A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46



Question 1 - The amount consumed.

Question 2 - The meals at which potatoes are served.

Question 3 - The ways in which potatoes are prepared.

Question 4 - Which kinds of potatoes are liked best.

Question 5 - Was the quality of this year’s potatoes considered good or bad?

Question 6 - Was the Government’s publicity on “Use More Potatoes” noticed?(If so, was their advice followed?)


1. A rough estimate indicates that on an average 6 - 6 1/2 lbs. of potatoes are consumed in the household by a person during the course of a week.

2. 89% of the housewives in the sample serve potatoes regularly at midday, 62% serve them for the main evening meal, and 12% serve them regularly for breakfast.

3. 54%of the housewives serve potatoes more than once a day. More housewives in the upper than in the lower income group serve potatoes twice a day (80% - 71%). This difference is more marked at breakfast-time than at any other meal. More families with children than without serve potatoes “more than once a day”.

4. Housewives were asked in which way they served potatoes in the previous week. As one would expect the great majority (87%) had boiled them, and a large number served them mashed (65%) or as. chips (62%) - this includes bought chips. A relatively small proportion (29%) had cooked potatoes in their jackets, but a surprisingly large number (53%) served them in potato soup. These percentages do not represent the frequency with which potatoes were served in different ways during the week. Certain regional differences stand out. In the north and north-east less women serve chips and cook potatoes in their jackets, but more boil them than anywhere else. In the south-east more housewives use potatoes in stews, soup and made-up dishes than in the other regions. Families with children (71%) serve more chips than those without children.

5. Golden Wonders are the most popular kind, and after these, Kerrs Pinks.

6. 59% of the sample considered the quality of last year’s potato crop was good.

7. 97% had noticed the Government’s publicity for their campaign to use more potatoes instead of bread, but only 43% thought that this suggestion could be carried out.


Question 1 - The amount consumed

In an inquiry as this, it is difficult to arrive at the exact amount consumed by a person in a given time. The informants could only give rough estimates of how many pounds of potatoes they used per week. Taking these approximate statements as a basis for calculation, it would seem that the average consumption is round about 6 lbs. per person in a week.

The number of housewives who do not serve any potatoes is so small that it is disregarded throughout the report.

Question 2 - The meals at which potatoes are served

Table 27

When do you serve potatoes?

Breakfast Midday Main Evening Others
% % % %
Regularly 12 89 62 11
Occasionally 20 4 25 13
Never 60 5 11 55
No answer 8 2 2 21
SAMPLE 1536 1536 1536 1536

The overwhelming majority of women serve potatoes regularly for the midday meal, and more than half for the evening meal. Regularly Occasionally Never No answer

Analysis by income

Slightly more housewives in the upper than in the lower income group serve potatoes for breakfast.

Table 28

When do you serve potatoes? Breakfast

Over £5 £3.12 - £5 £2.10. - £3.12. Up to £2.10.
% % % %
Regularly and occasionally 38 30 26 24
Never 55 63 67 72
No answer 7 7 6 4
SAMPLE 382 563 347 216

Over half the housewives serve potatoes more than once a day.

Table 29

When do you serve potatoes ? - More than once day

Regularly 54
Occasionally 21
Never 12
No answer 13
13 14

Question 3 - The ways in which potatoes are served

Table 30

In what ways did you serve potatoes last week?

Boiled 87
Mashed 65
Chips 62
Soups 53
Fried 37
Jackets 29
Stews 25
Made up dishes 17
Baked 17
Salad 1
Other 15

The outstanding facts which emerge from this table are the relatively small number (29%) who cook potatoes in their jackets, and who use them in made up dishes other than stews (17%). A surprisingly large number (53%) made potatoes soup, and a relatively large number (62%) served chips, although this includes bought chips. It should be emphasised that the table does not show the frequency with which potatoes were served in different ways during the week.

Analysis by region

Table 31

In what ways did you serve potatoes last week?

West East S. East N. East
% % % %
Boiled 87 78 88 100
Mashed 65 48 84 65
Chips 64 57 68 48
Soups 52 43 63 60
Fried 40 32 25 43
Jacket 32 28 27 18
Stews 25 23 32 21
Made up dishes 12 19 31 23
Baked 11 20 16 25
Salad 1 1 1 -
Others 18 19 14 8
SAMPLE 614 338 376 208

All housewives in the north and north-east boil their potatoes, but fewer do them in their jackets or make chips than elsewhere.

In the south-east more housewives use potatoes in soups, stews and made-up dishes than in other regions.

On the whole, housewives in the south-east use more varied methods of serving potatoes than do those in the other regions, especially in the east.

Analysis by families with and without children

Table 32

In what ways you serve potatoes last week?

With Children Without Children
% %
Chips 71 53
Stews 29 23
Soup 59 49
SAMPLE 719 816

Families with children serve more chips, stews with potatoes and potato soup than those without children. There are no differences between these two groups in other ways of serving.

Analysis by working and non-working housewives

Table 33

In what ways did you serve potatoes last week?

Working Not Working
% %
Chips, including bought chips 69 60
Boiled 80 88
Mashed 55 68
Jackets 22 29
Soup 49 55
SAMPLE 214 1318

Chips are more often served by working housewives, bought chips are included here whereas all the ways of preparing potatoes which involve more work are more often used by non-working housewives.

Analysis by family size

Table 34

In what ways did you serve potatoes last week?

1 & 2 3 4 5 & over
% % % %
Chips 47 63 68 71
Soup 47 51 57 61
SAMPLE 456 393 290 396

Housewives with larger families serve potatoes as chips and cook them in soup more often than do those with smaller families, which confirms the results given in the table on this page for families with and without children.

Question 4 - Which kinds of potatoes are liked best

Table 35
Golden Wonders 47
Kerrs pinks 22
Red Soil 4
Others 7
Not answered 20

Golden Wonders are clearly the kind liked best .Kerrs Pinks are the only other brand of any popularity.


Question 5 - was the quality of this year's potatoes considered good or bad?

Table 36

What do you think about the quality of the potatoes on the market now?

Good 59
Bad 14 31
Discoloured 6
Diseased 6
Sprouting, soft 2
Others 3
No answer 10

The majority of women considered that the quality of last year's potato crop was good. As there is no comparable material available, it is impossible to judge whether this figure indicates high or low satisfaction.

Question 6 - Was the Government's publicity on “Use More Potatoes” noticed? If so, was their advice followed?

Table 37

Have you noticed Government suggestions to eat more potatoes instead of bread?

Yes 97
No 2
No answer 1

The Government was very successful in getting across its message to use more potatoes. Nearly everybody had noticed its publicity. Whether people have acted on this advice cannot be properly estimated by means of such an investigation as this, and could only be shown by consumption statistics. However, in order to have some indication as to how people reacted to the Government's suggestion, the following question was asked:-

Table 38

Do you think it is possible to use more potatoes instead of bread?

Yes 43
No 48
No answer, or does not know 9

About half of the people who had any opinion on this question thought that it is possible to eat more potatoes, the others did not think so.

Of those who did not think they could increase their potato consumption, half gave as their reason the fact that they already used a great amount of potatoes, or that they used very little bread in any case. The others said that they did not like potatoes much, that they preferred bread, that they had not time to cook potatoes, they could not eat them due to health reasons, or that they had to take packed lunches with them for which potatoes were unsuitable, etc.

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