A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

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Conscious memory of publicity is a poor gauge of the effect it has produced. But the comparison of memory for different media is of some value. For this purpose, four Questions were asked:-

(1) Were there times when you made a special effort to collect salvage; if so, can you remember what made you do this?

(2) Do you think there should be a special drive for salvage in your district? If there has been one recently, did you support it?

(3) Have you been particularly impressed by any form of salvage publicity - what was it?

(4) Have you heard about the Government order making it illegal to destroy, abandon or mix with refuse, waste rubber, waste paper rags?

To avoid unpleasantness, Question 4 about the Government order was only put to housewives with whom the interviewer had established a more intimate, friendly contact.

Table 27

Were there times when you made a special effort to collect salvage?

Yes 46
No 39
N.A. 15
Table 28

What made you do so?

General national appeal 21
Local salvage drive 32
School children appeal 10
Other people’s example 2
Spring cleaning, etc. 8
Can’t answer 25
All who made a special effort 1879

If all the local influences are taken together, their effect is mentioned twice as frequently as that of national appeals. About a quarter of those who made a special effort could not remember what made them do so.

Table 29

Do you think there should be a special salvage drive in your district?

Yes 33
No 34
There was one recently 10
Has no opinion 24

Opinions are evenly divided between those who would like a special drive and those who would not.

In this connection, it is of interest that among the people who had complaints or made suggestions, 27 (or 3%) wanted more special drives, but none said that there were too many drives.

Table 30

(If there was a special drive in your town), did you support it?

Yes 85
No 12
N.A. 3
All who had a salvage drive recently 307

The overwhelming majority of women said that they had supported the special drive; to what extent, it is impossible for us to say.

Table 31

Have you been particularly impressed by any form of salvage publicity?

Yes 48
No 39
N.A. 13
Table 32

(If yes), bv what ?

Wireless 36
Posters 12
Press 12
Films 11
Loudspeaker vans 5
Local drive generally 4
Pamphlets, leaflets 4
Personal appeals, including schoolchildren 5
Exhibitions 2
N.A. 21
All who have been impressed 1877

The greatest number of women were impressed by wireless publicity; next, posters, the press, and films were mentioned by about equal numbers.

If the results of Table 32 are compared with those of Table 28, it will be seen that the publicity which was best remembered was not necessarily the most effective in getting people to salvage. Many more people who made a special effort were stimulated by a local appeal than were stimulated by national publicity. On the other hand, many more were impressed by national publicity and remembered it than was the case with local publicity.

Have you heard about the Government order making it illegal to destroy, abandon or mix with refuse, waste rubber, waste paper, rags ?

With 1162 housewives out of the 3073 interviewed, the investigator made an intimate enough contact to ask the question about the Government order.

Table 33

Have you heard about the Government order .

Yes 85
No 15
Number asked 1162

The vast majority of those housewives asked said they knew about the order.

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