A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


Copy No. 246

The aim of this Report is to present an impartial assessment of public feeling about the war and the war effort. It is not a record of fact , except in so far as public opinion is itself a fact. The public is sometimes ill-informed, prejudiced, or inconsistent. The recording of such feelings without comment implies no endorsement of them.

The public is more prone to criticise than to praise. Good work or efficiency is usually taken for granted. An accurate record of expressed feeling will, therefore, tend to be critical rather than laudatory.

The method of compiling the Report is such that the amount of space devoted to each subject, and the order in which subjects are placed, are roughly indicative of the amount of public interest each is arousing. The omission of a subject from the Report means that it is not a matter of widespread comment.

In assessing the state of public feeling there are no absolutes. Findings can only be comparative. Each issue of this Report must therefore be read as part of a continuous series. Unless the series is seen as a whole, the significance of fluctuations in feeling cannot be appreciated

The figures in brackets at the end of each section refer to sources of information, a list of which is given on the next page. The weekly reports from Regional Information Officers (R.I.Os.) are compiled by the Regional Intelligence Officers from a large number of sources. Details of the methods of compilation and cross-checking are contained in a paper on “How the Home Intelligence Weekly Report is made”. This will be supplied on request to the Home Intelligence Division of the Ministry of Information.



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19th August, 1942

(Covering the period from 11th to 17th August, 1942)

(No reports have been received since the official announcement of the Prime Minister's visit to Moscow.)


1. General state of confidence and reaction to news

The general level of public feeling appears to have undergone little change since last week. Anxiety and “an uneasy depression” continue to be widespread as a result of the news from the Caucasus, while the sense of frustration is said to have deepened “as another week has passed with no sign of action” to relieve the pressure on Russia. The American operations in the Solomon Islands and the Government's firm hand in India are cited as having had a reassuring effect, but on a slight scale only.

In addition to the sense of anxiety and frustration, two other aspects of public feeling are fairly widely reported:-

  1. Apathy and indifference : A disinclination to discuss the war is reported from three Regions, and indifference and “apathetic resignation” are mentioned in four reports. Although this may partly be accounted for by the preoccupation with summer pursuits, such as holidays and the harvest, it is thought that people are “not sufficiently alive to the horrors that are occurring daily in the occupied countries and on the war fronts, and feel that such things are unreal and cannot happen here”. There is again reference to the numbers of people who are “on easy jobs and getting good pay”, for whom the war offers little discomfort. Those whose only direct contact with the war is the daily news find it hard to appreciate its reality, and go about their daily affairs more influenced by domestic matters than by the stories of distant disasters. “They are content to believe that somehow or other we will pull through in the end”.

  2. Dread of the winter : Reports from three Regions and from several Postal Censorship units mention uneasiness at the earlier blackout, and dread of another long winter - “the fourth war winter” - with possibilities of fuel shortage, and increased transport difficulties. In the poorer districts of London some expectation and dread of raids is reported. The depressing weather of last week is mentioned in three Reports as a contributing factor.

The Prime Minister's visit to Moscow : Before the publication of this news, rumours were reported from seven Regions that Mr. Churchill had been in Moscow or Cairo, or both; one even mentioned India; two suggested that he was “missing” on his travels, and another that he was undergoing an operation. It was stated that the belief that he was in Moscow “eased the previous criticism that our Government didn't want to help Russia too much”. On the other hand, it was recalled that “Mr. Churchill went to France just before their collapse”.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 Bristol, Cardiff, Inverness, Manchester P.C.s)

2. Russia

Grave, and in some cases, growing concern are reported over the situation in Russia. Attention is said to be “focussed upon the Germans' Caucasian break-through rather than upon the resistance that Russia is successfully offering elsewhere”. The evacuation of Maikop and the loss of the oil wells have caused particular anxiety. While admiration and sympathy for Russia remain deep and widespread, it is not easy to assess the extent to which the public's confidence in her power to endure and resist defeat continues. At one end of the scale is a minority who are confident that “Timoshenko has something up his sleeve” and are “optimistic over the possibility of a counter-attack”; many people, on the other hand, are anxiously asking how much longer the Russians will be able to hold out, and “doubts of ultimate victory are being openly expressed”.

The fear that Russia will be obliged to make a separate peace is reported from three Regions, and the rumour that she has already done so from one.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 Cardiff, Manchester, Reading P.C.s)

3. The second front

Public feelings on the question of a second front appear to be substantially the same as last week. The desire to “do something to relieve pressure on Russia”, either by opening a second front - not necessarily in Europe - or by a greatly increased bombing offensive, continues to be strong and widespread, as does the realisation of the difficulties involved. Once more the main feelings may be summarised as:-

  1. Frustration that “while our Ally fights for life”, we are “still unable to strike”.

  2. Suspicion of anti-Russian feeling in high places.

  3. Suspicion that the Communists are at the back of the agitation for “a second front at all costs”.

  4. Fear that we shall be too late.

  5. Readiness to leave the decision to the Government, which is “just as keen as anyone”.

Again, there is some expectation that the U.S.A. will provide a generalissimo for the second front when it comes.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 Cardiff, Inverness, Manchester P.C.s)

4. Lady Astor's speech at Southport

Reports from eight Regions indicate that “Lady Astor's speech is still arousing heated comment, varying from most bitter condemnation to an attitude of ‘even if she thought that, it was silly of her to say so’”. Even “the few who acknowledge the truth of what she said” feel she would have done better not to have said it, and a number of people consider she should be “detained under 18B” or that “some action should be taken against her”. Her remarks about Russia are said to have had a particularly unfavourable reaction among factory workers, and to have strengthened the belief that “there are sections who don't want the Russians to win”.

(1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 21 Manchester P.C.)

5. India

“Approval of the firm attitude adopted by the Government of India towards the Congress Party appears to be general”, according to all Regional and many Postal Censorship reports. A certain amount of sympathy is expressed for the Indians and their plea for self-government, but this, it is felt, “must be left till after the war”. Most people take the view that “at present, we can't stand for blackmail from Gandhi and his followers”. There is some call that even stronger measures should be taken against the Congress leaders, and, while everyone seems pleased that Gandhi has been locked up, a few of the more violent would “like to see him and his associates either shot or deported”. Former admirers of Gandhi and Nehru are now said to have become very critical.

Approval for the Government's firmness, though widespread, appears to be tinged with regret that “the problem was not tackled years ago”, while a “disapproving” minority are reported to be saying that “we are only getting what was coming to us”, and are “reaping what our policy has sown”.

Some doubt is expressed of the Government's claims that the Indian war effort has suffered little as a result of the disturbances. Protests are reported from one Region at the introduction of whipping as a punishment for rioters.

The “lack of even elementary knowledge about India” is commented on.

Mr. Amery's broadcast : Further praise is recorded from three Regions, all comments being “favourable to Mr. Amery's view and unfavourable to the Congress Party”.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21 Carlisle, Inverness, Manchester, Reading P.C.s)

6. The Far East

Solomon Islands action : There appears, on the whole, to be little interest in the attack on the Solomon Islands. Though thought to be “heartening” in itself, and welcome as a sign of action on the part of the Allies, people are reported to be “waiting to hear results before jubilating”.

Some feeling that the United States are now sufficiently strong to hold the Japanese is counter-balanced by fears, reported from three Regions, that “the absence of definite news may mean that the battle cannot be going too well”, and doubts “about the high price the Americans may have paid for their landings in loss of ships”.

A thoughtful minority are said to see “in the Allied move a diversion designed to upset Japanese plans for an attack on Russia”.

(2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

7. The Mediterranean convoy battle

This does not seem to have aroused much comment, except in the Southern and South Western Regions where interest and anxiety are said to have been particularly keen in the Portsmouth and Plymouth areas. Lack of definite information is held to account for the somewhat reserved attitude which most people are adopting, as they are uncertain if it was a success or not. There appears to be considerable “apprehension lest our losses may have been much greater than those already announced”. Opinions differ as to whether the action has revealed “the insecurity of our position in the Mediterranean”, or “renewed confidence that we can hold our own” there. There is, however, “great admiration for the Navy and Merchant Service in this attempt to relieve Malta”, but it is asked:-

  1. Have we any aircraft-carriers left?

  2. How will the surviving ships get home again?

  3. Is it worth holding on to Malta? (The greatest admiration is, however, expressed for Malta.)

(2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 Inverness P.C.)

8. Egypt

Again this week there is said to be very little comment, though concern is reported from four Regions at the “lulls in the fighting”, which are thought to be “more to the enemy's advantage than ours”, as his supply lines are shorter. Our inactivity is said to have “a depressing effect”, and it is feared that “we shall be caught napping again”.

(1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10)

9. The war in the air

R.A.F. raids : Comment continues on the same lines as were reported last week, and may be summed up in the words of the Southern Region report: “Public imagination has not been caught by recent raids over Germany, and their size is considered to be disappointing in view of the Prime Minister's claim that the thousand-bomber raids would continue to increase, and in view of Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris' threats”. The latter are described as being “like those of the others - all talk and little action”. The demand continues for raids on Italy and, especially, on Berlin. One report says that “the two raids on Mainz were welcomed, particularly as a change from more familiar targets”.

The new German incendiary bombs : Discussion and apprehension about these continue to be reported, and “stories are going round about the high percentage of fatalities among those dealing with them in the raid on Birmingham”. Anxiety is said to be increased by the secrecy about the measures for dealing with them, which is “taken to indicate that officialdom fears that panic would be caused if their true nature were disclosed”. It is “hoped that measures will be taken to allay this alarm”, and there is a demand for “more explanation and guidance from the Government, and for special training for fire squads”. At present people are “inclined to say: ‘Let the new bombs alone and deal with the fires afterwards’”.

10. Anti-aircraft projectiles : “Perturbation is reported at the dangers of fire watching when anti-aircraft guns are in action. Steel helmets are said to afford little or no protection against some of the large cases which fall when the new rocket shells are used”.

(2, 3, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21 Manchester P.C.)

11. U.S. troops in Great Britain

In a number of Regions this week there is appreciation of American troops in this country. They are described as “singularly good fellows” setting a good example to other “visitors”. Residents in the Regions where they are stationed are reported anxious to be hospitable, and to be devising entertainments for them.

Coloured troops : In the North Western and South Western Regions adverse comment is reported to be growing over girls who “walk out” with coloured troops. Criticism is directed at the girls rather than the troops. The introduction of coloured women Auxiliaries is a widely advocated solution as it is felt that “repressive measures” with “certain types of girl” are unsatisfactory. At the same time, the extremely pleasing manners of the coloured troops are commented on.

Drunkenness : From three Regions reference is made to drunkenness among U.S. troops. In this connection the complaints of alleged excessive charges by shop-keepers to members of the American forces in Northern Ireland in the matter of local commodities were recently investigated by the Secretary to the Price Regulation Committee for Northern Ireland. It was found on enquiry that “the only specific complaints were as to the prices of whiskey and coffee”. It was however gathered that “any intervention by this Government to protect American troops from exploitation in the matter of whiskey prices would be regarded by the American authorities with mixed feelings. If prices were stabilised or reduced, Commanding Officers seem to think that the regrettable result would be that their troops would have more money for drink, and this the Commanding Officers do not desire”.

Rumours of “what the American said over a drink” are on the decline.

(5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 21 Reading P.C.)

12. Broadcasting and presentation of news

Three Regions report rather more favourable comment this week in connection with news presentation. A few familiar reactions such as “switching off after the summary” are still reported. From the North Midland Region criticism is made of the time of announcements, “as people are working later, and are not in at 6 p.m”. It is suggested that these announcements should be printed in the press.

H.M.S. Eagle : Both approval and criticism are expressed at the B.B.C. presentation of the case for the Government against the early disclosure of the aircraft-carrier's loss. In the Northern Region “the newspaper which published her loss before the next of kin could be informed” is strongly criticised, but in London and Wales its action is approved; “people dislike learning news from Germany”, and the feelings of “a few hundred people” are felt to be less important “than the growing belief in the truth of enemy broadcasts”. Two Regions report some speculation on the fate of the newspaper in question. (5 Regions.)

Wales, and “Irish half hour” : From Wales come demands for more time for Welsh broadcasts; “occasional unfavourable comparison is made between the doling out of quarters of an hour to Wales, and the Irish half hour!”.

Two Regions report some feeling that the B.B.C. “tell us too much about other countries and too little about our own efforts”, and also that there are too many plays dealing with life in occupied countries”. In this connection, it is feared that news and stories about individuals in the occupied territories may lead to their victimisation.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 Bristol, Reading P.C.s, 22)


13. Women's Fireguard Order

While many protests from women are reported about the new Fire Watching order, a writer in Postal Censorship sums up the general feeling on the subject: “I don't think I shall like it, but it is important so I suppose I shall get used to it like anything else”. Protests are on the following lines:-

  1. “The feeling that women should not be called on when so many men are still able to avoid this service”. (Three Regions)

  2. “Women who work all day and do their own housework feel that they will not be able to cope with firewatching, especially if it is on business premises”. (Two regions)

  3. Men are said to dislike the thought of their wives doing it, and some express the view that “it is quite bad enough to deal with fires without having to cope with possibly panicky women”. (Two Regions)

  4. “10/- less compensation than men, if injured, is thought unfair”. (One Region and Postal Censorship)

  5. “Can you see me scrambling about the roofs with my figure?” (stout Cockney parties.)

It appears that the provisions of the order have not been fully understood and women are not clear about:-

  1. The alternative times allowed off for shopping.

  2. The liability of part-time women workers for fire duty.

  3. The exemption of women with children at home.

(2, 5, 6, 8, 8, 21 Manchester P.C.)

14. Fuel economy

There is more evidence this week that private consumers are practising rigorous voluntary economies in fuel; though there is anger at the “profligacy of public institutions and places of amusement”. This is confirmed by Postal Censorship in the following extract: “Harrods' acres of showrooms, no one buying, but blazing with light. It's maddening while we small people are saving as much as we can”.

Fountains playing in the Empire Cinema, Leicester Square, are thought to consort ill with official exhortations to stop dripping taps.

Proposed rationing of coal : In the North Western Region “a renewed demand for a fair rationing scheme is believed due to insufficient and uneven distribution of coal supplies”; from other areas, however, housewives are said to be dreading a rationing scheme, and serious anxiety about supplies this winter is reported.

From a rural district it is pointed out that in country dwellings “most of the kitchen grates are old-fashioned and consume far more coal than a good modern grate”. If rationing were introduced on the basis of the Government's proposals, it is felt that “the hardship to country people would be great - they can stand anything better than being short of light and heat”.

End of double summer time : Strong criticism is reported from three Regions on the ending of double summer time, in view of the fuel economy campaign. people are said to be “fed up with the earlier blackout”; it is asked “why stop double summer time? Nobody wants an extra hour in the morning”.

Fuel controllers : In the North Eastern Region, local fuel controllers are criticised for being “too autocratic in their refusal to permit inhabitants of rural areas where transport is difficult, who normally stock up with coal in the summer months, to obtain anything like their usual supplies”.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 21 Manchester, Special P.C.s 32)

15. Industry

Transport facilities : Complaints about transport facilities for war workers come from nine Regions this week, and in the Northern Region it is described as the “most criticised item on the Home Front”.

“Difficulties in obtaining transport often add two or three hours to the working day” and “war workers who leave home at 6.30 a.m. to queue for buses and do not get back till 8.30 p.m. or even 9.0 p.m. because of hour-long waits in bus queues are being commiserated with”. “Strong feeling” is reported from five Regions at the “overcrowding of buses and trains by holiday makers”, and “overcrowding of buses at rush hours is beginning to rouse strong criticism about persons who still have car facilities”. It is reported from one Region that “during a twenty minute wait for a bus which might have room to spare, 65 cars passed, each with one occupant only, not one of which stopped to offer a lift”.

Transferred Workers : There are complaints from four Regions of workers being sent to employment in other districts when (a) “there are believed to be suitable vacancies near home”, and (b) “when change involves a reduction in wages”.

The transfer of Scottish girls to England is said to be causing “public anxiety” in Scotland where it is thought that “many girls will never return to Scotland, and a post-war problem will thus be created”.

Difficulties of feeding war workers on varying shifts in private billets are again reported in the Eastern Region. It is pointed out that neither the facilities of the local factory canteens nor the British Restaurants are adequate to cover the late and early shifts.

Women's call-up : Complaints about women's call-up have been received from five Regions. There are reports of “dissatisfaction at the apparent lack of uniformity in the decisions of interviewing panels”. Older women are also said to resent being interviewed by “young girl officials, armed with a brief tenure of authority, and unaccustomed to the use of tact or even common courtesy”.

Women war workers : Fears are expressed in Scotland that “women are undertaking work far too heavy for them; women war workers are showing increased signs of weariness and fatigue, as a result of long hours plus household duties and shopping difficulties”. In the London area “the more frequent raid warnings” have discouraged women from war work who have small children at home. Shopping difficulties continue to be a deterrent in a number of places. In one area in the North Midland Region a scheme has been worked out for the use of “a type of commodity card” for married women war workers to enable them to obtain a fair share of unrationed goods which are in short supply.

Criticism of managements : Criticism comes from four Regions and follows familiar lines. There are stories of “the production of tools, which when completed are scrapped”, at the Bristol Aeroplane Co. dispersal factories. Alleged victimisation of workers who “complain or expose abuses in the factories” is reported from two Regions. The Northern Region reports “stories too prevalent to be wholly false” of 200 riveters in Wallsend who were unemployed for eight weeks.

Criticism of workers comes from three Regions,

  1. Merseyside Dockers are reported to be slacking and “grain is alleged to be wasted through lack of care”. From the Midland Region comes criticism of the slackness of workers on construction sites; “they never work at anything but the slowest rate, take much longer than they are entitled to for their meals, and hide behind the excuse that ‘the Union won't let them’, if asked to do any small job”.

  2. From the Eastern Region come reports of the defeatist attitude of Irish labourers, and there is a “fairly widespread belief” that some of them “are potential conveyors of information to the enemy”.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21 Glasgow, Manchester P.C.s)

16. Food

Praise for the organisation of food continues on familiar lines; the following compliment is paid to Lord Woolton in an extract quoted by Postal Censorship: “Lord Woolton will rank with Joseph in the Bible (as Pharaoh's Prime Minister). He had enough bread and so have we”.

Comments and criticisms are reported on the following subjects:-

Points :

Biscuits : The inclusion of biscuits on points is welcomed in three Regions. It is asked, however, by people living in lodgings, whose ration books are deposited with their landladies, whether they will ever see biscuits again; they would have preferred biscuits to have been included in their personal ration book.

The biscuit ration is criticised as likely to cause hardship to travelling troops, hitherto accustomed to buy them at station restaurants, and office workers “who have relied upon biscuits as a sweet”. (Five Regions)

Syrup : The inclusion of syrup on points is approved, but disappointment is reported among a number of people who have been unable to secure any this month. (Two Regions)

Dried eggs : Considerable confusion is reported over the distribution of dried eggs; people are said to be uncertain about their allocation, and backyard poultry keepers are reported to be unaware that they are entitled to them at all. There seems to be some unwillingness among shopkeepers to sell to customers unregistered for shell eggs. (Three Regions)

Tomatoes : Shortage of tomatoes is stated to be causing annoyance. (Two Regions)

Packed lunches : The difficulty of providing packed lunches for workers is complained of “as there is nothing to put in them”. It is alleged that not enough suitable meat or fish can be got on points to provide substantial sandwich fillings, and it is felt that something more nourishing than meat or fish paste is needed during long working hours”. (One Region)

(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 Eastern, 21 Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Reading, Special P.C.s)

17. Anti-semitism

There appears to have been a slight increase in anti-Jewish feeling, chiefly as a result of allegations of:-

  1. Their avoidance of Military Service,

  2. Their “black market trading in food, clothes and other necessities”,

  3. The “number of Jews who appear to have managed to obtain petrol to run cars”.

(1, 2, 7, 12, 21 Manchester P.C.)

18. Rumours

The whereabouts of the Prime Minister has provided most of this week's crop of rumours. From two Regions, the belief is again reported that the Ark Royal has been salvaged and is undergoing repairs at Liverpool. Rumours of compulsory evacuation on the South Coast continue, as do stories of concentrations of invasion barges. We are said to have landed on the Channel Islands on August 13. In Wales, it is rumoured that Lord Tredegar has been interned as a fifth columnist.

(2, 6, 7, 8, 9)

19. Constant topics and complaints

In future “Constant topics and complaints” will be discontinued as a weekly feature of this Report. In its place we propose to issue once a month a summary of recurrent public difficulties.

  1. Transport difficulties of war workers and people living in rural areas. (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12)

  2. Disparity in wages between (i) munition workers and Servicemen, (ii) munition workers and miners, (iii) American and British troops, (iv) men and women doing the same job, (v) juveniles and adults, (vi) Civil Defence workers, and Servicemen. (4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 21 Reading and Glasgow P.C.s)

  3. Criticism by poultry keepers of the new restrictions. There is growing realisation that dried eggs save shipping space over poultry food, but “why did the Government encourage us to invest our money in hens and hen houses?”

  4. Waste of petrol by N.F.S., and in high-power cars used on hire service; complaints of unfair allocation of special petrol allowances. At the same time, difficulties of hospital cases in rural areas needing to be taken outside the 10 mile limit in hired cars are alleged. (1, 3, 6, 7, 11, 21 Glasgow P.C.)

  5. Shortage and high price of crockery, and complaints of utility crockery being sold only in sets. (1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10)

  6. Inadequacy of the supplementary allowance to old age pensioners. (1, 5, 9, 10)

  7. Continued grievance at the suppression of the small trader. (5, 6, 9, 10)

  8. Criticism of the small increase in the sweet ration and the absence of sweets before rationing. (1, 6, 9, 11)

  9. The reservation of young men in industry. (1, 6, 10)

  10. Waste of paper by Government departments. (1, 5, 8, 10)

  11. Queuing. (1, 5, 10, 11)

  12. Non-collection of salvage. (1, 3, 8)

  13. Shopping difficulties due to lunch time and early evening closing. (3, 10, 11)

  14. Shortage of housing accommodation. (5, 8, 21 Glasgow P.C.)

  15. Shortage of kitchen utensils. (5, 10)

  16. Shortage and high price of furniture and timber. (1, 4)

  17. Shortage and high price of perambulators. (4, 5)

  18. Inequality of sacrifice. (2, 10)

  19. Shortage of British Restaurants. (4, 10)

  20. Rudeness of labour exchange interviewers. (6, 8)

  21. Inadequacy of children's clothing coupons, and the high price of their clothes. (5, 11)

  22. Unfair allotment of supplementary clothing coupons for different types of workers. (4)

  23. Complaints of long delays with R.A.F. allowances. (5)

  24. Difficulties of small-holders in disposing of surplus garden produce. (2)

  25. Fear that National Savings Certificates cannot be cashed for at least 10 years. (12)



1. Northern Region (Newcastle) Weekly Reports from R.I.Os.
2. North Eastern Region (Leeds)
3. North Midland Region (Nottingham)
4. Eastern Region (Cambridge)
5. London Region (London)
6. Southern Region (Reading)
7. South Western Region (Bristol)
8. Wales (Cardiff)
9. Midland (Birmingham)
10. North Western Region (Manchester)
11. Scotland (Edinburgh)
12. South Eastern Region (Tunbridge Wells)
13. Northern Ireland (Belfast)
14. Special Reports from R.I.Os.
15. Regions Adviser's Reports
16. M.O.I. Speakers' Reports
17. Local Information Committees' Reports
18. Home Press Summaries M.O.I.
19. Regional Press Summaries
20. Hansard
21. Postal Censorship
22. Police Duty Room Reports
23. Wartime Social Survey Reports
24. B.B.C. Listener Research Papers
25. B.B.C. Special Papers
26. Citizens' Advice Bureaux Reports
27. W.V.S. Reports
28. Scottish Unionist Whips' Reports
29. Liberal Party's Reports
30. Economic League's Reports
31. War Office Post Bag Summaries
32. Primary Sources

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