A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

17 17

New Series 48 CM

Interviewer:......... Date:.........

Supplier: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Factory: Y Office: X Other: O

Industry of Firm

Engineering, Expl. Chemic. 1
Food, Drink Tobacco 2
Textiles, Clothing 3
Other Light Industry 4
Transport and Public Utilities 5
Distributive 6
Miscellaneous 7
Club, Hostel, Cadet Force 8
N.A. 9

Carton Intake:

A: Y B: X C: 0
18 18

No. of Employees

Total Under 18
Factory Office Other Factory Office Other
Has Place of Work: Factory Office Other
Canteen Y 2 6
Special room or Kitchen X 3 7
No Canteen or special room
Factory Office Other Total

1. How many of the under 18’s take N.A.M.C.O?.........

2. How often do you serve it to the same people?

Twice a day Y
Once a day X
Not every day 0
N.A 1

3. How much do you charge per cup?.........

4. Does your supply of N.A.M.C.O. arrive in good condition from the manufacturers?

Yes: Y No: X Sometimes: 0 N.A. 1

4a. If NO or Sometimes , what is wrong with it?.........

5. Have you any difficulty in getting supplies?

Yes: Y No: X Sometimes: O N.A. 1

5a If YES or Sometimes, what difficulty? .........

6. How is N.A.M.C.O. stored here?

a. Kind of container Closed tins/jars: 2 Original cartons: 3 Open Tins/jars:

4 N.A. 5

b. Where container is kept Cupboard: 6 Floor: 7 Others(Specify) 8 N.A. 9

c. For what other purpose is room used ?

d. Ventilation Direct: Y Indirect: X None at all 0 N.A. 1

7. How is N.A.M.O.C. prepared? Follows instructions fully. Yes: 2 No: 3 N.A. 4

If No. How is it prepared?.........

8. Where is N.A.M.C.O. served?

Management Consumer
Factory Office Other Factory Office Other
Canteen Y 2 6 Y 2 6
Special Room X 4 7 X 3 7
Place of Work 0 4 8 0 4 8
N.A. 1 5 9 1 5 9

9. If you have any left over from your supply what do you do with it? .........

10. What made you start serving N.A.M.C.O.? .........

11. When did you start serving N.A.M.C.O? .........

12. Have you taken any steps to popularise N.A.M.C.O? .........

12a. If so what? .........


Name of Factory/Office .........

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