A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46








iii) Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

iv) Urban.........Y


v) Occupation vi) Sex viii) Age ix) Economic Group (Wage rate of C.W.E.)
Housewife 1 Male Y 14-17 0 Up to £3 1
Agriculture 2 Female X 18-24 1 Over £3-£4 2
Mining 3 25-34 2 Over £4-£5.10 3
Factory 4 vii) Status 35-44 3 Over £5.10-£10 4
Bldg. Trans. Pub. Util. 5 Single 7 45-54 4 Over £10 5
Clerical 6 Married 8 55-64 5
Distributive 7 Widowed & Divorced 9 65 & over 6
Miscellaneous 8
Prof. & Manag. 9
Ret. & Unocc. 0

x) Occupation of C.W.E. .........

xi) If Married, Widowed or Divorced, have you, or are you responsible for any children aged under 15 years? Yes.........1 No.........0

xii) Do you

a) Drive a car, lorry, bus etc? 2
b) Ride a motor-cycle? 3
c) Ride a bicycle? 4
d) Does not drive or ride a motor-cycle or pedal cycle? 5

1)What do you think about the problem of road accidents? Would you say the problem was serious or not serious? If serious, would you say it is very serious, or fairly serious?

Very serious....1 Fairly serious....2 Not serious....3 Don’t know....4 N.A.....Y

a) Have you heard about the Highway Code? Yes....1, No and doubtful....2.

2) Have you noticed any advertisements or publicity about road dangers in the last 4 months?

Yes 1 No or doubtful 0 N.A. Y

a) If Yes, where have you seen or heard about them?

Newspapers, Magazines 2
Posters, boardings, placards 3
Films 4
Radio 5
Others e.g. Exhibitions, demonstrations 6
Don’t know

3) To All Have you seen any posters about Road Dangers?

Yes 1 No or doubtful 0 N.A. Y

4) To All Have you seen any advertisements in newspapers or magazines about Road Dangers?

Yes 2 No or doubtful 3 N.A. X

5) If Yes to On 3 Qn. 4. Can you remember the slogan?

Remembers 4 Does not remember 5 N.A 6

6) If Yes to Qn.4. Can you remember what one of the newspaper advertisement you saw was about? Can you describe what happened or what the advertisement showed?

( Ring code for one advertisement only ).

Can’t remember only 0

Remember A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Advertisement B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


7) To those who have seen advertisement:

Can you remember which of these you have seen?

Remembers seeing:- None 0

Nos. a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

8) To those who have not seen advertisement:

This is what they were like. Can you remember having seen any of them?

Now remembers:- None 0

Nos. a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9) To All What do you think about the style of the new advertisements? Or What do you think about the new kind of advertisement?.........

10) To All Do you think they are better or worse for the purpose of calling people’s attention to road dangers than the old ones?.........

Better 1 Worse 2 Same 3 No option 4 N.A. Y

a) If Better or Worse: Why?.........

11) To all who have seen advertisements or posters:

Do you think this publicity is making you more careful with regard to road dangers, or, is it having no effect on you?

More careful 1 No effect 2 Always was careful 3 Doubtful 4 N.A. Y

12)Do you think you yourself always take sufficient care when crossing roads?

Yes 5 No or doubtful 6 N.A. X

a) If no or doubtful: In what particular circumstances do you think you are apt to be careless?

13) To all responsible for children under 15:

Have you heard about “Kerb Drill”? Do you know what it is?

Knows 1 Does not know 0 N.A. Y

a) If Yes, If you have any children aged three or more do you teach it to them, or, if they are taught about it at school, do you talk to them about it?

Yes 2 No 3 No children of 3 years of age or more 4 N.A. X

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