A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
Interviewer......... Town......... Date.........
Name of Hospital.........
Father’s occupation.........
Type of Hospital
1.Why did you take up nursing?.........
2. Was there anything in particular which made you finally decide to do so?.........
3. Considering nursing as a career what do you think are the main
(a) Advantages or attractions?.........
(b) Disadvantages or drawbacks.........
4. When making your decision to take up nursing did you have
(a) Any doubts in your mind?
If YES, what?.........
(b) Difficulties to overcome?
If YES, what?.........
5. Which things have turned out better and which worse than you expected? In what way?
6. Did you take up nursing as
7.If war job only
(a) Why did you decide to nurse only as a war job?.........
(b) Have you changed your mind since?
(c) If YES or UNDECIDED, why?.........
8. If a career
Would you like to specialise in any of these, branches of nursing?
Why or why not?
9. When you talk to girls doing other jobs
(a) What questions about nursing do they ask you mostly?.........
(b) What disadvantages or drawbacks connected with nursing do they generally mention?.........
10. What do you think about the recent changes made in nursing conditions?
Change s
11 Do you think there are any other things in nurses’ working or living conditions which might attract more recruits to nursing?.........
12. have you recently seen (or heard) What do you think of them?
13. What do you think people should he told about nursing in a recruitment campaign?.........
14. How do you think nurses themselves might help in recruitment?.........