining is now doing, on the least unpleasant kind of working surroundings according to mining people by sex and whether they are in favour of coal mining as a possible job for their boys for their boys.

Opinion of the parents who say working surrounding in coal-mining are worse than in the job their eldest boy in non-mining is now doing, on the least unpleasant kind of working surroundings Mining Male Mining Females
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Being underground 24 36 59 19 33 33 13 18 54 8 19 9
Darkness 12 18 67 21 20 20 13 18 84 12 30 15
Danger from falls 1 1 10 3 4 4 - - 3 - 3 2
Danger to health - - 2 1 1 1 - - 1 1 - -
Dirt 1 1 31 10 5 5 8 11 66 9 23 12
Dust 2 3 7 2 - - - - 9 1 2 1
water 5 8 2 1 1 1 - - 5 1 7 4
Heat 2 3 13 4 4 4 4 5 45 6 8 4
Sanitary conditions 3 5 24 8 8 8 3 4 17 2 6 5
Others 1 1 3 1 - - 1 1 - - - -
Don’t know 16 24 93 29 23 23 32 43 413 59 98 50
No answer - - 3 1 - - - - 6 1 1 -
All who say working surroundings are worse in mining 67 100 314 100 100 100 74 100 703 100 197 100

40. Boys who are able to say what is the most unpleasant thing about working underground in a mine analysed according to mining and non-mining boys.

Boys who are able to say what is the most unpleasant thing about working underground in a mine Total Mining Non-Mining
No. % No. % No. %
Yes 649 85 252 87 397 83
No 116 15 37 13 79 17
No answer 1 - - - 1 -
Total 766 100 289 100 477 100

41. Boys' opinion on the most unpleasant thing about working underground in a mine analysed according to mining and non-mining boys.

Boys who are able to say what is the most unpleasant thing about working underground in a mine Total Mining Non-Mining
No. % No. % No. %
Underground, being shut away from daylight 136 18 46 16 90 19
Danger from falls 160 21 66 23 94 20
Danger to health 55 7 16 5 39 8
Dirt 26 3 5 2 21 4
Dust 59 8 28 10 31 6
Water, damp. 49 6 32 11 17 4
Low seams, cramped positions 39 5 11 4 28 6
Gas, fumes, smells 63 8 23 8 40 8
Darkness 41 6 17 6 24 5
Miscellaneous 17 2 7 2 10 2
No answer 4 1 1 - 3 1
D.N.A. (when no or N.A.) 117 15 37 13 80 17
Total 766 100 289 100 477 100

42. Opinion of the parents who say kind of work in coal mining is worse than in the job their eldest boy in non- mining is now doing, on the most unpleasant kind of work, analysed according to non-mining people; mining people by sex

Opinion of the parents who say kind of work in coal mining is worse than in the job their eldest boy in non- mining is now doing, on the most unpleasant kind of work Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Hewing by hand 389 22 86 21 126 27 177 19
Cutting by machine 167 9 27 7 79 17 61 7
Filling 54 3 16 4 18 4 20 2
Conveyor work 56 3 11 3 21 5 24 3
Work on tram tube 47 3 8 2 24 5 15 2
Boring, Ripping 211 12 19 4 105 23 87 9
Repair work Engineer, Electrician 62 3 7 2 36 8 19 2
Mechanic 2 - - - 2 - - -
Others 14 1 2 - 4 1 8 1
Don’t know 775 43 230 57 40 9 505 55
No answer 11 1 1 - 6 1 4 -
All who say kind of work is worse in mining 1,788 100 407 100 461 100 920 100

43. Opinion of the parents who say kind of work in coal mining is worse than in the job their eldest boy in non- mining is now doing, on the most unpleasant kind of work, analysed according to mining people by sex and whether they are in favour of coal mining as a possible job for their boys.

Opinion of the parents who say kind of work in coal mining is worse than in the job their eldest boy in non- mining is now doing, on the most unpleasant kind of work Mining Male Mining Females
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Hewing by hand 16 28 88 28 22 23 14 20 121 18 42 23
Cutting by machine 12 21 48 16 19 20 2 3 48 7 11 6
Filling - - 14 5 4 4 2 3 16 2 2 1
Conveyor work 3 5 16 5 2 2 - - 23 3 1 1
Work on tram tube 3 5 17 5 4 4 1 1 6 1 8 4
Boring, Ripping 13 23 72 26 20 21 6 9 60 9 21 12
Repair work Engineer, Electrician 4 7 22 7 10 11 3 4 14 2 2 1
Mechanic - - 1 - 1 1 - - - - - -
Others - - 3 1 1 1 - - 5 1 3 2
Don’t know 5 9 25 8 10 11 42 60 376 56 87 48
No answer 1 2 4 1 1 1 - - - - 4 2
All who say kind of work is worse in mining 57 100 310 100 94 100 70 100 669 100 181 100

44. Opinion of the parents who say kind of work in coal mining is worse than in the job their eldest boy in non- mining is now doing, on the least unpleasant kind of work, analysed according to non-mining people; mining people by sex

Opinion of the parents who say kind of work in coal mining is worse than in the job their eldest boy in non- mining is now doing, on the most unpleasant kind of work Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Hewing by hand 51 3 8 2 32 7 11 1
Cutting by machine 43 2 8 2 17 4 18 2
Filling 75 4 12 3 35 8 28 3
Conveyor work 49 3 2 - 30 6 17 2
Work on tram tube 72 4 11 3 33 7 28 3
Boring, Ripping 23 1 8 2 10 2 5 1
Repair work Engineer, Electrician 107 6 10 3 55 12 42 5
Mechanic 385 22 79 19 154 33 52 6
Others 54 3 10 3 22 5 22 2
Don’t know 919 51 258 63 68 15 593 64
No answer 10 1 1 - 5 1 4 -
All who say kind of work is worse in mining 1,788 100 407 100 461 100 920 100

45. Opinion of the parents who say kind of work in coal mining is worse than in the job their eldest boy in non- mining is now doing, on the least unpleasant kind of work, analysed according to mining people by sex and whether they are in favour of coal mining as a possible job for their boys.

Opinion of the parents who say kind of work in coal mining is worse than in the job their eldest boy in non- mining is now doing, on the least unpleasant kind of work Mining Males Mining Females
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Hewing by hand 2 4 19 6 11 12 1 1 9 1 1 1
Cutting by machine 2 4 13 4 2 2 2 3 11 2 5 3
Filling 9 15 20 6 6 6 6 9 18 3 4 2
Conveyor work 4 7 20 6 6 6 2 3 9 1 6 3
Work on tram tube 4 7 20 6 9 10 2 3 21 3 5 3
Boring, Ripping 2 4 8 3 3 - - - 4 1 1 1
Repair work Engineer, Electrician 7 12 37 12 12 12 7 10 21 3 14 8
Mechanic 15 26 113 37 37 28 6 9 124 19 22 12
Others 4 7 14 5 5 4 1 1 19 3 2 1
Don’t know 8 14 42 14 14 19 43 61 433 64 117 64
No answer - - 4 1 1 1 - - - - 4 2
All who say kind of work is worse in mining 57 100 310 100 100 100 70 100 669 100 181 100

46. Knowledge on jobs underground in a coal mine of boys who think kind of work in a coal mine is worse than in their present job analysed according to mining and non-mining boys.

Knowledge of jobs underground. in a coal-mine Total Mining Non-Mining
No. % No. % No. %
Have knowledge 337 46 164 59 173 38
Have no knowledge 402 54 116 41 286 62
No answer 2 - 1 - 1 -
Boys who think kind of work in coal mine is worse than in present job 741 100 281 100 460 100

47. Opinion on which is the worst job, of boys who think work on a coal mine is worse than in their present job analysed according to mining and non-mining boys

Opinion on which is the worst job, of boys who think work on a coal mine is worse than in their present job Total Mining Non-Mining
No. % No. % No. %
Work at coal face- hewing 149 20 78 27 71 16
Work at coal face filling 19 2 5 2 14 3
Work at coal face haulage 21 3 11 4 10 2
Work at coal face - unspecified 47 6 19 7 28 6
Repair work 13 2 7 2 6 1
Drilling, shot firing, ripping 25 3 15 5 10 2
Surface 3 1 2 - 1 -
Miscellaneous 19 2 15 5 4 1
Don’t know 46 3 20 7 26 6
No answer 6 1 2 - 4 1
Boys having no knowledge of jobs Underground 403 54 117 41 286 62
Boys who think kind of work in coal mine is worse than in present job 741 100 281 100 460 100

48. Mining males' opinion on whether they think have been improvements in the working conditions of coal mining since 1926(or since 1926 (or since they first knew it, if they entered mining later), analysed according to whether they are in favour of coal mining as a possible job for their sons.

Mining males' opinion on whether they think have been improvements in the working conditions of coal mining since 1926(or since they first knew it, if they entered mining later In favour Against Don’t mind No Answer
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 100 93 310 86 117 92 4 -
No 6 5 44 12 8 6 1 -
Don’t know 1 1 3 1 - - 1 -
No answer 1 1 3 1 3 2 - -
All mining males 108 100 360 100 128 100 6 -

49. Opinion of mining males who think there have been improvements in the working condition of coal mining since 1926(or since they first knew it, if they entered mining later), analysed according to whether they are in favour of coal mining as a possible job for their sons.

Mining males' opinion on whether they think have been improvements in the working conditions of coal mining since 1926 (or since they first knew it, if they entered mining later In favour Against Don’t Mind No Answer
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Better lighting, ventilation, safety precautions, travelling 40 40 100 32 39 33 1
Better canteens, pit-head baths welfare arrangements 23 23 70 23 31 26 2
Heavy machinery 66 66 189 61 74 63 3
Better pay 44 44 121 39 44 38 1
Better hours 28 28 74 24 30 26 2
Miscellaneous 20 20 54 17 20 17 -
No answer - - 1 - - - -
All who say there have been improvements in the working conditions of coal mining since 1926 100 100 310 100 117 - 4

50. Mining males' opinion on whether there are any improvements which they think could be made in the working conditions of coal mining analysed according to whether they are in favour of coal mining as a possible job for their boys.

Mining males' opinion on whether they think have been improvements in the working conditions of coal mining since 1926 (or since they first knew it, if they entered mining later In favour Against Don’t mind No Answer
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 80 74 276 77 89 70 2 -
No 14 13 35 10 17 13 2 -
Don’t know 13 12 43 12 19 15 2 -
No answer 1 1 6 1 2 2 - -
All mining males 108 100 360 100 127 100 6 -

51. Opinion of mining males on whether improvements could be made in the working conditions of coal mining as to which are the most important improvements analysed according to whether they are tin favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their boys.

Opinion of mining males on whether improvements could be made in the working conditions of coal mining as to which are the most important improvements In favour Against Don’t mind No Answer
No. % No. % No. % No. %
5 day week, shorter regular hours 15 19 63 23 12 14 1 -
Better transport to coal face 7 9 27 10 12 14 - -
Improved ventilation, dust suppression, drainage of water 26 32 65 24 26 29 1 -
Better lighting 5 6 16 6 3 3 - -
Improved safety conditions, less speeding up on jobs 16 20 56 20 21 24 - -
Keep roads in better condition, higher, wider roads 8 10 28 10 16 18 - -
Improved haulage system, better system of getting coal from shift to pithead 6 7 17 6 1 1 - -
More money for heavier jobs, skilled job, certificates, better pay 9 11 41 15 11 12 - -
More better machinery 5 6 39 14 12 14 - -
Pithead baths, canteens, welfare arrangements 19 24 40 14 11 12 1 -
Miscellaneous 15 19 85 31 28 31 - -
No answer 3 4 7 2 2 2 - -
All who think there are some more improvements that could be made in the working conditions of coal mining 80 100 276 100 89 100 2 -

52. Opinion of mining males who give the most improvements they think could be made in the working conditions of coal mines as to whether they think in alfavour of coal mining as a possible job for their boys.

Opinion of mining males who give the most improvements they think could be made in the working conditions of coal mines as to whether they think these improvements will be made. In favour Against Don’t mind No Answer
No. % No. % No. % No. %
All 48 60 107 39 39 44 2 -
Some 16 20 66 24 19 21 - -
None 3 4 15 5 4 5 - -
Don’t know 12 15 84 30 25 28 - -
No answer 1 1 5 2 2 2 - -
All who think there are some more improvements that could be made in the working conditions of coal mining 80 100 276 100 89 100 2 -

53. Parents' opinion on how important they think the coal industry is compared with all the other industries analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex.

Parents' opinion on how important they think the coal industry is compared with all the, with all the other, industries Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Most important 2,256 87 443 78 556 92 1,257 88
No more important 233 9 100 18 40 7 93 7
Don’t know 95 4 21 4 2 - 72 5
No answer 9 - 2 - 4 1 3 -
Sample(NATIONAL) 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

54. Opinion of boys on how important they think the coal industry is compared with all the other industries analysed according to mining and non-mining boys and whether they’re working or not.

Opinion of boys on how important they think the coal industry is compared with all the other industries Mining Non-Mining
Mining Non-Mining Working Not Working Working Not Working
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Most important 389 76 656 71 239 75 150 77 405 71 251 71
No more important 102 20 236 26 65 21 37 19 142 25 94 26
Don’t know 21 4 30 3 13 4 8 4 20 4 10 3
No answer - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sample (National) 512 100 922 100 317 100 195 100 567 100 355 100

55. Parents' opinion on whether they think anything can be done to make coal-mining more attractive to boys like their own analysed according to non mining people, mining people by sex.

Parents' opinion on whether they think anything can be done to make coal-mining more attractive to boys like their own Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 1,300 50 231 41 405 67 664 47
No 606 23 159 28 144 24 303 21
Don’t know 687 27 176 31 53 9 458 32
Sample(National) 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

56. Parents' opinion on whether they think anything can be done to make coal mining more attractive to boys like their own analysed according to mining people by sex whether they are in favour of coal mining as a possible job for their sons.

Parents' opinion on whether they think anything can be done to make coal mining more attractive to boys like their own analysed according to mining people by sex whether they are Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 82 76 226 63 97 72 107 56 384 44 173 49
No 16 15 108 30 20 15 26 14 237 27 40 11
Don’ know 10 9 26 7 17 13 13 30 259 29 143 40
Sample(National) 108 100 360 100 134 100 100 100 880 100 356 100

57. Parents who think something can be done to make coal mining more attractive to boys like their own, and their opinion on what should be done, analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex.

Parents who think something can be done to make coal mining more attractive to boys like their own, and their opinion on what should be done Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
More coupons, more food, more soap 37 3 35 15 - - 2 -
Better pay, less Income Tax 317 24 65 28 104 26 148 22
Better hours 303 23 50 22 111 27 142 21
Better training 216 17 45 19 99 24 72 11
Improve conditions, mecmore machinery, better ventilation, etc. 431 33 95 41 108 27 228 34
Better canteen, pit head baths, welfare arrangements 211 16 29 13 44 11 138 21
More social clubs, concerts, social activities 157 12 26 11 45 11 86 13
Miscellaneous 304 23 57 25 121 30 126 19
No answer 17 1 4 2 3 1 10 2
All who think something can be done to make coal mining more attractive to boys like their own 1,300 100 231 100 405 100 664 100

58. Parents who think something can be done to make coal mining more attractive to boys like their own, and their opinion on what should be done analysed according to mining people by sex and whether they in favour of coal mining as a possible job for their sons.

Parents who think something can be done to make coal mining more attractive to boys like their own, and their opinion on what should be done Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
More coupons, more food, more soap - - - - - - - - 2 1 - -
Better pay less Income Tax 13 16 66 29 25 26 25 23 86 22 37 21
Better hours 14 17 78 34 19 20 17 16 88 23 37 21
Better training 30 37 48 21 21 22 15 14 35 9 22 13
Improve conditions, more machinery, Better ventilation etc. 20 24 60 27 28 29 25 23 145 38 58 33
Better canteen, pit head baths, welfare Arrangements 7 8 24 11 13 13 22 21 70 18 46 27
More social clubs, concerts, social activities 10 12 26 11 9 9 16 15 43 11 27 16
Miscellaneous 21 26 68 30 32 33 11 10 86 22 29 17
No answer 1 1 2 1 - - 1 1 6 2 3 2
A11 who think something can be done to make coal mining more attractive to boys like their own 82 100 226 100 97 100 107 100 384 100 173 100

59. Parents' opinion on whether the fact that mines are going to be increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or a worse job than it is now, analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex.

Parents' opinion on whether the fact that mines are going to be increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or a worse job than it is now Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No % No % No % No %
Better 1,261 49 311 55 310 51 640 45
No difference 34 1 5 1 11 2 18 1
Worse 316 12 50 9 91 15 175 12
Better some ways, worse others 446 17 82 14 168 28 196 14
Don’t know 535 21 118 21 22 4 395 28
No Answer 1 - - - - - 1 -
Sample 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

60. Parents' opinion on whether the fact that mines are going to be increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or a worse job than it is now, analysed according to mining people by sex, and whether they are in favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their sons.

Parents' opinion on whether the fact that mines are going to be increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or a worse job than it is now Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Better 69 64 169 47 72 54 105 56 361 41 174 48
No difference - - 7 2 4 3 1 1 15 2 2 1
Worse 8 7 67 18 16 12 16 8 125 14 34 10
Better some ways, worse others 27 25 103 29 38 28 21 11 119 14 56 16
Don’t know 4 4 14 4 4 3 46 24 259 29 90 25
No Answer - - - - - - - - 1 - - -
Sample 108 100 360 100 134 189 189 100 880 356 356 100

61. Parents who think that the fact that mines are going to increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or a worse job than it is their opinion as to why this is so, analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex.

Parents who think that the fact that mines are going to increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or a worse job than it is their opinion as to why this is so Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Work will be easier 1,286 64 289 67 348 61 649 64
Increase output 348 17 73 17 170 30 105 10
Improve conditions cleaner, safer, less, dust 249 12 67 16 67 12 115 11
More interesting make it a skilled job 157 8 50 12 47 8 60 6
Cause more accidents 373 18 63 14 145 25 165 16
Cause unemployment 289 14 58 13 66 12 165 16
Cause more dust, dirt, more unhealthy 107 5 10 2 35 6 62 6
Miscellaneous 207 10 31 7 101 18 75 8
Don’t know 39 2 9 2 3 1 27 3
No answer 10 1 3 1 3 1 4 -
All who think the fact that mines are going to be increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or worse job than it is now 2,013 100 433 100 569 100 1,011 100

62. Parents who think the fact that mines are going to be increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or a worse job than it is now and their opinion as to why this is so, analysed according to mining people, by sex, and whether they are in favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their sons.

Parents' opinion on whether the fact that mines are going to be increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or a worse job than it is now Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Work will be easier 68 65 207 61 73 58 84 59 380 63 185 70
Increase output 42 40 79 23 49 39 28 20 55 9 22 8
Improve conditions cleaner, safer, less, dust 15 14 38 11 14 11 22 15 61 10 32 12
More interesting make it a skilled job 8 8 25 7 14 11 16 11 26 4 18 7
Cause more accidents 17 16 96 28 32 25 14 10 122 20 29 11
Cause unemployment 11 11 40 12 15 12 23 16 93 15 49 19
Cause more dust, dirt, more unhealthy 7 7 24 7 4 3 2 1 51 9 9 3
Miscellaneous 16 15 65 19 20 16 7 5 42 7 26 10
Don’t know - - 2 1 1 1 3 2 18 3 2 2
No answer - - 1 - 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
All who think the fact that mines are going to be increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or worse job than it is now 104 100 339 100 126 100 142 100 605 100 264 100

63. Boys who gave an opinion on whether mining will be a better or worse job than it is now when mines are increasingly mechanised analysed according to mining and non-mining boys and whether they are working or not.

Boys who gave an opinion on whether mining will be a better or worse job than it is now when mines are increasingly mechanised Mining Non-Mining
Mining Non-mining Working Not Working Working Not Working
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Better 392 76 716 78 235 74 157 81 417 73 299 84
Better someu ways, worse others 39 8 62 7 31 10 8 4 40 7 22 6
Worse 24 5 30 3 14 4 10 5 21 4 9 3
No difference 11 2 13 1 7 2 4 2 11 2 2 1
Don’t know 46 9 101 11 30 10 16 8 78 14 23 6
Sample 512 100 922 100 317 100 195 100 567 100 355 100

64. Boys' reasons for thinking mining will be a better or worse job than it is now when mines are increasingly mechanised analysed according to mining and non=mining boys and whether they are working or not.

Boys' reasons for thinking mining will be a better or worse job than it is now when mines are increasingly mechanised Mining Non-Mining
Mining Non-Mining Working Not Working Working Not Working
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Work will be easier 319 70 534 66 198 71 121 69 313 66 221 67
Improve conditions cleaner, safer, less, dust 135 30 218 27 83 30 52 30 119 25 99 30
More interesting make it a skilled job 61 13 138 17 38 14 23 13 82 17 56 17
Cause more accidents, more dangerous 34 7 57 7 22 8 12 7 38 8 19 6
more unhealthy 12 3 8 1 9 3 3 2 7 1 1 -
Increase output 23 5 74 9 9 3 14 8 40 8 34 10
Cause unemployment, less men needed 27 6 48 6 18 6 9 5 27 6 21 6
Miscellaneous 24 5 36 4 8 3 16 9 15 3 21 6
No answer - - 1 - - - - - - - - -
Don’t know 3 1 13 2 - - 3 2 7 1 6 2
455 100 807 100 280 100 175 100 477 100 330 100

65. Parents' opinion on whether the fact that on entering mining, boys are going to have a special training course before going underground would influence mining people, mining people by sex.

Parents' opinion on whether the fact that on entering mining, boys are going to have a special training course before going understand would influence them towards letting their boy go into mining Total All Non-Mining Mining
Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 841 32 139 25 216 36 486 34
No 1,580 16 402 71 356 59 822 58
Don’t know 156 6 20 3 28 5 108 7
No answer 16 1 5 1 2 - 9 1
Sample(National) 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

66. Parents' opinion on whether the fact that on entering mining, boys are going to have a special training course before going understand would influence mining people, mining people by sex. And whether they are in favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their sons.

Parents' opinion on whether the fact that mines are going to be increasingly mechanised will make mining a better or a worse job than it is now Mining Male Mining Female
In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 88 81 58 16 70 52 158 84 115 13 213 60
No 17 16 286 79 53 40 18 9 715 81 89 25
Don’t know 2 2 16 5 10 7 12 6 47 5 49 14
No answer 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 1
Sample(National) 108 100 360 100 134 100 189 356 356 356 1 100

67. Boys' opinion on whether they would be influenced to take up mining as a career by the fact that boys entering mining are going to have a special training course before going underground analysed according to mining and non mining and whether they are working or not.

Boys' opinion on whether they would be influenced to take up mining as a career by the fact that boys entering mining are going to have a special training course Mining Non-Mining
Mining Non-Mining Working Not Working Working Not Working
No % No % No % No % No % No %
Yes 93 18 144 16 43 13 50 25 75 13 69 19
No 381 75 707 76 249 79 132 68 451 80 256 72
Don’t know 36 7 70 8 23 7 13 7 40 7 30 9
No answer 2 - 1 - 2 1 - - 1 - - -
Sample(National) 512 100 922 100 317 100 195 100 567 100 355 100

68. Parents' opinion on whether the fact that it may be possible for boys to go to a residential training centre for six months for further education as well as technical training. Would influence them in favour of a boy of their own going analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex.

Parents’ opinion on whether the fact that it may be possible for boys to go to a residential training centre for six months for further education as well as technical training. Would influence them in favour of a boy of their own going Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 890 34 157 28 239 40 494 35
No 1,522 59 380 67 333 55 809 57
Don’t know 167 6 25 4 27 4 115 8
No answer 14 1 4 1 3 1 7 -
Sample(National) 2,593 100 566 100 602 100 1,425 100

69. Parents’ opinion on whether the fact that it may be possible for boys to go to a residential training centre for six months for further education as well as technical training, would influence them in favour of a boy of their own going analysed according to mining people by sex, and whether they are in favour of coal-mining as a possible job for their sons

Parents’ opinion on whether the fact that it may be possible for boys to go to a residential training centre for six months for further education as well as technical training, would influence them in favour of a boy of their own going In favour Against Don’t mind In favour Against Don’t mind
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Yes 89 82 74 21 76 57 153 81 129 15 212 60
No 14 13 271 75 48 36 22 12 696 79 91 25
Don’t know 4 4 15 4 8 6 13 7 53 6 49 14
No answer 1 1 - - 2 1 1 - 2 - 4 1
Sample(National) 108 100 360 100 134 100 189 100 880 100 356 100

70. Boys' opinion on whether they would be influenced towards taking a job in coal mining if it were possible for them to go and live in at a Training Centre for six months where they would have further education in audition to technical training and time off for sports, analysed according to mining and non-mining and whether they are working or not.

Boys' opinion on whether they would be influenced towards taking a job in coal mining if it were possible for them to go and live in at a Training Centre for six months Mining Non-Mining
Mining Non-Mining Working Not Working Working Not Working
No % No % No % No % No % No %
Yes 125 24 195 21 66 21 59 30 100 18 95 27
No 357 70 665 72 236 75 121 62 431 76 234 66
Don’t know 29 6 61 7 14 4 15 8 35 6 26 7
No answer 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 1 - - -
Sample(National) 512 100 922 100 317 100 195 100 567 100 355 100

71. Parents knowing of the fact that the mines are going to be taken over by the Government analysed according to non-mining people, mining people by sex.

Parents knowing of the fact that the mines are going to be taken over by the Government Mining
Total All Non-Mining Male Female
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Have knowledge 2,130 82 446 79 588 98 1,096 77
Have no knowledge <