A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46
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Home Intelligence Reports
INF 1/293 - Special Reports (1941-1944)
Recruitment for the Royal Navy, December 1941
A Report on the Attitude among Building Contractors and their Employees to the Question of Government Priorities in Labour and Materials, December 1941
Shortage of Dry Batteries, December 1941
Public Opinion on the General Conditions at Labour Exchanges, December 1941
Anti-Semitism, January 1942
Shortage of Newspapers in Newly Developed War Industry Areas, January 1942
Careless Talk, February 1942
Holiday Travel, February 1942
Quicker Turn-round Campaign, February 1942
Some Industrial Problems, February 1942
British Public Opinion and the United States, February 1942
Recorded Talks to Workers in Industry, February 1942
Income Tax Quiz, March 1942
Ministry of Information Films, March 1942
How the Call-up Affects the Women of Britain, March 1942
First Summary of Films Correspondents' Reports on Newsreels, March 1942
The Home Front in the Rhondda Valley, April 1942
Public Reaction to the Government's Announcement of Invasion Measures, April 1942
Second Summary of Films Correspondents' Reports on M.O.I. Films, April 1942
Workers' Reaction to the New Income Tax Proposals, May 1942
Third Summary of Films Correspondents' Reports on M.O.I. Films, May 1942
Public Reactions to German Proposals for a Bombing Truce, May 1942
Workers' Shopping Difficulties, June 1942
Salary Earners' Needs for an Income Tax Quiz, June 1942
Fourth Summary of Films Correspondents' Reports on M.O.I. Films, June 1942
Fifth Summary of Films Correspondents' Reports on M.O.I. Films, July 1942
Official and Unofficial News, July 1942
Air Marshal Harris' Broadcast to Germany, July 1942
Salvage, August 1942
Sixth Summary of Films Correspondents' Reports on M.O.I. Films, August 1942
The Fuel Economy Campaign, August 1942
Public Response to the “Your Fuel Target” Advertisement, September 1942
Public Response to “Fuel Communiqués” Nos 1, 2, and 3, October 1942
Attitude of “Younger, More Intelligent” People to America and Americans, October 1942
Public Reactions to the Campaign for Voluntary Recruitment for the Women's Auxiliary Services, November 1942
Hondurasian Lumbermen in Scotland, December 1942
The 'Mend and Make Do' Campaign, December 1942
The Soviet Youth Delegation, December 1942
The Size of the First Army, January 1943
Public Reactions to the RAF Exhibition of Bomb Damage on Germany and the Nazi Atrocity Exhibition, March 1943
Public Feeling about Housing, March 1943
An American looks at American Troops in Britain, March 1943
Public Reactions to the Venereal Diseases Campaign, March 1943
The Air Raid Alert in Scotland, April 1943
The Effect of Publicity in Reducing Domestic Fuel Consumption, April 1943
Housewives' Attitudes towards Official Campaigns and Instructions, May 1943
Public Reactions to the Film 'Subject for Discussion', June 1943
The Effect of Publicity on the Volume of Salvage Collected, June 1943
Public Knowledge and Beliefs about Some Aspects of Health, July 1943
Speculation about an Early Invasion of Western Europe, August 1943
Appendix - Public Feeling about Educational Problems in Scotland, August 1943
Public Feeling on Education and Educational Reform, September 1943
A Note on Agricultural Opinion in the North West, September 1943
Complacency in Factories, September 1943
A Survey of the Fuel Saving Campaign, December 1943
Public Reaction to the White Paper on a National Health Service, March 1944
The Present State of Feeling on the Subject of the Beveridge Report and the Government's Forthcoming Proposals on Social Security, April 1944
Public Feeling about the Beveridge Proposals, May 1944
Public Attitudes to the Far Eastern War and Japan, July 1944
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