A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46


The Questionnaire


New Series No.37


Region: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 0 X Y


Occupation Pre-war Occupation if different Urban Y Rural X
Housewife Y Housewife Y Male 0 Female 1
Factory Heavy X Factory Heavy X
Light 1 0 Light 1 0 Age 14 - 17 2
Light 2 1 Light 2 1 18 - 38 3
Agriculture 2 Agriculture 2 36 - 40 4
Miner 3 Miner 3 41 - 45 5
Building & Trans. 4 Building & Trans. 4 46 - 45 6
Managerial &Professional 5 Managerial & Professional 5 Over 65 7
Clerical 6 Clerical 6 N.A. 8
Distributive 7 Distributive 7 Married Y
Retired & Unoccupied 8 Retired & Unoccupied 8 Single X
Miscellaneous 9 Miscellaneous 9 Widowed 0
Exact occupation now: Children: 0 - 4
Skilled Y Semi-skilled X Non-skilled 0 Non-Manual 9 5 - 14
Economic Group 1 2 3 4 5 D.N.A. 8
N.A. 7
Occupation of Head of House
Over 14
No Children:
Total in Family
Education Group:
Elementary 2
University 3
Central or Public, or Secondary or Technical. 4
Others 5
N.A. 6


1. Did you see a morning paper yesterday?

2. Which paper? Did you buy it yourself, did one come into the home or did you see somebody ‘s copy?

Buy See Somebody’s Came into house
Daily Express Y Y Y Y
Daily Herald X X X X
News Chronicle 0 0 0 0
Daily Mail 1 1 1 1
Daily Sketch 2 2 2 2
Daily Mirror 3 3 3 3
Daily Telegraph 4 4 4 4
Daily Worker 5 5 5 5
Times 6 6 6 6
Local and Provincial 7 7 7 7
Other 8 8 8 8
Which other
Those who saw morning paper To those who did not see morning paper
3. Was this what you wanted? Why didn’t you see a paper?
Yes Y Don’t read papers 3
Don’t mind which paper X Couldn’t get one wanted 4
Couldn’t get one wanted 0 None came into house 5
N.A. 1 N.A. 6
D.N.A 2 D.N.A. 7


4. How often do you see a morning paper?

Every day 4
Most days 5
Some days 6
Don’t see papers 7
N.A. 8

To those who see morning papers

5. Do you usually see the same paper or different papers from day to day?

Usually the same 3
Different 4
N.A. 5
D.N.A. 6


6. How often do you see an evening newspaper?

Every day Y Most days X Some days 0 Don’t see 1 N.A. 2

Do you buy it yourself, see somebody’s copy or does a copy come into the house?

Buy 3 See somebody’s 4 Comes into house 5 N.A. 6

7. How often do you see a local weekly or bi-weekly paper?

Regularly Y Sometimes X Never 0 N.A. 1

Do you buy it yourself, see somebody’s copy or does a copy come into the house?

Buy 2 See somebody’s 3 Comes into house 4 N.A. 5

8. Did you see a newspaper last Sunday?

Which newspaper? Did you buy it yourself, see somebody’s copy, or see a copy which came into the house?

Buy See somebody’s Came into house
News of the World Y Y Y Y
People X X X X
Sunday Express 0 0 0 0
Sunday Chronicle 1 1 1 1
Sunday Dispatch 2 2 2 2
Sunday Pictorial 3 3 3 3
Sunday Graphic 4 4 4 4
Reynolds 5 5 5 5
Observer 6 6 6 6
Sunday Times 7 7 7 7
Empire News 8 8 8 8
Others 9 9 9 9
Which others
Those who saw paper last Sunday Those who didn’t see paper last Sunday
9. Was this what you wanted? 10. Why didn’t you see a paper?
Yes 1 Don’t read papers 6
Don’t mind which paper 2 Couldn’t get one wanted 7
Couldn’t get one wanted 3 None came into house 8
N.A. 4 N.A. 9
D.N.A 5

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