A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

90 86 91 87 92 88 93 89 94 90 95 91 96 92 97 93 98 94 99 95 100 96 101 97 102 98 103 99 104 100 105 101 106 102 107 103 108 104 109 105 110 106 111 107 112 108 113 109 114 110 115 111

Tabular Data


Willesden: Distribution of Dwellings, by Ward

Ward All households Occupied by one household only Occupied by more than one Only household
No. % No. % No. %
Stonebridge 8 8 7
Willesden Green 10 10 10
Roundwood 5 4 5
Carlton & Kilburn 15 9 20
Brondesbury 5 5 4
Kensal Rise 8 3 12
Manor 7 8 6
Mapesbury 13 11 14
Cricklewood 5 7 2
Neasden 10 17 4
Church End 6 11 2
Harlesden 10 6 13
ALL HOUSEHOLDS: 1448 100 651 100 797 100

Willesden: Type of Dwelling occupied

Type of House All dwellings Occupied by one household Only Occupied by more than one household
No. % % No. % No. %
Detached 77 6 100 60 40
Semi-detached 247 17 100 49 51
Terraced 806 56 100 24 76
Self-contained flat 318 21 100 91 9
ALL HOUSEHOLDS: 1448 100 100 651 100 797 100

Willesden: Distribution of Households by density per acre

Population Density (persons per acre) Proportion of sample
No. %
Less than 125 56
125-149 19
150-174 12
175 and over 13

Willesden: Distribution by ward of house type

Ward Detached Semi detached Terraced Self-Cont. flat TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Stonebridge 1 15 66 17 112 100
Willesden Green - 5 62 33 148 100
Roundwood - - 62 38 71 100
Carlton & Kilburn - 7 63 30 219 100
Brondesbury 21 8 46 25 68 100
Kensal Rise - 1 97 2 112 100
Manor 5 19 50 26 100 100
Mapesbury 26 30 24 20 182 100
Cricklewood 3 33 40 24 67 100
Neasden - 42 37 20 140 100
Church End 2 38 39 20 89 100
Harlesden 2 8 80 10 140 100
ALL HOUSEHOLDS: 77 6 247 17 806 56 318 21 1448 100

Willesden: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your present housing? Women, analysed by age

Age Group Satisfied Dissatisfied No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
18-19 - - - 58 -
20-29 24 76 - 364 100
30-39 26 74 - 446 100
40-49 41 58 1 363 100
50-59 50 49 1 255 100
60 & over 64 36 - 284 100
No answer - - - 19 -
ALL WOMEN: 694 39 1089 61 6 - 1789 100

Willesden: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your present housing? Housewives, analysed by age

Age Group Satisfied Dissatisfied No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
18-19 - - - 1 -
20-29 19 81 - 204 100
30-39 25 75 - 400 100
40-49 40 59 1 334 100
50-59 48 51 1 240 100
60 & over 65 34 1 252 100
No answer - - - 17 -
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 560 39 884 61 4 - 1448 100

Willesden: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your present housing? Other Adults analysed by age

Age Group Satisfied Dissatisfied No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
18-19 - - - 74 -
20-29 27 72 1 356 100
30-39 28 72 - 423 100
40-49 42 57 1 301 100
50-59 52 48 - 240 100
60 & over 66 33 1 223 100
No answer - - - 11 -
ALL OTHER ADULTS: 645 50 974 60 9 - 1628 100

Willesden: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your present housing? Housewives analysed by economic group of the chief wage earner

Economic Group Satisfied Dissatisfied No answer Total
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Up to £3 a week 60 39 1 132 100
Over £3 - £4 41 59 - 102 100
Over £4 - £5 10s. 31 69 - 587 100
Over £3 10s. - £10. 34 66 - 471 100
Over £10. 61 39 - 140 100
No answer - - - 16 -
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 560 39 884 61 4 - 1448 100

Willesden: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your present housing? Housewives analysed by population density

Density (persons per acre) Satisfied Dissatisfied No answer Total
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Less than 125 49 51 - 812 100
125-149 28 72 - 279 100
150-174 31 69 1 172 100
Over 174 19 80 1 185 100
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 560 39 884 61 4 - 1448 100
TABLE 10 a,b,c,d

Willesden: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your present housing? Housewives analysed by kitchen accommodation, etc.

OWN Shared None TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Satisfied 94 4 2 560 100
Dissatisfied 92 6 2 884 100
No Answer - - - 4 -
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 1346 93 73 5 29 2 1448 100
OWN Shared None TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Satisfied 60 24 16 560 100
Dissatisfied 29 27 44 884 100
No Answer - - - 4 -
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 592 41 372 26 484 33 1448 100
(c) W.C.
OWN Shared None TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Satisfied 83 17 - 560 100
Dissatisfied 75 25 - 884 100
No Answer - - - 1448 100
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 1128 78 320 22 - - 1448 100
OWN Shared None TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Satisfied 55 28 17 560 100
Dissatisfied 29 40 31 884 100
No Answer - - - 4 -
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 568 39 514 36 366 25 1448 100

Willesden: General Reasons for dissatisfaction with housing, analysed by age of informant. Women only

REASON Age Group
18-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 & over No. Ans. TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. No. %
Inadequate amenitles - 50 60 61 47 52 - 596 55
Overcrowding; lack of privacy - 61 62 42 32 27 - 556 51
Structural defects - 22 30 30 37 44 - 326 30
House badly planned - 9 13 20 21 12 - 152 14
No garden - 11 8 8 2 2 - 78 7
Miscellaneous - 16 19 20 27 25 - 218 20
No answer - 1 1 1 1 2 - 12 1
TOTAL WOMEN WHO WERE DISSATISFIED: 37 - 276 100 328 100 211 100 126 100 101 100 10 1089 100

Willesden: General Reasons for dissatisfaction with housing, analysed by economic group of Chief Wage Earner. Men and Women

Economic Group
REASON Up to £3 Over £3 - £4 Over £4 - £5 10s. Over £5 10s. - £10 Over £10 N.A. TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Inadequate amenitles 49 43 56 52 37 - 968 52
Overcrowding; lack of privacy 54 58 56 57 42 - 1023 55
Structural defects 37 32 34 24 18 - 542 29
House badly planned 8 6 11 14 20 - 226 12
No garden 2 7 9 8 2 - 141 8
Miscellaneous 20 14 17 20 43 - 366 20
No answer 1 - 1 1 1 - 18 1
TOTAL WOMEN WHO WERE DISSATISFIED: 91 100 113 100 850 100 667 100 121 100 16 - 1858 100

(Informants gave more than one answer to this question. The percentage totals in the two tables above, therefore, are greater than 100).


Willesden: Detailed reasons for dissatisfaction with present housing. Men and women

REASON No. % No. %
1. Inadequate amenities: 968 52
I.e., No bathroom 405 22
No modern conveniences 387 21
Bad plumbing, sanitation etc. 65 3
No hot water 55 3
Not enough heating 35 2
Not enough electric points, lights, etc. 21 1
2. Overcrowding; lack of privacy 1023 55
I.e., Overcrowded; house too small 515 28
Would like place of my own; don't like sharing 375 20
Noisy; don't like neighbourhood; has deteriorated 133 7
3. Structural defects; 542 29
I.e., Needs repair; war damage, etc. 298 16
House is damp 244 13
4. Would like a garden; 141 8 141 8
5. House badly planned: 226 12
I.e., Rooms in wrong position; lack of specific rooms, etc. 226 8
6. Miscellaneous 366 20 366 20
7. No Answer: 18 1 18 1

(Informants gave more than one answer to this question. The total answers are therefore more than 1858; and the total of percentages greater than 100).


Willesden: “Would you say that your street is one in which everyone has roughly the same level of wages, education, and so on: or do people of all levels of wages and education live together in it?” Analysed by economic group. Men and Women

Economic Group Type of Street
Same level Mixed TOTAL
No. % No. % No. %
Up to £4 48 52 363 100
Over £4 - £5 10s. 45 55 1165 100
Over £5 10s. - £10 37 63 942 100
Over £10 34 66 307 100
No Answer - - -
TOTAL: 1153 - 1653 - 2806 -

(10 informants gave no answer to type of street, and 260 said “Don't know”. These have been omitted in the analysis above).


Willesden: Would you say that your street, etc?” Analysed by occupation group Men and Women

Occupation Type of Street
Same level Mixed TOTAL
No. % No. % No. %
1. Professional, tech., & managerial, Self-empl. 40 60 327 100
2. Shop assistants; clerical workers; cleaners; police 44 56 506 100
3. Skilled workers; factory machinists, etc. 41 59 542 100
4. Unskilled workers; labourers, etc. 46 54 211 100
5. Housewives 39 61 996 100
6. Retired 3c unoccupied; forces; college, etc. 41 59 215 100
7. No answer - - 9 -
TOTAL: 1153 - 1653 - 2806 -

(10 informants gave no answer to type of street, and 260 said “Don't know”. These have been omitted in the analysis above).


Willesden: Men and Women at present living in a mixed street: “Have you ever lived in the other sort of neighbourhood?” Analysed by economic group

Economic Group Have lived in a same-level street Have not lived in a same-level st. Don't know TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Up to £4. 60 39 1 189 100
Over £4 - £5 10s. 56 42 1 644 100
Over £5 10s. - £10. 65 34 1 597 100
Over £10. 74 9 1 204 100
No answer - - - 19 -
ALL LIVING IN A MIXED STREET: 1018 62 615 37 20 1 1653 100

Willesden: Men and Women at present living in a same-level street: “Have you ever lived in the other sort of neighbourhood? Analysed by economic group

Economic Group Have lived in a mixed street Have not lived in a mixed street Don't Know No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Up to £4. 35 62 2 - 174 100
Over £4 - £5 10s. 31 67 2 - 521 100
Over £5 10s. - £10. 40 59 1 - 345 100
Over £10. 38 59 2 - 103 100
No answer - - - - 10 -
ALL LIVING IN A SAME-LEVEL STREET: 406 35 730 63 12 1 5 1 1153 100

Willesden: Men and Women at present living in a mixed street: “Have you ever lived in the other sort of neighbourhood?” Analysed by occupation group

Occupation Have lived in same-level street Have not lived in same-level street Don't know No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1. Professional, tech., managerial; self-emp. 65 34 - - 197 100
2. Shop assts. clerical workers, police, etc. 60 38 - - 283 100
3. Skilled workers, factory machinists etc. 60 39 - - 321 100
4. Unskilled workers, labourers 53 46 - - 113 100
5. Housewives 63 35 - - 606 100
6. Retired & Unoccupied: Forces, college etc. 62 36 - - 127 100
7. No answer - - - - 6 -
ALL LIVING IN MIXED STREET: 1018 62 615 37 19 1 1 - 1653 100

Willesden: Men and Women at present living in a same-level street: “Have you ever lived in the other sort of neighbourhood?” Analysed by occupation group

Occupation Have lived in mixed street Have not lived in mixed street Don't know No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1. Professional, tech., managerial; self-emp. 44 56 - - 130 100
2. Shop assts. clerical workers, police, etc. 38 62 - - 223 100
3. Skilled workers, factory machinists etc. 31 67 1 - 221 100
4. Unskilled workers, labourers 35 64 1 - 98 100
5. Housewives 34 65 1 - 390 100
6. Retired & Unoccupied: Forces, college etc. - - - - 88 -
7. No answer - - - - 3 -
ALL LIVING IN MIXED STREET: 406 35 730 63 12 1 5 1 1153 100

Willesden: “Which type of street do you prefer?” Analysed by whether informants had lived in both mixed and same-level street, or only in one type. Men and Women

Type of street preferred Those with experience of both types of street Those with experience of only one type of street TOTAL
No. % No. % No. %
Same level street 52 48 1674 100
Mixed street 47 53 900 100
Don't know 56 44 188 100
No answer - - 38 -
TOTAL: 1424 51 1376 49 2800 100

(6 informants gave no answer to “Have you ever lived in the other type of street?” These have been omitted from the analysis above)


Willesden: “Which type of street do you prefer. or do you think you would prefer?” Analysed by age. Men and women

Type of street preferred
Age Same-level street Mixed street Don't know No answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
18-19 - - - - 65 -
20-29 56 36 7 1 507 100
30-39 58 34 7 1 759 100
40-49 60 33 6 1 588 100
50-59 60 30 7 2 446 100
60 and over 68 23 7 2 413 100
No answer - - - - 22 -
TOTAL: 1674 60 900 32 188 7 38 1 2800 100

Willesden: “Which type of street do you prefer. or do you think you would prefer?” Analysed by. economic group. Men and women Type of street preferred

Type of street preferred
Economic Group Same-level street Mixed street Don't know No answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Up to £4 62 30 6 1 361 100
Over £4 - £5 10s 59 33 7 1 1162 100
Over £5 10s. - £10 58 34 7 1 942 100
Over £10 64 27 7 2 306 100
No answer - - - - 29 -
TOTAL: 1674 60 900 32 188 7 38 1 2800 100

WILLESDEN: Men and women who preferred a single class street: “Which class would you prefer to live amongst?” Analysed by character of informant's present street

Character of Present Street
Class Preferred Single class street Mixed street TOTAL
No. % No. % No. %
Working class 61 40 51
Middle class 36 54 45
Higher class 1 2 1
Don't know and No answer 2 4 3

Willesden: Men and women who preferred a single-class street: “Which class would you prefer to live amongst?” Those at present living in a single-class street, analysed by occupatio

Class preferred
Occupation Working Class Middle Class Higher Class Don't know & No answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1. Professional, tech., managerial; self-emp. 25 67 5 3 106 100
2. Shop assts. Clerical workers, etc. 55 43 - 2 157 100
3. Skilled workers, factory machinists 72 26 - 2 157 100
4. Unskilled workers; Labourers, etc. 92 8 - - 76 100
5. Housewives 64 34 1 1 298 100
6. Retired & Unoccupied; Forces, college, etc. 56 41 - 3 71 100
7. No answer - - - - 3 -
TOTAL: 527 61 315 36 8 1 15 2 865 100

Willesden: Men and women who preferred a single-class street: “Which class would you prefer to live amongst?” Those at present living in a mixed street, analysed by occupation

Class preferred
Occupation Working Class Middle Class Higher Class Don't know and No answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1. Professional, tech., managerial; self-emp. 22 72 3 3 87 100
2. Shop assts. Clerical workers, etc. 30 65 1 4 137 100
3. Skilled workers; factory machinists 57 40 1 2 135 100
4. Unskilled workers; Labourers 71 23 2 4 59 100
5. Housewives 37 56 2 5 325 100
6. Retired & Unoccupied; Forces, college, etc. 33 59 2 6 63 100
7. No answer - - - - 3 -
TOTAL: 321 40 438 54 15 2 35 4 809 100

Willesden: “Have you any relatives living in Willesden?” Men and women, analysed by age

Age (Years) Yes No No answer TOTAL:
No. % No. % No. % No. %
18-19 - - - 75 -
20-29 70 30 - 560 100
30-39 63 37 - 823 100
40-49 60 40 - 635 100
50-59 55 44 1 480 100
60 and over 55 44 1 475 100
No answer - - - 28 -
ALL MEN AND WOMEN 1862 61 1198 39 16 - 3076 100

Willesden: “Have you any relatives living in Willesden?” Men and women, analysed by the year of first coming to Willesden

Year first came to Willesden Yes No No answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Before 1900 78 22 - 306 100
1900 - 1918 76 24 - 731 100
1919 - 1930 64 35 1 652 100
1931 - 1939 53 47 - 706 100
1940 and after 41 59 - 670 100
No answer - - - 11 -
ALL MEN & WOMEN: 1861 61 1198 39 16 - 3076 100

Willesden: “Do you and your neighbours help each other in any way?” Analysed by year of first coming to Willesden. Men and women

Year first came to Willesden Yes No No answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Before 1900 60 39 1 306 100
1900 - 1918 58 41 1 731 100
1919 - 1930 55 45 - 652 100
1931 - 1939 56 43 1 706 100
1940 and over 45 54 1 670 100
No answer - - - 11 -
ALL MEN AND WOMEN: 1655 54 1388 45 33 1 3076 100

Willesden: “Do you and your neighbours help each other in any way?” Analysed by population density areas. Housewives

Density (Persons per acre) Yes No No answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Less than 125 59 39 2 813 100
125 - 149 63 37 - 279 100
150 - 174 60 37 3 172 100
175 and over 51 47 2 184 100
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 858 59 567 39 23 2 1448 100

Willesden: “Do you and your neighbours help each other in any way?” Analysed by economic group of the chief wage earner. Housewives only

Economic Group Yes No No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Up to £4 a week 50 48 2 234 100
Over £4 - £5 10s. 63 35 2 587 100
Over £5 10s. - £10 59 40 1 471 100
Over £10 59 41 - 140 100
No answer - - - 16 -
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 858 59 567 39 23 2 1448 100

Willesden: “Do you and your neighbours visit each other at home?” Analysed by year of first coming to Willesden. Men and women

Year first came to Willesden Yes No No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Before 1900 18 80 2 306 100
1900 - 1918 22 77 1 731 100
1919 - 1930 23 77 - 652 100
1931 - 1939 25 74 1 706 100
1940 and after 16 83 1 670 100
No answer - - - 11 -
ALL MEN AND WOMEN: 648 21 2394 78 34 1 3076 100

Willesden: “Do you and your neighbours visit each other at home?” Analysed by population density areas. Housewives

Density (Persons per acre) Yes No No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Less than 125 26 72 2 813 100
125 - 149 19 81 - 279 100
150 - 174 17 80 3 172 100
175 and over 21 77 2 184 100
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 335 23 1090 75 23 2 1448 100

Willesden: “Do you and your neighbours visit each other at home?” Analysed by economic group of chief wage earner. Housewives only

Economic Group Yes No No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Up to £4 a week 15 83 2 234 100
Over £4 - £5 10s. 23 75 2 587 100
Over £5 10s. - £10 25 73 2 471 100
Over £10 32 68 - 140 100
No answer - - - 16 -
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 335 23 1090 75 23 2 1448 100

Willesden: “How often do you visit the cinema?” Men and women, analysed by marital status

Frequency Single Married TOTAL
No. % No. % No. %
More than once a week 23 12 13
Once a week 34 33 33
1, 2 or 3 times a month 18 19 19
Less than once a month 15 16 16
Never go 7 20 18
No answer 3 - 1
ALL MEN AND WOMEN: 469 100 2607 100 3076 100

Willesden: “How often do you visit the cinema?” Men and women, analysed by age

Frequency 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 & over No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
More than once a week 26 11 13 8 4 - 13
Once a week 39 39 35 32 17 - 33
1, 2 or 3 times a month 18 22 20 18 15 - 19
Less than once a month 8 14 17 20 25 - 16
Never go 7 13 15 22 39 - 18
No answer 2 1 - - - - 1
TOTAL ALL MEN AND WOMEN: 635 100 823 100 635 100 480 100 475 100 28 100 3076 100

Willesden: “How long does it take you to get to the cinema?” Men and women

Time No. %
Under 8 minutes 36
8-12 minutes 32
13 - 17 minutes 17
18 - 22 minutes 7
23 - 27 minutes 2
28 - 32 minutes 3
33 - 57 minutes 2
58 minutes and over -
No answer 1

Willesden: “How often do you visit the theatre?” Men and women, analysed by age

Frequency 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 & over No Answer TOTAL
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
More than once a week - - - - - - -
Once a week 5 3 5 3 - - 3
1, 2 or 3 times a month 22 14 15 14 5 - 14
Less than once a month 36 42 42 43 30 - 39
Never go 35 40 38 40 65 - 43
No answer 2 1 - - - - 1
ALL MEN AND WOMEN: 635 100 823 100 635 100 480 100 475 100 27 - 3076 100

Willesden: “How long does it take you to get to the theatre?” Men and women

Time No. %
Under 8 minutes 2
8-12 minutes 3
13 - 17 minutes 6
18 - 22 minutes 11
23 - 27 minutes 9
28 - 32 minutes 33
33 - 57 minutes 31
58 minutes and over 4
No answer 1

Willesden: “How long does it take you to get to the dance hall?” Men and women

Time No. %
Under 8 minutes 8
8-12 minutes 15
13 - 17 minutes 15
18 - 22 minutes 16
23 - 27 minutes 8
28 - 32 minutes 18
33 - 57 minutes 12
58 minutes and over 4
No answer 4
Proportion Entering 6.30 - 8.00 8.00 - 9.00 9.00 - 10.00
% % %
Staples Corner 53 35 13
Cricklewood Broadway 50 31 20
Quex Road 20 49 30
Kilburn High Rd. Stn. 44 32 24
Harrow Rd./Kilburn Lane 64 24 12
“Chippenham” 40 33 27
Harrow Rd./Scrubbs Lane 65 25 10
Acton Lane/N. Acton Rd. 36 34 32
Acton Lane/Park Royal Rd. 56 32 12
Harrow Rd./N. Circular Rd. 45 37 17
Kingsbury Lane/Blackbird Cross 34 46 19
Proportion Entering 6.30 - 8.00 8.00 - 9.00 9.00 - 10.00
% % %
Staples Corner 54 33 13
Cricklewood Broadway 46 36 17
Quex Road 36 38 25
Kilburn High Rd. Stn. 21 50 29
Harrow Rd./Kilburn Lane 37 41 22
“Chippenham” 22 53 24
Harrow Rd./Scrubbs Lane 44 42 13
Acton Lane/N. Acton Rd. 53 38 10
Acton Lane/Park Royal Rd. 48 38 14
Harrow Rd./N. Circular Rd. 57 24 16
Kingsbury Lane/Blackbird Cross 36 43 20

Willesden: “How long have you been in your present job?” Analysed by sex

Period in Job Men Women
No. % No. %
Less than 6 months 8 14
6 - 11 months 7 8
1 - 4 years 21 43
5 - 9 years 16 17
10 years or more 44 14
No answer 4 4
TOTAL: 1142 100 597 100

Willesden: “How long have you been in your present job?” Men, analysed by age

Period in Job 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 or more No Answer
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Less than 6 months 14 10 5 4 2 -
6 - 11 months 16 9 6 2 3 -
1 - 4 years 34 24 18 14 10 -
5 - 9 years 20 17 15 14 18 -
10 years or more 15 37 54 61 57 -
No answer 1 3 2 5 10 -
WORKING MEN: 188 100 363 100 270 100 216 100 97 100 8 -

Willesden: “How long have you been in your present job?” Women, analysed by age

Period in Job 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 or more No Answer
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Less than 6 months 22 17 8 3 - -
6 - 11 months 10 9 5 7 - -
1 - 4 years 47 36 45 41 - -
5 - 9 years 17 19 19 13 - -
10 years or more 2 14 20 32 - -
No answer 2 5 3 4 - -
ALL WORKING WOMEN: 202 100 145 100 150 100 75 100 20 - 5 -

Willesden: Time taken to get to place of work. Working men and women, excluding those living on work premises

Time taken No. %
Under 8 minutes 14
8-12 minutes 14
13 - 17 minutes 13
18 - 22 minutes 11
23 - 27 minutes 4
28 - 32 minutes 17
33 - 57 minutes 18
58 minutes and over 5
Varies 3
No answer 1
TOTAL: 1655 100

Willesden: Time taken to get to place of work, analysed by form of transport. Working men and women, excluding those living in work premises

Time taken Form of Transport
Bus or trolley bus Underground Other trains Bicycle Own car Walk Others No answer
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Under 8 minutes 5 1 2 21 - 43 - -
8-12 minutes 10 3 5 27 - 27 - -
13 - 17 minutes 13 3 9 25 - 17 - -
18 - 22 minutes 14 7 6 12 - 6 - -
23 - 27 minutes 6 6 5 4 - 2 - -
28 - 32 minutes 24 20 25 6 - 2 - -
33 - 57 minutes 18 46 28 4 - 1 - -
58 minutes and over 7 11 20 - - - - -
Varies 2 2 - 1 - 1 - -
No answer 1 1 - - - 1 - -
TOTAL: 727 100 227 100 86 100 161 100 62 - 343 100 42 - 7 -

Willesden: Time taken to get to place of work, analysed by occupation. Men and women, excluding those living on work premises

Time taken (minutes) Prof. and Tech Super. and Manag. Clerical Shop Assts. etc. Skilled workers Semi-skilled workers Unskilled Self-employed No answer
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Under 8 minutes 9 14 8 20 13 18 14 - -
8-12 minutes 12 12 11 14 16 14 16 - -
13 - 17 minutes 11 6 8 16 16 13 20 - -
18 - 22 minutes 6 11 9 9 12 8 15 - -
23 - 27 minutes 7 3 4 5 5 8 3 - -
28 - 32 minutes 10 14 20 19 17 17 16 - -
33 - 57 minutes 28 25 33 10 9 17 11 - -
58 minutes and over 9 8 7 4 7 3 2 - -
Varies 7 5 - 2 4 1 2 - -
No answer 1 2 - 1 1 1 1 - -
TOTAL: 127 100 132 100 224 100 308 100 439 100 130 100 229 100 55 - 11 -

Willesden: “Do you like or dislike your journey to work, or don't you feel strongly about it?” Men and women, analysed by length of journey

Time taken Like it Indifferent Dislike it No answer Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Under 8 minutes 52 44 1 3 236 100
8-12 minutes 40 56 3 1 231 100
13 - 17 minutes 33 57 8 2 221 100
18 - 22 minutes 27 62 11 - 173 100
23 - 27 minutes 29 57 14 - 77 100
28 - 32 minutes 19 63 18 - 273 100
33 - 57 minutes 13 47 40 - 278 100
58 minutes and over 3 46 51 - 91 100
Varies - - - - 57 100
No answer - 1 - - 18 -
TOTAL: 452 27 863 52 264 16 76 5 1655 100

Willesden: “Do you like or dislike your journey to work, or don't you feel strongly about it?” Men and women, analysed by form of transport used

Transport Like it Indifferent Dislike it No answer Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Bus, trolley bus, tram 19 59 20 2 727 100
Underground 22 47 29 2 227 100
Other trains 9 64 27 - 86 100
Bicycle 34 53 10 3 161 100
Walk 53 43 2 2 343 100
Own car 3 4 2 - 62 100
Other means - - - - 42 100
No answer - - - - 7 -
TOTAL: 452 27 863 52 264 16 76 5 1655 100

Willesden: Size of Household, analysed by Type of House preferred

No. of Persons in Household Detached House Semi-Detached House Terraced House Self contained Flat Don't mind Don't know No answer Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 person household 12 9 4 62 - 4 9 84 100
2 person household 39 30 3 25 - - 3 350 100
3 person household 45 36 3 14 - - 2 377 100
4 person household 37 42 5 11 1 1 3 324 100
5 person household 45 35 5 9 1 - 5 166 100
6+ person household 44 33 9 7 2 - 5 147 100
ALL HOUSEWIVES: 576 100 488 34 63 4 251 17 11 1 7 - 52 4 1448 100

Type of House preferred in a New Town by Economic Group

Detached House Semi-Detached House Terraced House Self contained Flat Don't mind Don't know No answer Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Up to £3 22 27 2 39 - 2 8 216 100
Over £3 - £4 32 30 5 26 - - 7 199 100
Over £4 - £5 10s. 34 39 6 14 1 - 6 1261 100
Over £5 10s. - £10 45 36 3 10 1 - 5 1027 100
Over £10 54 15 1 15 - 1 14 335 100
No answer - - - - - - - 38 -
TOTAL: 1211 40 1032 34 123 4 469 15 16 - 15 - 210 7 3076 100

Marital Status by Type of House Proffered

Status Detached House Semi-Detached House Terraced House Self contained Flat Don't mind Don't know No answer Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Single 35 25 4 23 - 1 12 469 100
Married 42 36 4 11 1 - 6 2354 100
Widowed 24 24 4 35 1 3 9 253 100
TOTAL: 1211 39 1032 34 123 4 469 15 16 1 15 - 210 7 3076 100

Preference for Renting or Buying a house in a New Town by Economic Group

Rent Buy Don't know No answer Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Up to £3 73 17 3 7 216 100
Over £3 - £4 71 21 2 6 199 100
Over £4 - £5 10s. 61 32 1 6 1,261 100
Over £5 10s. - £10 48 45 2 5 1,027 100
Over £10 30 55 2 13 355 100
No answer 24 47 3 26 38 100
TOTAL: 1668 54 1150 37 56 2 202 7 3,076 100

Amount of Rent willing to pay in New Town by Economic Group
(Those who said they wished to rent a house in a new town)

Economic Group
Up to £3. Over £3. - £4. Over £4. - £5. 10s. Over £5. 10s. - £10. Over £10. No answer Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Less than 10/- per week 9 2 1 1 - - 33 2
10/- - 14/- per week 31 14 10 5 - - 172 10
15/- - 19- per week 23 28 32 20 4 - 430 26
20/- - 24/- per week 19 35 34 35 17 - 519 31
25/- - 29/- per week 4 14 13 20 8 - 232 14
30/- - 34/- per week - 4 4 11 14 - 111 7
35/- - 39/- per week 1 - 1 1 11 - 26 2
40/- and over 1 - 1 3 37 - 56 3
Don't know 11 3 4 4 9 - 88 5
No answer 1 - - - - - 1 -
TOTAL: 159 100 142 100 769 100 490 100 99 100 9 - 1668 100

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