A History of the Ministry of Information, 1939-46

31 32 33

Questions 1 and 2

Breakdown by Town



Large Towns

Nothing One Sort Two and Three Sorts More than Three Sorts Total
% % % %
Glasgow 24 10.1 25 10.5 99 41.8 89 37.5 237
Dundee 39 32.5 22 18.3 41 34.2 18 15.0 120
Preston 5 3.0 10 6.0 70 42.2 81 48.8 166
Bradford 9 5.3 22 13.0 89 53.5 50 28.2 170
Warwick 6 5.3 12 10.5 56 49.1 40 35.1 114
Birmingham 20 10.6 42 22.4 81 43.1 45 23.9 188
Northampton 11 6.5 8 4.7 83 49.1 67 39.6 169
Bristol 2 1.2 7 4.1 116 67.8 46 26.9 171
London 15 3.2 32 6.9 220 47.3 198 42.6 465
Total: 131 180 855 634 1,800

Small Towns

Nothing One Sort Two and Three sorts More than three sorts Total
% % % %
Stirling - - 4 3.4 84 70.6 31 26.0 119
Darwen 3 2.9 11 10.6 80 75.9 11 10.6 105
Pontefract 6 4.5 20 14.9 81 60.4 27 20.2 134
Ebbw Vale 39 33.4 35 29.9 30 25.6 13 11.1 117
Bury St. Edmunds 4 3.3 10 8.3 73 60.3 34 28.1 121
Basingstoke 3 2.5 5 4.2 57 47.9 54 45.4 119
Tiverton 8 6.7 11 9.2 70 58.3 31 25.8 120
Total: 63 96 475 201 835

Rural Areas

Nothing One Sort Two and three sorts More than three sorts Total
% % % %
Stirling - - 3 7.5 33 82.5 4 10.0 40
Preston - - 3 10.0 16 53.3 11 36.7 30
Darwen - - 1 7.1 9 64.3 4 28.6 14
Bradford - - 3 15.0 8 40.0 9 45.0 20
Pontefract 1 2.5 3 7.5 27 67.5 9 22.5 40
Warwick 3 6.0 9 18.0 29 58.0 9 18.0 50
Northampton - - - - 16 40.0 24 60.0 40
Bristol 1 2.5 1 2.5 34 85.0 4 10.0 40
Ebbw Vale 5 22.7 7 31.8 7 31.8 3 13.6 22
Bury St. Edmunds 2 4.3 7 14.9 22 46.8 16 34.0 47
Basingstoke 2 4.0 1 2.0 35 70.0 12 24.0 50
Tiverton 2 3.9 7 13.7 25 49.0 17 33.4 51
Total: 16 45 261 122 444

Questions 1 and 2 Breakdown by Town and Materials

Town Urban or Rural Total PAPER
Regularly Sometimes Never
% % %
Hammersmith Urban 89 70 80.0 10 11.3 9 8.7
Battersea Urban 100 57 57.0 22 22.0 21 21.0
Hornsey Urban 137 124 90.4 1 0.9 12 8.7
Merton & Morden Urban 139 117 83.9 8 5.7 14 10.4
Glasgow Urban 237 186 70.6 21 10.4 30 19.0
Stirling Urban 119 114 95.8 1 0.8 4 3.4
Rural 40 39 97.5 - - 1 2.5
Bristol Urban 171 159 92.9 - - 12 7.2
Rural 40 37 92.5 2 5.0 1 2.5
Ebbw Vale Urban 117 60 51.3 27 23.1 30 25.6
Rural 22 11 50.0 6 27.3 5 22.7
Bradford Urban 170 126 74.1 12 7.1 32 18.8
Rural 20 14 70.0 1 5.0 5 25.0
Pontefract Urban 134 103 76.9 3 2.2 28 20.9
Rural 40 30 75.0 2 5.0 8 20.0
Preston Urban 166 139 83.7 3 1.8 24 14.5
Rural 30 25 83.0 1 3.5 4 13.5
Darwen Urban 104 71 68.3 6 5.7 27 26.0
Rural 14 13 92.6 - - 1 7.4
Northampton Urban 169 137 81.0 15 8.9 17 10.1
Rural 40 39 97.5 1 2.5 - -
Bury St. Edmunds Urban 121 101 83.5 1 0.8 19 15.7
Rural 47 38 80.9 - - 9 19.1
Birmingham Urban 188 131 69.7 23 12.2 34 18.1
Warwick Urban 114 93 81.6 5 4.4 16 14.0
Rural 50 31 62.0 - - 19 38.0
Tiverton Urban 120 104 86.7 9 7.5 7 5.8
Rural 51 44 86.3 1 1.9 6 11.8
Basingstoke Urban 119 103 86.5 2 1.7 14 11.8
Rural 50 35 70.0 3 6.0 12 24.0
Dundee Urban 120 71 59.1 29 24.2 20 16.7
Total: 3,078 2,422 78.7 215 7.0 441 14.3
Town Urban or Rural Tota BONES FOOD WASTE
Regularly Sometimes Never Regularly Sometimes Never
% % % % % %
Hammersmith Urban 89 48 55.8 17 17.2 24 27.0 75 84.2 1 1.2 13 14.6
Battersea Urban 100 40 40.0 14 14.0 46 46.0 54 54.0 7 7.0 39 39.0
Hornsey Urban 137 83 60.7 23 16.7 31 22.6 121 88.4 2 1.6 14 10.0
Merton & Morden Urban 139 64 44.3 16 13.2 59 42.5 109 78.8 4 2.5 26 18.7
Glasgow Urban 237 117 49.0 30 13.0 90 38.0 183 77.6 16 6.4 38 16.0
Stirling Urban 119 73 61.4 5 4.2 41 34.4 27 22.7 2 1.7 90 75.6
Rural 40 11 27.5 - - 29 72.5 17 42.5 2 5.0 21 52.5
Bristol Urban 171 89 52.1 25 14.6 57 33.3 164 95.9 1 0.6 6 3.5
Rural 40 16 40.0 9 22.5 15 37.5 38 95.0 1 2.5 1 2.5
Ebbw Vale Urban 117 16 13.7 5 4.3 96 82.0 51 43.6 6 5.1 60 51.3
Rural 22 4 18.2 1 4.5 17 77.3 15 68.2 - - 7 31.8
Bradford Urban 170 71 41.8 16 9.4 83 48.8 121 71.0 14 8.2 35 20.6
Rural 20 11 55.0 2 10.0 7 35.0 18 90.0 - - 2 10.0
Pontefract Urban 134 39 29.1 11 8.4 84 62.5 87 64.6 1 1.0 46 34.4
Rural 40 13 32.5 2 5.0 25 62.5 35 87.5 1 2.5 4 10.0
Preston Urban 166 95 56.5 12 8.0 59 35.5 143 85.0 3 3.0 20 12.0
Rural 30 11 37.0 2 16.5 14 46.5 25 83.0 1 3.4 4 13.6
Darwen Urban 104 47 45.2 20 19.2 37 35.6 78 75.0 3 3.0 23 22.0
Rural 14 4 28.7 1 7.3 9 64.0 14 100.0 - - - -
Northampton Urban 169 79 46.7 14 8.3 76 45.0 138 81.6 2 1.2 29 17.2
Rural 40 22 55.0 2 5.0 16 40.0 38 95.0 - - 2 5.0
Bury St. Edmunds Urban 121 57 47.1 17 14.1 47 38.8 71 58.7 1 0.8 49 40.5
Birmingham Urban 188 57 20.3 30 16.0 101 53.7 109 57.9 12 6.4 67 35.6
Warwick Urban 114 47 41.2 7 6.1 60 52.7 83 72.8 6 5.3 25 21.9
Rural 50 10 20.0 5 10.0 35 70.0 38 76.0 1 2.0 11 22.0
Tiverton Urban 120 53 44.1 11 9.2 56 46.7 76 63.3 4 3.3 40 33.3
Rural 51 21 41.2 7 13.7 23 45.1 45 88.3 4 7.8 2 3.9
Basingstoke Urban 119 58 48.7 10 8.4 51 42.9 106 89.1 1 0.8 12 10.1
Rural 50 12 24.0 - - 38 76.0 38 76.0 3 6.0 9 18.0
Dundee Urban 120 34 28.4 33 27.5 53 44.1 49 40.8 29 24.2 42 35.0
Total: 3.078 1321 43.0 352 11.4 1405 45.6 2202 71.5 128 4.2 748 24.3

Questions 1 & 2: Breakdown by Age.

Under 30 30 - 50 Over 50 Not Answered Total
% % % % %
PAPER Regularly and Special Containers 292 74.3 1413 81.5 673 75.6 45 71.4 2,423 78.8
Sometimes 24 6.1 119 6.9 62 7.0 10 15.9 215 6.9
Never 77 19.6 201 11.6 155 17.4 8 12.7 441 14.3
METAL Regularly and Special Containers 278 70.7 1267 73.1 621 69.8 42 66.7 2,208 71.8
Sometimes 40 10.2 215 12.4 115 12.9 6 9.5 376 12.2
Never 75 19.1 251 14.5 154 17.3 15 23.8 495 16.0
BONES Regularly and Special Containers 129 32.8 783 45.2 381 42.8 29 46.0 1,322 42.9
Sometimes 52 31.2 199 11.5 94 10.5 7 11.1 352. 11.4
Never 212 54.0 751 43.3 415 46.7 27 42.9 1,405 45.7
FOOD WASTE Regularly and Special Containers 264 67.2 1286 74.2 608 68.3 44 69.8 2,202 71.5
Sometimes 14 3.6 77 4.4 34 3.8 3 4.8 128 4.2
Never 115 29.2 370 21.4 248 27.9 16 25.4 749 24.3
RAGS Regularly and Special Containers 38 9.7 168 9.7 80 9.0 7 11.1 293 9.5
Sometimes 38 9.7 231 13.3 135 15.2 54 85.7 458 14.9
Never 317 80.6 1334 77.0 675 75.8 2 3.2 2,328 75.6
RUBBER Regularly and Special Containers 8 2.0 63 3.6 24 2.7 4 6.3 99 3.2
Sometimes 31 7.9 155 8.9 63 7.1 3 4.8 252 8.2
Never 354 90.1 1515 87.5 803 90.2 56 88.9 2,728 88.6

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