A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36



Interviewer Town Date

Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Original (interviewed) 1
Original (not interviewed) 2
Substitute 3
Male Y
Female X

Urban 1 Rural 2

Single 3
Married 4
Widowed or Divorced 5

If 2 Reason for not Interviewing

If 1 or 2 No. of calls made

If 1 or 3 Time of interview

a.m. p.m.

Occupation of Informant
Manufacturing Y
Transport & Public services X
Mining & Quarrying 0
Building & Roadmaking 1
Agriculture & Fishing 2
Distributive 3
Clerical 4
Miscellaneous 5
Professional & Managerial 6
Retired & Unoccupied 7
Housewife 8


16 - 17 01
18 - 19 02
20 - 24 03
25 - 29 04
30 - 34 05
35 - 39 06
40 - 44 07
45 - 49 08
50 - 54 09
55 - 59 11
60 - 64 12
65 - 69 13
70 - 74 14
75 - 79 15
80 - 84 16
85 - 89 17
90 % over 18


Elementary 7

Secondary or Higher 8


Wage rate of C.W.E.

Up to £3 1
Over £3 - £4 2
Over £4 - £5.10 3
Over £5.10 - £10 4
£10 & over 5

Factory operatives: industry

Metal manf. engineering 7
Textiles, clothing, shoes 8
Food, drink, tobacco 9
Others 0
What product or part of what product is informant making?

1. Do you know that goods are being sent to other countries or exported?


2. What do you think about this?

3. Do you know (a) what kinds of things we send away and (b) where they are going to?

(a) What we send


Bicycles Y Raw materials 7
China, glass, pottery X Textiles, inc. cotton and woollen goods 8
Clothing 1 Hardware, holloware, ironmongery 4 Toys, jewellery luxury, fancy goods 9
Coal 2 Household goods 5 Vehicles (not cars) 5
Cosmetics, soap 3 Machinery, machine tools, tools 6 Whisky, wines, spirits 6
Cutlery Y Metal goods, metal manufacture 2 Wireless sets 7
Food X Motor cars 3 Don’t know 8
Furniture, carpets 1 Shoes 4

(b) Where they go. Ring code.

America 1 Africa, S. Africa 1 Belgium 1 Norway 1
Argentine 2 Australia 2 Czechoslovakia 2 Occupied countries 2
W. America 3 British Empire 3 Denmark 3 Russia, U.S.S.R 3
S. America 4 Canada 4 Europe European countries 4 Spain 4
U.S.A 5 Colonies 5 France 5 Sweeden 5
Asia 6 Dominions 6 Germany 6 Switzerland 6
China 7 Eire, Ireland 7 Greece 7
Egypt 8 India 8 Holland Netherlands 8
Palestine 9 New Zealand 9 Italy 9
Persia X
Turkey Y
Others (specify) 7
Don’t know 8

4. Do you think we should send the best things we make and keep the rest, or that we should keep the best and send the rest away?

Export best 4
Keep best 5
Export and keep some of each 6
Depends what commodity 7
Don’t know 8

5. Have you any idea how much of all we make we send away; would you say it was roughly a half, or three quarters or a quarter?

¾( or more) Y
½ X
¼ ( or less) 0
Don’t know 1

6. Could you say on the whole whether you approve or disapprove of the government

export policy?

Approve 3
Disapprove 4
No opinion 5

(a). If Disapprove Why do you disapprove

(b) If Approve or No Opinion Is there any particular thing about it that you disagree with?

Statement about EXPORTS ( only) may be given here if appropriate

7. Why do you think we export things at all?

8 Could you say

(a) what kinds of things we get in exchange for our exports and

(b) where they come from?

(a) What we get


Bacon Y Food and drink Y Raw materials Y
Butter X Fruit inc. dried & tinned X Rubber X
Cheese 1 Hides, skins, leather, furs 1 Silk 1
Chemicals, fertilisers, drugs 2 Household goods 2 Tea 2
China, glass, pottery 3 Machinery, tools 3 Textile materials (Unspec) 3
Clocks, watches 4 Manufactured goods 4 Timber, wood 4
Clothing 5 Meat inc. tinned 5 Tinned food 5
Coffee, cocoa 6 Minerals, metals, iron ore 6 Tobacco 6
Cotton 7 Motor cars 7 Wheat, grain, flour 7
Dairy produce 8 Oil, fuel and oil 8 Wines, spirits 8
Eggs & dried eggs 9 Petrol 9 Wool 9
Don’t know 10

(b) Where they go. Ring code.

America 1 Africa, S. Africa 1 Belgium 1 Norway 1
Argentine 2 Australia 2 Czechoslovakia 2 Occupied countries 2
W. America 3 British Empire 3 Denmark 3 Russia, U.S.S.R 3
S. America 4 Canada 4 Europe European countries 4 Spain 4
U.S.A 5 Colonies 5 France 5 Sweeden 5
Asia 6 Dominions 6 Germany 6 Switzerland 6
China 7 Eire, Ireland 7 Greece 7
Egypt 8 India 8 Holland Netherlands 8
Palestine 9 New Zealand 9 Italy 9
Persia X
Turkey Y
Others (specify) 7
Don’t know 8

Statement about IMPORTS may be given here if appropriate

9. Do you think we ought to export a greater, lesser or same quantity of goods as we did before the war?

More Y
Same X
Less 0
Don’t know 1

10. (To all except Don’t know to Q.9) Do you think we should always do this or only do it for some years and then make a change?

Always 2
Some years 3
Don’t know 4
D.N.A. 5

(a) If some years. About how many years?

11. Would you say that at present we are exporting a greater or a smaller quantity, or about the same quantity as in 1938?

More 6
Same 7
Less 8
Don’t know 9

To all in manufacturing industry what ever the occupation

12. Have you been told by the management at the factory where you work whether any goods are being produced there for export? Do you know whether they are?

Export. Told by management Y
Export. Not told by management X
Not making goods for export 0
Don’t know 1

13, Have you seen any posters about export displayed at the factory where you work?

Yes 3
No or doubtful 4

14. If YES to Q.1 You have told me quite a lot about exports ( or you said you knew goods were being exported). Can you tell me how you came to know about this?

DO NOT PROMPT, but ask “were there any other ways” if only one answer given. Radio Y
Films X
Poster 0
Leaflet 1
Export Quiz Unit 2
Advertisements in newspapers or magazines 3
News or editorial columns of newspapers or magazines 4
Newspapers or magazines unspec. Whether adverts or other 5
People talking about it 6
Other ways (Specify) 7
Don’t know 8


15. Have you seen any advertisements about exports in newspapers and magazines? (if information given in Q.14 code YES and do not ask)

Yes 1
No or doubtful 2

16. If YES to Q.15. Can you remember what one of the advertisements was about or What it showed? Could you describe the one you remember best?

Ring the number of the advertisement described.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

No can’t describe____X

If not identifiable write answer in

17. Can you remember the slogan?

Remembers 4
Does not remember 5


18. Do you remember seeing any of these advertisements?

(Show advertisements and ring Nos. of those remembered)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

None X

19. Apart from advertisements there has been a lot about export in the newspapers lately. Have you been reading this much?

Yes, have read some 7
Have only just glanced at it 8
No, have not read any 9

20. Did you see a morning newspaper yesterday? Which one?

Express Y
Herald X
Mail 0
Mirror 1
News Chronicle 2
Sketch or Graphic 3
Telegraph 4
Times 5
Worker 6
Other (Morning, provincial or local) 7
None 8

21. Have you seen anything about export shown at the cinema?

Yes Y
No or doubtful X

22. How often do you go to the cinema at this time of year? (If not regularly ask’ on the average’)

More than tice a week 1
Twice a week 2
Once a week 3
Once a fortnight 4
Once a month 5
Less than once a month 6
Don’t go this time of year 7
Never go 8

23. Have you seen an “Export Quiz Unit”?

Yes Y
No or doubtful X

24. Have you heard any Talks on the radio about export?

Yes 1
No or doubtful 2

25. Have you seen a leaflet about export?

Yes 4
No or doubtful 5

26. Have you seen a poster about export? ( Apart from those displayed in factories)

Yes 7
No or doubtful 8

27. Have you any suggestions for improving publicity about export?

If YES What


Of all the advertisements here which one would you personally be most likely to notice?

Picture Post Yorkshire Gazette
00 10
01 11
02 12
03 13
04 14
05 15

29. TO ALL

What do you think of this sort of enquiry being made by the Government?

Agree, very good, all right 1
Good if it is likely to be used and not ignored 2
Disagree with it, waste of time 3
Don’t know 4
Others 5

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