A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
Town......... Urban 1. Rural 2. Region: 1 to 12
1. Have you read or heard of the fuel shortage? ( If NO, explain)
2. Do you approve or disapprove of rationing as a way of dealing with the fuel shortage?
3. If disapprove: Why do you disapprove?......
4. If fuel is to be rationed, would you approve or disapprove if a points scheme were brought in ?
5. Why would you disapprove?..........
6. Would you rather some other method were used?
7. What other method?......
If No
8. Have you ever read your own gas or electricity meter?
9a. Do you think you could learn to read it?
9b. If no, why not?
10. Has any other member of your family ever read the gas or electricity meter?