A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
Salvage Officers
1. What amount is salvaged on an average per week? (if possible figures for salvage from private households only)
How do the figures compare with salvage figures in peacetime?
2. What system of collection is used? Containers on dustcarts or separate collections.
3. Description of campaigns organised. For what article? What publicity? Date of campaign?
4. Success of these campaigns: immediate response.
lasting response.
5. Administrative or organising difficulties experienced in running such a campaign.
6. Difficulties experienced with public in collecting salvage.
This should be given as a full report.
If possible get in touch with the dustmen of the area in which you interviewed through the salvage officer, and ask the following questions.
1. Is he satisfied with the way people put their salvage out?
2. Is there any salvage article he has special difficulty in collecting?
Could be make any suggestions which would make collection easier and quantity larger?
3. Is there anything, people should be told again about preparing salvage for collection?
It would be most helpful if you could interview 3 - 4 dustmen.